
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, May 31, 2013.

  1. ShayeUK

    this has been beaten to death since beta and SOE hasn't done anything. give up.
  2. Marinealver

    Then explain the current weapon selection and with the exclusion of the new AV weapons (the planetside 1 ports and new MAX weapons) and I will show you the definition of boring. All the weapons look the same style in each category and to be honest function the same across their empire counterparts (some even a direct stat match)

    yeah TR is getting shafted with the claymore and the prowler. As of now the only superior thing the claymore has is to use it as a point blank insta kill shotgun for infiltrators. Other than that it is worse then the other 2 anti-personnel mines which are just reskined versions of themselves.
  3. ShayeUK

    this had been beaten to death since beta and SOE hasn't done anything. give up.
  4. Luighseach

    I find good placement of Claymores to be more effective than bouncing betties/proximity mines. Nothing inferior about them.
  5. Zar

  6. Zar

    lol funny never seen tr cloakers rush into vs or nc ranks to drop a proxy mine and kill 5 people huh >.> that must be because they are bugged and only explodes one way... once its fixed you are are right.
  7. Radec594

    Balance and fairness > design.

    So yes, you missed the point.
  8. Luighseach

    They work just as well if you do it right. Does it need to change yeah why not but is the Claymore inferior, No. I have seen a Claymore blow and kill 5 guys because the guy put it next to a wall and got most of the room. Does it take more skill to use, Yes. Does it work just as well, Yes. Is it inferior, No.

    FYI I have seen someone do this. I have seen an Engineer sneak up behind guys and use a Claymore this way. Be surprised what you can do when you stop looking at its limitations and start actually using its strengths.
  9. Macchus

    claymores work fine on other games .... just deal with it ...
  10. illgot

    Never saw a VS or NC lay two mines back to back on a transpot pad and kill two separate groups of people.

    I love my claymores. I put them right next to me facing out to protect my rear.
    • Up x 1
  11. LahLahSr

    The directional nature of the blast on the claymore makes it safe to stand close to, as long as you are behind it.
    Granted, this advantage does not outweigh it's disadvantages and I'd choose the omnidirectional charge any day.
  12. Sebastien

    OP was complaining that the TR Prox mine is not omnidirectional.
    OP wants it to be like the VS/NC Prox mine

    If we do it like that:
    I want the Mosquito
    I also want ZOE
    I want Mercies on my MAX
    I want Lock-down on my Vanguard
    I want no damage degradation on my weapons
    I want a Rocket Launcher that is pin point accurate
    Just slap it all in the NC skins, nobody will notice.

    I want a lot of things, but I believe symmetrical balance will ruin the game.
    • Up x 1
  13. isLA

    i was under the impression they have larger range and detonation radius to compensate for its directional blast, guess not....
  14. fuzzbuket

    so being able to hide it round conrenrs? such a disadavantage.

    also ive not seen a laser for about 6 months.
  15. Aragato

    The only plus I can see the Claymore as having, by the video, is that the lasers disappear on low graphics settings.
  16. Rhiaci

    Whats wrong with wanting the same blast range on the Claymore as the other Factions mines? 6m vs 3m. I don't find that unreasonable. Or keep it at 3m but increase the damage.

    Your want's are somewhat unreasonable though.
  17. Sebastien

    How is it unreasonable? Just make all the faction weapons and vehicles the same, except with different skins. It's much easier to balance that way.
    And I never said "don't change damage/range". All I said is "don't make the blast omnidirectional".
  18. Roarboar

    Even tho it must be admitted that the green lasers of the claymore do stick out, at least dont make it so obvious in the video that your opinion is biased. When you demonstrated how the mines blend in with the environment, you took a different approach to entering the building when you were demonstrating the visibility of the claymore. Whereas with the bouncing betty and proximity mine you were hugging the wall before you made a hard turn into the building, you approached the building from a completely different angle when you demonstrated the claymore, naturally making it easier to see. Having approached the building from the same angle as with the claymore, you would have seen the BB and PM in time as well.
  19. Rhiaci

    Sorry, sloppy reading on my part.

    I don't want them omnidirectional either, but I'd like to be on the same turf as everybody else where area of effect is concerned.
  20. redsevenski

    Personally I like the fact that they are directional. Obviously I'd never say no to more damage or greater range but I don't want them to be omnidirectional. They have uses that the others don't.

    One of the reason I enjoy this game is the asymmetrical approach to balance - I don't want the same as everybody else.