Double SC for EU players right now!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by flapsssss, May 29, 2013.

  1. flapsssss

    Hi guys,

    Just noticed there is a summer sale on SC (x2).

    About bloody time!

    Just picked up 24000, probably don't need that much, but I don't do hard drugs anymore so need to spend it on something ;)
  2. ih8Darian

    WHY ISN'T IT AVAILABLE TO US!!!11!!!!111!!
    Lol jk, that's what I always hear from EU when we have double SC though.
  3. Loegi

    Technically EU players =/= ProSieben users. Still great though.

    Weird that it's also called SC though.
  4. sindz

    Its SevenCash, not Stationcash.
  5. Rown

    Well, if there was a double SC sale, it was really short lived.