We wouldn't have a lattice if...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZoeAlleyne, May 29, 2013.

  1. ZoeAlleyne

    People didn't farm ghost caps and zergs did not avoid each other so that they can ghost cap. I mean come on on Connery at least the biggest outfits from all three factions still avoid each other and ghost cap Esamir and Amerish. What is that the NC is warp gated? Where are the Devil Derps? Ghosting Amerish makes sense. We have a lattice because people avoided playing the game to farm certs to continue avoiding fights to farm more certs, a loop of infinite fail.
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  2. Twitch760

    Lets remove exp for ghost capping then it wouldn't be that hard to code. If you encounter no resistance at a base then you should not get any exp.
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  3. Vanus Aran

    Wrong. You blame it on the wrong side of the coin.

    Because people had been to lazy to go and extinct the everywhere attacking people in a coordinated fashion and dont wanted to get their camper-***** moving. But the war is waiting for no one and the lazy lion is silently sneaked around to. Only the early tiger catches the prey.
    People got what they deserved and they have yet to get more of it.

    Lets remove xp for killing-assists then as well.
    Play your way but please dont get rewarded for it, okay?
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  4. zib1911

    you pissed of a ghost capper, this thread has potential.
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  5. Paisty

    The last few nights the fun big fights have been on Esamir and Amerish, at least on Waterson.

    Maybe some people just don't want to to play the lattice.
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  6. Crazyfingers

    It's faulty to blame the player base for a game's ills. If people aren't playing the game "right", it's a lack of nudging from the games rules and features to get them where they need to be that are at fault. Why do people ghost cap? Because of that friggin' big flashy overlay that pops up afterwards that makes them think they're accomplishing more than they are, and because capping doesn't scale with the actual ammount of contention. Again we see game features inadequetly rewarding players for doing stupid ****, even if that reward is purely visual and audial.

    To this day the spawn system is garbage, there is little to no communication of where players should go, and no systems to facilitate a good head to head fight. Not only does it serve no purpose, but spawning in planetside 2 is clunky and annoying as hell. I mean honestly do i need to tactically decide where i need to spawn every god damned death? It's a joke. Imagine if this were you know... a fun game, and it actively put me where I could make the game more enjoyable for everyone without long wait times or clumsiness or at the very least, how about the map actually gives some friggin' information and isn't so clunky that i can relatively easily make that decision myself.
  7. Vanus Aran

    Strange I played under the impression those fights had been everywhere.
    Duels... brawls between 10 people. Brawls between 20 or 30 people. But this mindless complete overzergs are just silly.
    No - those gigantic zergbattles had been GREAT as long as they had not been forced upon everyone.
    The last days they became a plague as they are not the only thing giving one certpoints.

    Still going deep into enemy territory? Hacking and destroying turrets and terminals? Bases with much stuff are not numerous and in general there is no way of playing right or wrong.
    Lattice excinct fights that afforded brain. It extinct skillful confrontations.
    Worse as ever before its only zerging now.

    Head to head fights? Dont make me laugh. I think 80% of all the people im fighting dont even want to face me.
    Lattice is stupid and Against stupidity even gods fight in vain.
  8. Latrodectus

    Who are these people who make more certs from ghost capping then they do on the front lines?
  9. Twitch760

    In my humble opinion the lattice just takes away from any strategic planning and just caters to the zerg. Sure it generates huge fights but if you look at the history of warfare (yes I'm going to site actual human history here) most wars are thought through small scale actions scattered across the countryside. Occasionally huge armies would clash eg. Gettysberg during the Civil War but over all it was fought through much smaller engagements.
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  10. UberBonisseur

    Guys, guys, I've made a discovery; ready ?

    Killing infantry with an average TTK of 0.75s earns 100xp
    Capturing an outpost with an average timer of 4 minutes earns 250xp

    Thus we can deduce ghost capping is not a reliable source of XP and you'd better throw yourself in a Biofarm.

    In other words:
    Ghost capping = baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
    Meatgrinders = goooooooooooooooooood

    I can understand if you say "ghost capping is annoying", but keep on using that "easy certs" argument and I'll club your spine out with a baby Seal.
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  11. Crazyfingers

    @Twitch760 I'm sorry but part of me snaps whenever someone brings up actual warfare in a game forum.

    This isn't a war simulator, this is a game. Any mental resources spent thinking about how war is fought, rather than what makes a game fun, is absolutely wasted.

    "War... war is hell.", and not in a cool gaming sort of way. It's literally a horrible event that everyone f*cking hates, why would you emulate it in a product meant to be fun? War is about planning, outmatching your enemy, employing tactics that let you win and take all play out of the occasion. It's inherntly unfun and meant to exact only 1 thing, victory. I would liken a lot of the negative aspects of planetside to this very same notion, that playing purely to win ruins the game and there aren't enough faculties in place to make the game fun despite everyone trying for this one goal.

    War is the exact ******* opposite of a good game.
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  12. Twitch760

    Remove all benefit for doing it and no one would bother ghost capping. It's the folks that are more concerned with their KDR that are afraid to get into a fire fight. Either that or remove KDR as a stat altogether.
  13. Machine Spirit

    too be honest, I like lattice for the one reason you stated, it makes clashes more frequent which is why I play PS2, if I wanted a mindless squad vs squad shooter I'd be playing games less significant in size, plus I absolutely hate ghost capping, its annoying and frustrating when you look at the map and you notice a base ll the way back in your area is being capped by some random group, especially tech plants and bio-labs of the like, at first I was stupid enough to try and defend but now I don't even bother anymore.

    but I can also see the flip side of the coin for some of you, what I do not see though, Is why anyone would want the old hex version back, it was dull compared to this lattice version.

    so long story short, I hope they continue, with some tweaking this lattice version could be amazing to everyone, I must admit however that it seems like most people want a Call of Duty experience, which I certainly dont.
  14. Macchus

    i love the way you worded your post . :cool:
  15. UberBonisseur

    You're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not:

    A hero
  16. Vanus Aran

    You are the coward hiding behind tons of allys, afraid to face ME by yourself.
    And even then this would be a rare scene. There are always 2 more allys or enemys near.

    Get your lazy flesh moving and earn your hexes! GHOSTCAP yourself if you think its so overpowered.
    You just cannot stand the thrill it brings to do this! Being afraid a big group of people shows up last minute and you cant defeat them.
    Or can you? Less numbers mean the element of surprise too.

    You are just a weakling not suited for war.
  17. Oheck

    When you look at the lattice, it is essentially a board game with varying paths to take. Sure its fun for a while but eventually the same pathing from one base to the next will get stale.

    It takes away from the fog of war aspect of the hex, where you aren't entirely sure where the enemy is going to go next. Its far to easy now to predict enemy movements. I sat a couple nights ago and watched as TE DECIMATED an armor column of 20+ tanks, sundies because all you have to do now is look at the map, and that lattice shows clearly at times, intended enemy movments. So they waited...and 30 seconds later, an entire armored zerg was wiped out.

    The outfit i'm in did the same. Looked at the map, saw the enemy had only one option on the lattice to move to next..so we waited in that tower...and sure enough, up the road they came..and we wiped out that armored group as well.

    Sure sure, "but dude, you can still flank and attack from behind yadda yadda..etc"..but we know what your TARGET is. The lattice told us.

    I think its a limiting feature. The same old lattice will eventually get stale, going the same routes. Seeing nearby bases that you can't divert to, unless you go back 3 bases, pass go, collect 200 dollars......

    The battlefield should be more flexible then this. The real focus should have been on making resources of strategic importance. Transportable. Every base in the network having a pool of resources, which once depleted, starts losing its defensive capabilities. The larger the zerg, the faster the depletion, which means supply drops, or runs from backline bases, or from the warpgate itself.

    But....the game seems to be taking a road to being simplified versus made more complex. They said they wanted to start with Battlefield on steriods and progress into a more metagame Planetside 2. Does anyone really see that happening? I just don't think the lattice is going to deliver that for us.
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  18. St0mpy

    ghost capping can easily be dealt with, its such a minor and easily managed issue

    as for zerg avoiding zerg, ive answered this better in another place, but in a single line, if theres some natural reason why they want to avoid direct confrontation, and SOE force them into that, surely people will just log out having no other choice of big battle TM or nothing?

    is that good?

    isnt it better having players inworld at least fighting sometime, smaller battles but still having fun, and buying hats, rather than force everyone into unnatural intense situations suitable only to a subset, with the only alternative being log out?
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  19. St0mpy

    why is it as soon as lattice is mentioned a group of selfish idiots feel they need to threadcrap with garbage intended to create arguing?

    That is exactly why so many threads on lattice devolve into pages of stupid bickering instead of discussing alternatives.
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  20. St0mpy

    oops, double posting noob at work :eek: move along to the next post, nothing to see here