ROFL, here are your results of population from the latest release.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Di Caprio, May 30, 2013.

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  1. Leo Di Caprio

    People aren't even interested anymore as the usual spikes this game gets every time you make a large patch.

    Why did this happen? test server must be saving them the grief of what is about to come.

    Good job guys, at least you aren't at 50k again.
  2. Withnail

    I'm confused... Why are you here?
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  3. Leo Di Caprio

    As of today, to have fun in forums.

    As of last week to play this game.
  4. Withnail

    So you're posting in a forum of a game you no longer play... Call me an idiot but that seems more than a little backward.
  5. Van Dax

    And you get confuse and upset when they delete your threads lol
  6. Leo Di Caprio

    Call it a strike, how does that sound?
  7. RF404

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  8. Dervishkid

    i think he really bad at PS2 and this somehow gives him that Revenge he needed to feel ok about him self.

    at least it seems like that to me. why would anyone post something like that anyway?
  9. Leo Di Caprio

    There is no confusion, after seeing the current population, I shouldn't even be blaming SOE for making them disappear, what else can they do but sweep things under a rug?

    Their introduction of a friend's suggestion to help the meat playing ground is going to backfire in ways you will never imagine because the intention is not what they think will boost this game's population, see, they think that by making this game infantry only they will save this game when in reality, what has to be done is what they ignored for ages, and still they will ignore it some more.

    No salvation.

    At this point, I am only going to have fun.
  10. Leo Di Caprio

  11. RealityWarrior

    I can say I doubt the accuracy of that chart. I was on primetime last night and Matherson was rocking. According to that nonesense there was less than 800 per empire on line. I saw huge battles by all 3 teams all night long. Tons of targets, honestly too many to win. We capped a point and tried to move to the next only to to have to fall back and defend our new point 3 times before finally capping the target. Then when we tired to move on to the next it happened again.

    We had at least 3 areas that I personally saw with 48+ enemies and 48+ friendlies and numerous 12-25 for both too.

    There is no way those numbers are accurate.
  12. Dervishkid

    Ahh i see now,
    your a LOLpodder who can;t deal with all the new AA so you came in to whine about it.
    ahh that was rude of me.
  13. Leo Di Caprio

    No, I do A2A for the sake of the newbs near me who cannot fly.

    But your ideal is wonderful, keep going we need more pod demonizing and more nerfs to it, it has led us to this point, might as well keep going.
  14. RF404

    So what exactly are you hoping for? That you will be able to bring SOE down on their knees by making a bunch of incoherent posts on their forum?

    Good luck with that. :rolleyes:
  15. Leo Di Caprio

    Since SOE is covering things up, I am only hoping to have fun posting.

    Incoherent... that word is too big for you, line paste me incoherent.
  16. Withnail

  17. MrForz

    Looks like someone have an immense grudge against the game itself, the community, the developpers.
  18. MFP_TK_01

    I thought the OP was going to stop making threads. You just can't take anybody at their word anymore.
  19. TintaBux

    Instead of all being bullies and attacking the op, how about discuss the issue at hand? That the population of PS2 is suffering of a result of the game breaking updates/balances/performance etc etc.

    Its real data from in game, you can't be more accurate.
  20. Leo Di Caprio

    But I love bullies, specially those paid for their ignorance who know no bounds on how much harm they do to this game or how they will even manage to get rid of someone like me.

    They excite me.

    Last time I saw a friend lead a crusade through these forums, the game went lulz.

    Yes, SOE, lulz like the dear guys who hacked you.
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