Shouldnt we be able to shoot harasser drivers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, May 28, 2013.

  1. Izriul

    I was speaking of the flash since the harasser resembles this vehicle the closest, and because you can shoot the driver from that. However, the flash is cheap, the harasser is not, and to get some lucky headshot (which would be more common than you'd think due to the amount of people who shoot at it with small arms) leaving the other 2 passengers as a sitting duck, would be utterly ******** for a vehicle of that cost and hell, design and role.

    But yeah, I know what you mean, still, we all know what our characters are capable of, running around with their gun slung behind their head over their left shoulder, or wobbly legs that spas out and bent necks - we're all contortionists apparently so I'm sure we could fit some how.
  2. Makora

    I have never understood WHY they made closed seats for the harasser. The pilot/gunner argument for the lightning is both a hit and miss. Sometimes it is good, other times it is considerably more effective when one person can concentrate on keeping everyone alive via driving right and the other person can concentrate on killing things without having to worry about where to drive.

    Harassers are too lethal for the survivability they offer. I think it was three hits from the standard rocket launcher to kill a harasser? And you can have a third guy in the back seat as engineer and repair. It's a buggy, a light and fast vehicle. It doesn't HAVE the armor to withstand the punishment it can take.

    From the very moment they've been implemented I have called for one of two things. Making the harasser's health pool a lot smaller. Or opening up the canopy so if you are either skilled or lucky (or both) enough you can neutralize the vehicle.

    Tanks have backsides as weak spots. The fact that a harasser has no "weak point" is too much.
  3. Argoyn

    Taking damage from everything that can do damage is ''no weak point'' I guess.
    Really it's not that hard to force an harasser to leave the area just by shooting at it with your weapon that's supossed to be for infantry all you need is to not stand in the open with a huge sign saying ''Free exp here!'' above your head.

    The ability to shoot the driver and the gunner? ever tried using the harasser as intended, to harass vehicles and infantry by popping in and out of combat? good luck trying to kill anything when it only takes 1 infiltrator, 1 rocket that happens to land , 1 lightning tank turning around and shooting or an MBT not caring about your 4/5 halberd hits to take it down and just hopping out because their gunner will take care of the 1 shot it needs to shut down the whole thing.

    The harasser is very easy to take down by anything aslong as you don't play rambo jumping infront shooting at its tires while screaming Yippie kay yay.

    Tanks also don't take damage from infantry shooting at them, OP NERF!
  4. GuraKKa

    Hit the Harasser, has the same health. :p
  5. Vortok

    Being that it has the same cost and cooldown as a Lightning and killing a driver is more or less the same as killing the vehicle, gonna say no... not really.
  6. Makora

    Same cost for lightning is not a balancing factor. It's considerably more maneuverable then a lightning. And at least on woodman the harasser drivers there couldn't give a flying f*ck if you were shooting your rifles at it. And any semi-competent harasser driver/gunner make short work of even organized infantry.
  7. daicon

    I don't think Harassers have too much HP but I do think they need to take more damage from small arms fire