PS2 No place for small outfits anymore. (getting boring)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nariquo, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Nariquo

    I dont know if it is only my people.
    but we are a 100 man outfit but we quite often fighting with 2 max 3 squads and it is getting boring.

    we try to play very tactical. we prepare us for the big attakes but there is just no light.
    we defend a base with 3 squads with nc maxes which are coverd with engis.
    we have phoenixes medics and and and
    we prepare streets and hills with mines
    and what happens.
    we get the first 5 tanks and 3 sunderers and
    we get farmed from the other 10 tanks libs and esf. and are locked into the spawn.
    then we redeploy to the next base and the same is starting from the beginning.

    even worse if you fight against the vanu. i dont care if the new ability is op or not.
    it is just fact. if a 3 vanu maxes with nebula and glowing pink enter a room you are dead.
    if 3 nc maxes with scatter enter a room well you are not dead.

    so what can we do.
    we change continent to have nice small fights. but really ghost capping is boring.
    the only time we can play is early in the morning or very late at night.
    i know planetside is a game for big battles.
    but most of the time the bigger faktion wins you cant do anything against it.
    and you need an unpersonally 100 or 300 man outfit to achiev something.
    thats just boring sorry.

    ps: i m nc on woodman.
    and i dont blame tr or vanu because i know many of them . i blame the game. it is bad designed
  2. Konfuzfanten

    3 scatter MAX's in one spot = the sun goes black and the server dies. As NC you should just be very very quiet about MAX balance. In 5 month you can start saying that you think the vanu MAX might need a very very slight rebalance.

    If you got 2-3 squads you can pretty easily make a huge impact in any battle. Thats around 10 2/2 heavy tanks with 1-2 ammo sundies or instant death to any vehicles from your lock-on launchers.

    With 2-3 squads you should be able to impact any battle if you concentrate your forces.
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  3. Nariquo

    thats the only thing you read rigth?
    oh vanu max op but nc has better max bla bla bla.
    really that isnt the topic of the thread.

    and yes you it should be right that with 3 squads you should do a lot of impact.
    but on my server you dont.
    there is the vanu zerg , and there is the tr zerg.
    so you have two options. go with the nc zerg( which isnt really well good) or you are dead.
    the onyl thing we can really hold are biolabs. the rest is getting farmed
  4. Konfuzfanten

    Unless your server is unique, then its simply because you dont use the tools you have at your disposal.

    You got 24-36 ppl, on voice comm, you can coordinating weapon and vehicle setups, thats an insane amount of fire power. Its instant death to any vehicle, ground or air, that comes within 500 meters because of lock-on launchers and engi turrets.

    If you are getting overun with enemy tanks go pull 10 heavy tanks with a few AA MAX's in 1-2 sundies behind or even easier:
    Go to the nearest friendly base pull a few sundies, get everyone together, setup on a hill nearby the enemy zerg and slowly creep towards the enemy zerg with AA MAX's and HA with anni's out.
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  5. GoldenDeath

    I started writing a long bit about this and realized...
    I don't even know what you are complaining about to be honest...Other than MMO's suck because there are lots of people.
  6. PaperPlanes

    Small outfits can still do stuff. Try being a solo most of the time. Especially a solo pilot. On VS. On Waterson. Welcome to Hell.
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  7. XOLiD

    Stop typing like you're making a poem.
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  8. Nariquo

    i know i know.
    most of the time we have 24 people in ts.
    but you cant defeed a 60 till 100 man zerg with 24 people. you can do damage to them. but you simply cant win. maybe 10 % of the war if they are really noobs.
    but on woodman tr and vanu has the biggest outfits with the best organisation. we really try hard. and we play sonce 6 months. we have good certed classes and vehicles.
    i can kill 8 esfs before i die with my reaver for example. i can hold against 3 prowlers with my vanguard. and my mates in my outfit can do the same, but most of the time we are just overun!
  9. Kogmaw


    and my outfit is still insignificant in numbers, and i feel our usefulness other than a few more numbers has really been snubbed out on Indar. However im sure in the future there will be other objectives that small squads/outfits can role out with better precision.

    just have to give it time. Just enjoy the farm fest for what its worth until they toss us a different bone
  10. bodmans

    let me get this straight. you call a 100 man outfit small, you only got 2-3 squads up at primetime(which means you got less than 40% activity)...

    and a static defense being tactical is? ambush them on the way to the next base, idk be creative.

    hahahaHAHAHAHAhahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahahahahh...haaahhh... sigh...
    no but srs, you youre not dead when (2X3shotgunsX3MAX=18 shotguns) enter a room? dream on
  11. PaperPlanes

    Perhaps. Personally I want to just change servers. Let Waterson rot, let PREY continue to think their 8v1 gank squadding makes them elite pilots, let DVS zerg every Bio Lab in the game, let the TR dominate the numbers and continue to think it's their tactics instead of their numbers that are allowing them win.

    It's just not fun anymore, especially as a pilot knowing how common it is to pull a Scythe or Lib and know you won't last more than 5 minutes before one of those wolfpack gank teams finds you.
  12. BloodyPuma

    Its all about organization, good leadership and coordination. Im Vanu from Woodman rolling with IP. We never ever have more then one platoon. usually 2-3 squads, and we have good opinion of guys that "get the **** done". We got other good Vanu outfits on woodman - but they have the same problem as we - never more then one platoon - usualy 1-3 squads.
    There is only one big Vanu outfit - but its the zergfit. TR, NC got their zergfit too.

    IMHO - 2-3 squads is the sad reality for 95% of outfits. Just keep going guys! Coordinate, concentrate and try to enjoy. Efficency will come with pracitce in new lattice-reality. Heck - i sometimes lonewolf and for me first 2 days of lattice was a horror - now I love it. Adapt and it will become dandy.
    What is the name of your outfit?
  13. Jrv

    This guy is complaining about 3 squads being unable to make an impact?

    Sounds like we've got a classic case of bad.
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  14. Ganelon

    Woodman TR pretty much operates on small outfits. Our biggest outfit has ~300 members as opposed to the bazillion members G0DS and KotV have.
  15. Kogmaw

    Thats for sure. I know Briggs is one of the few servers with a higher VS pop and might not necessarily need more, but i prefer flying there so much more. Sure the TR still pull out their Strikers every time a cloud moves funny, but on Briggs they are at least kind enough to focus on the ground combat first instead of your meaty ***.

    And i loath those wolfpacks: dogfight, awesome. oh, two now? i think i have a! where the **** are these things coming from?! Where did those other two guys go? Aw Sweet! Strikers right on Que. *le boom*

    but guess ill just be waiting for server tokens...
  16. Nariquo

    gods is just a mega outfits with no organisation just nothing.
    they dont teach their members...
    and since the crown is nerved you dont see them anymore
  17. LahLahSr

    This is one of the whinier threads to come along in a while - mostly because that's all it is.

    Make a suggestion as to how it should be fixed perhaps?
    1) Forced population balance on servers?
    2) Remove the lattice system so small groups can attack tertiary targets while the zergfits are bumbling along?
    3) Make all territories possible to capture at all time to open things up?

    I dunno..something. Just complaining about the effect of being vastly outnumbered without any solution is going to accomplish what exactly?
  18. Nariquo

    gods is just a mega outfits with no organisation just nothing.
    they dont teach their members...
    and since the crown is nerved you dont see them anymore
  19. FateJH

    The trick to squad play is that squads focus on holding individual objectives steadfast regarding the influence of the larger friendly force. This does diffuse your ability to do everything but then you [probably don't have the power to do that if you're complaining in ther first place. In cases where the skirmish remains small, go about your business normally; when it starts building up, attract the attention of more allies and then focus efforts on small-scale sucesses ("keep the horizontal generator down," "guard the back doors," "stay on the point," "enemy tanks incoming; get AT ready on the north side of the base," "guard the Sunderer until a replacement for that other one shows up," etc..) and do not permit deviation.

    If it sounds like I am saying "don't 'squad lone wolf'," I am saying "don't 'squad lone wolf'." You must operate in the larger gestalt of your faction's efforts on a continent (or lane) as a conherent group and accept that fact that you can't accomplish everything. It's no better than being a bunch of "pubbies" who can also chatter in the background. Even decent platoons operate on squad-specific priorities ("Delta, <do this>").
  20. PaperPlanes

    I have 3 alts all in their 20s on Connery, that server is insanely fun. I notice people on all 3 factions there are not afraid to charge into fights, there is a lot more aggressive gameplay and the VS don't feel so totally outnumbered. The only problem there is my ping, but it's manageable. I made those alts cause I have random west coast friends I play with sometimes.

    As for the tokens, they're still slated for June. We'll see how much they cost and see what restrictions are placed on them...but I am thinking Waterson VS won't be allowed to buy them since people leaving just makes the situation worse.
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