ZOE Max is Destroying Small Squad Combat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TekDragon, May 29, 2013.

  1. Somisary

    Just been in VR. You can't take an MBT down in 3 seconds. Not even from behind. Reload speed matters apparently :(
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  2. sindz

    Its not true, the game doesnt work liek that, you are pulling numbers out of your ***.
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  3. GhostAvatar

    You do realise that you are doing nothing for this debate but making yourself look like an *** to the general public. This isn't going to win people over in your favour and only get more crying. With more crying comes nerfs like the Magrider had. So you are doing nothing but fueling the fire for a greater nerf.
  4. Xind

    I think more people are laughing at you for calling what is blatant abuse of the system "strafing."

    If this game had no issues with Ping, okay.
    If this game had no issues with frame rate, okay.
    If this game had a smooth movement left and right instead of a very jittery one, okay.
    ADADADADAD is in no way skillful and does not demonstrate any sort of methodology of movement utilized in actual combat.
    I literally kill people without being HIT when I spam ADADADAD, it's not because I magically become more skillful, it's because the game doesn't allow their bullets to contact my model because it doesn't know where my hit box is at the time.
  5. sindz

    I don't really care what people think. The OP stated that you can kill a MBT or any tank for that matter in 3 sec, I pointed out you couldnt, I went to VR and tested, still couldnt. And even with this, you come in and say "what numbers, he didnt post any". So im afraid I don't care about your post since its irrelevant.
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  6. Nocturnal

    A ZOE comet max kills a sunderer in 8.6 seconds and thats how you destroy small squad combat.
  7. TekDragon

    Then assuming that the reload and RPM figures are wrong, exactly how long does it take you to rear shot a MBT?
  8. Yil

    Still waiting for the made up numbers on the other MAX's, OP! :eek:
  9. sindz

    As I already posted and you totally dismissed:
    vanguard from rear: (no shield) 6,5~ sec

    Vanguard side: 14~ sec

    Lightning from rear: 4~ sec

    Lightning side: 6~ sec

    Prower rear: 6~sec

    And these numbers are point blank, you cant spam shots so fast in a real setting, since the cof/bloom doesnt allow you to stay on target instantly.
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  10. Pengalor

    I just did some VR testing and I'm not getting anywhere near those results. I hate the ZOE too but I'm not seeing it here.
  11. Yil

    Lets not muddle this with facts. The OP says a ZOE MAX can take down an MBT in 1.5 seconds and I for one believe him.
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  12. Pat Cleburne

    ZOE max is destroying platoon combat as well. Try taking a biolab full of these things. You need about t two platoons vs one minimum.
  13. Yil

    Sound logic there. Except for the part where it isn't.
  14. mina5

    "strafing" on infantry is different than on VS MAX .... so thats why A & D mister (or miss) internet police
  15. Somisary

    Against a vanguard:

    12 shots to the rear armour
    24 shots to the side armour

    The reason your numbers are off is because it isn't 100% for the side armour and 240% for the rear armour. Can't find the exact figures at the moment, but http://www.ps2calc.com has the information on it somewhere.
  16. ShadowAquilaX

    Ok I know y'all probably don't give a flying rat's rear end about Lore, but the TR/NC MAX look like a dude inside a suit. When as the VS MAX is a dude. A genetically nanite modified alien-looking dude. The VS are the foremost experts in Nanite genetics research. They invented Nanites rebirth before spliting from the TR.
    Why shouldn't it move faster then yours?

    For once I got in my MAX and had a decent 1v1 battle (no engies) with an NC shield ****-MAX. Because for once I wasn't the only one playing defensively. He was a little scared too, until another NC MAX showed up, and I got pushed into a corner.

    If you're gona slow down the ZOE ability, than change the name as well. Because if a Zealot can't move faster than other units it doen't deserve the name.

    nuff said....
  17. Yil


    This is a picture of the thread (left) and the OP (right).
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  18. mina5

    forward and going backward speed is ok but A & D ( im saying A&D for you mister internet police) was the problem .
    the moment when you set your aim to match speed of max who is goin east he chances and goes to west now .
    and that causes none of the bullets hit ,and thats very dum .
  19. Somisary

    Actual numbers for armour multipliers are:

    Vanguard: 64% Front armour
    70% Side armour
    130% Rear armour

    Prowler/Magmower: 74% Front armour
    84% Side armour
    140% Rear armour

    So that would explain why it takes more than 3 seconds.
  20. Pengalor

    That makes sense, I knew something was off in the math.

    Just the numbers I crunched up from my VR testing.

    Took 5 salvos on Rear of Prowler
    1 second for every 2 salvos = 2.5 seconds of firing.

    2 reloads required for 5 salvos
    1.75 secs per empty reload
    Total of 3.5 seconds of reloading

    Ended up with a total of 6 seconds to kill a Prowler from the rear assuming absolutely perfect timing.