
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, May 31, 2013.

  1. QuartzBear

    Hmmm... Did they fix the issue with prox mines detonating on the other side of doorways? One of the advantages I see about the claymore is that you can ensure LOS (and therefore maximum damage), whereas I've had a lot of bouncing betties go off as I'm entering a room, only doing partial damage. (Good for me in that case, but I think you get the idea.)
  2. Darkard

    LOL! What strengths?!?!
    It has the same damage, Only triggers in a 45 degree angle at the front, and only does damage on a 50 degree angle at the front. It stands up out of the ground and bright green lasers protruding out of it.

    Tell me what its strengths are you clown.

    Yes, because you can't hide proxies or bettys around corners. OH WAIT YOU TOTALLY CAN!. They have the same trigger radius as a claymore but 360 degrees rather than 45.

    Asymmetrical balance does not mean 2 factions get a fully working mine and one gets half a mine.
    Asymmetrical balance would be that the other 2 have some design flaw such the NC mine doing more damage but a smaller blast radius for example.
    Right now the TR mine is a straight up downgrade.
  3. Ranik

    The amount of people in this thread defending the claymore is just pathetic. It apparently has nothing but downsides compared to the other AP mines. Asymmetrical balance is not done where 2 sides have the exact same thing and one side has a severely gimped version.

    If you want asymmetrical balance then give the 45* cone a larger blast radius and higher damage. If you can't agree to that? Stop talking.
  4. Hoki

  5. GhostAvatar

    The only superior thing? How is that, since it does the same damage over the same distance?

    Put the bouncing betties/proximity mines in the same good placement as you would for claymores, then yield better results than the claymore ever would. Same blast damage and blast range, but full 360 degree blast radius and trigger. The only inferior thing about bouncing betties and proximity mines are the users. They have gotten lazy in their placement, since they are not forced to by the mechanics of those mines.
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  6. Marinealver

    It is not. maybe I should have switch from superior to advantage, and a small advantage at best.

    Technically you could place one at point blank and as long as you are behind it you wont die in the blast. But that sort of advantage is miniscule at best and completely stupid on normal situations. The delay means the target has time to escape and also you would be running away from the area to keep from getting caught anyways so there is no advantage really.
  7. TheArchetype

    I'd say it's an advantage. With the same range and a false indicator that makes you think you can simply avoid the "line of sight" of the claymore, it might make people ignore them more.

    Anyways, my position has always been remove claymores/prox/betties because it's a OHK no skill weapon.
  8. llPendragon

    I played this game for about 3 months before I even knew what a Proximity Mine looked like. I had never been able to pick one out of the background. I had to create a VS character just so I could look at one and try to remember what to look for.
    On the other end of that spectrum, I laughed the first time I saw a Claymore. They don't blend into anything in the entire game. o_O

    If it is simply a question of being different and faction specific, than the VS and NC mines should be re-skinned to be as obvious as the TR claymore. If not, then the TR claymore needs to be made flat and have it's color changed to something that will allow it to blend as well as the VS/NC mines.
  9. moooosa

    I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw green lasers from one of these things.
  10. OrbitalNZ

    I personally don't want a re-skin of the other faction mines.
    The main reason is that they tend to get used within bases and the NC/VS mine color actual adds them in this setting helping them to blend in.

    If i was looking at a buff for claymore I would like to be able to spike them into any surface.
    ie the game has enough logic to know that if i place it on a the side of a door frame the trigger should place the detector facingt he opening.
  11. Tricky

    Raise your graphics settings. Anything above medium shows them.
  12. moooosa

    They are High.
  13. CrashB111

    Making mines deployables is the worst idea you can implement, then the only places we would be able to place them is indoors on flat ground with no allies running around breaking the little green box at our feet. It is hard enough to find that 1 perfect path of ground so I can drop my ammo.
  14. CrashB111

    Except that this is not the same argument as what you are making though.
    NC and VS both have the same mine, TR is the only one different with an inferior product.
    So 2 out of 3 factions get the same thing, while the 3rd is left out in the cold.

    Everything you listed is Empire Specific and has a counterpart that is better in some function than its factional counterparts. (excluding ZOE right now, because that is just broken till they adjust it).
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  15. Greddy

    This, and the fact you can use it to counter chaser, if you had some on your back, run around a corner, place a claymore, stand behind the claymore and be ready to defend yourself against your chasers. Knowing that you will be okey from the blast. You cant do the same thing with BB or PM.

    Another example is pointdefense in towers, you can place 2 claymores in point-A room covering the doors, without you also getting killed in the same room.
  16. Spoprockel

    You can drop the other mines in the same way, you don't even have to turn around to make it face in the right direction.
    Just keep running until you're out of the blast radius, then turn around to face your chasers.
    I've been hunting quite a few TR infiltrators around rocks who tried that trick, just to be warned by the green lasers, poking boldly around the next corner.
    If the visible lasers are indeed a bug and they fix them eventually it will be a different story.

    If you use the other mines in a point-A room you can just wait outside, listen for the explosion and then rush in to finish whatever enemy is left. Maybe throw in a grenade first to cause some panic.
    If they had flak armor or there's more than one chances are they'd kill you anyway if you were waiting inside that small room with no place to hide.

    I can also place my NC/VS mine in front of a turret, then crawl around to the outer side and hack it.
    I'll be more exposed though, and chances are high a friendly tank shell will end my hacking attempt, so i'll admit that the claymore has an edge in this scenario.

    If the claymores blast radius stays like this they could at least improve the damage so they can shred through the first 3 or 4 ranks of flak armor.