TR MAX Lock Down Ability Not Counterable in Building

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeverWas, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. TehBenju

    yes, these tactics require up to 5 people..... to counter 5 enemies (by your own admission 3 maxes and 2 engies) and requires resources (like the 300 inf resources spent on maxes)

    that sounds BALANCED: takes 5 to kill 5. why on earth should one pubbie alone be able to hard counter 5 coordinate players?
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  2. Jeno

    Somehow this sounds as if you expect to get along alone vs 3 maxes and 2 engineers. And all of VS keep telling, that you shouldn't approch ONE zoe alone. So maybe do the same thing? some folks argue yous hould get at least 4 people per zoe max, so you should, well counter with 14 folks, if engineers count for one. Or take 3 maxes.
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  3. NeverWas

    well if you really really want to put it this way, zoe max got nerfed in the upcoming patch, should lockdown max be nerf too then ?
  4. rickampf

    Massive zerg Terran zerg...? I like this game because it is about huge battles with thousands of soldiers and vehicles, the Terrans have sinergy with unity, brace yourself.

    And our maxes dont insta gibb... the NC max can insta gibb you without even aim to your head... cause they have shotguns, big ones. The VS max are so ridiculously fast... its a pain in the ***, very difficult to hit cause de adad.

    You are complaining about stationary maxes with support... three maxes with engies against 1 light assault, you are so badass, you think you could engage a squad of engies and maxes alone, man... this game is about teamwork, if you like the kind of Rambo style of play... there is a lot of games out there.
  5. Meeka

    As someone said previously.


    MAXes are not meant to be a 1v1 situation... you generally need 3-4 people to handle 1 MAX.
  6. Radec594

    AT grenades; mines; C4 from behind the corner; Decimator spam; or you know, simply flanking them..

    I'm sure the list goes on, good try though.
  7. GSZenith

    go noob tube, kill the medics > engi and watch the maxs flee.
  8. Jestunhi

    5 TR killed 1 VS when he walked into the fire of 3 TR MAXs?

    NERF TR!
    • Up x 5
  9. Badname0192

    No ZOE outside of VS warpgate.

  10. SlyHix

    I never thought I would see a thread about Lockdown being OP against infantry much less a light assault. I would say learn to play but I think as soon as the idea for this thread popped in to your head you should have done that yourself... You should have thought to yourself, 'wow three MAXes in a room maybe I shouldn't go in solo,' but instead you though 'wow, three MAXes in a room shooting in one spot all at once, they are OP.' This compiled with the fact that all rooms have more than one door and your enemy literally CANNOT MOVE and you have C4. I have no problem with people saying lockdown and bursters are OP since, yes, bursters are OP before lockdown. Lockdown plus everything else is terrible since you cannot freaking move, just kill your completely stationary target from behind, it's not like they can see you back there or get away.
  11. pada0

    Grenade Bandolier + anti vehicle grenades
  12. Rhapsody

    So-Far as i know. The one and only place that does NOT have any other way into it but 1, are buildings which have no tactical purpose (i.e. there's nothing inside that you need to get to such as generators and capture points)

    So what building were they in?.. Why couldn't you have simply gone over to a window that they couldn't see from their vantage point and shoot them in the back? or use a LA and jump up onto the roof and come down behind them?

    The thought of using Concussion and Flash-grenades are a good idea, so its using AV Grenades on a locked-down TR MAX. But, its only effective if you go in threw a way they are NOT already facing after you throw those grenades.

    So again. The biggest question is, Where were they located at, and why didn't you try to flank them, or if they were not in a 'needed' building (again, control or generator room) why didn't you simply bypass them?
  13. LibertyRevolution

    As a TR mercy lockdown max, I can tell you the OP speaks truth.
    I have been telling people to lockdown in a corner and just fire at the doors of a point room since it went live on the test server.

    Concussion nades wont work, because we are not moving anyways, we are spamming the doors.
    Normal nades don't work because you can't get them into the corner from outside the room..
    Rocket launchers don't work because you can't survive long enough to fire it.
    Smoke doesn't work because we don't care if we can see you, we are spamming the door.
    You cannot flank us, 180º from the corner covers the whole room..

    The only way I have seen us get killed is by a aegis shield max pushing the room with a fire team behind it.

    So as VS, good luck, you are doomed. I have not been killed by a VS while in lockdown corner point camping yet.

    If any VS have an actual counter for this situation, I would love to hear it.
  14. Rhapsody

    Again, most areas have at-least 2 ways in. If there are 2 locked-down maxes in both corners, facing both doorways Throw a pair of Flashbangs/concussion grenades then go in 'both' doors at once with multiple people. Even if the first 1 or 3 die, their bodies (before they fall) will block bullets for those behind them. After that, just fire 3-4 decides at each locked-down MAX the moment your fire-line is clear.. MAX's will be dead, then rez your own dead and move on.

    Fighting Locked-down MAX's in PS2 is actually easier than fighting them in PS1 thanks to light-assaults having jetpacks. (it use to be only VS could easily flank TR's MAX's now both VS and NC can.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    concussion nades and flashbangs don't work.. we are spamming the doors, we don't need to see or move..
    We are standing on an ammo pack, just holding mouse 1, pressing R now and then..
    I have had 6 guys rush a room I am corner camping and just mow them all down while they rush through the door..
    180º covers the whole room from a corner, only thing to my back is walls, and there is a ceiling above my head, no worry of LA c4..

    Your answer of throwing a squad at 1 guy is not really an answer..
    If I am tying up a squad alone, the rest of my squad is taking back the other 2 points..
  16. Rhapsody

    If they are only throwing Infantry at you, then your going to kill some of them as they come threw the door, but if they put AV/charge equipped maxes into the mix after the concusion/flash-bangs go off, You won't be able to turn fast enough to kill the maxes before they overwhelm you.

    As for the 1 person tying up an entire squad. Thats a sad fact of PS2 being designed 'for' the CoD / BF crowd instead of sticking to the roots of PS1. The game is designed for 1-person taking on everyone. 1-man-army MBT's can tie up quite a few people in a building at almost any base, 1 SF can do the same, Even some enterprising Lib pilots can solo-gun their lips over buildings. And as you say, 1 max in a corner can do it as well.

    There may be times where you need to throw a squad at a well dug in person, but the tactics to do so, do exist.
  17. Cinnamon

    1. Plant c4 on nc max
    2. Activate fancy shield thing
    3. ?
    4. Profit

    Can't imagine in what world zoe being a counter to this is though. If anything this is the counter to zoe, mass concentrated fire to bring them down before they cause too much trouble.
  18. Phyr

    So TR can lockdown a room, but nobody cares because you can counter it. NC could lockdown a room and everyone losses their mind.

    Trying to understand women would be simpler then figuring out these forums.
  19. CrashB111

    TR can lock down a room by rooting themselves in place and losing all mobility, and still not having the ability to one shot enemy MAX suits or infantry like NC was.
    NC was locking down rooms while still having full freedom to sprint out at any given time + the ability to one shot enemies of any class MAX or otherwise.

    On Topic:
    Makes me think of how many VS I might've been making rage one day at a Crown fight, I was lockdowned in the corner of the balcony near the landing area from the jump pad at C. With 1 engi on me I kept mowing down VS as they landed on the pad with nowhere to run to, even LA were stuck flying into the dual mercy hail.
  20. Rhapsody

    Second correction:
    TR can lock down a room by rooting themselves in place and losing all mobility, and still not having the ability to one shot enemy MAX suits or infantry like NC was. I have never, ever, seen an instance of a NC MAX 1-shotting any other MAX. Also, while you're griping about them being able to 1-shot infantry... just how much damage do they do to infantry at RANGE, compared to how much a even non-locked-down TR or VS MAX can do at range? The NC MAX may be good and mobile when in close-quarters, but thats the 1 and only place they are any good at.

    As for the Camping of a landing-pad. There's ways around that.. mainly the underbarrel grenade launchers, Missile Launchers, and Anti Vehicle grenades, all fired/thrown while airborne. Sure it takes a bit of timing + skill.. but ive cleared out camping infantry + MAX's that way. Could also simply call in a brave SF pilot to shell the area with missles prior to people landing.