How to Snipe in Today's Game?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by thepackett, May 27, 2013.

  1. thepackett

    So I was a good sniper. But then everything changed when winter break ended and all the players who stood still left. And then the planetside 2 devs implemented lattice among other things.

    So, in today's game how do you snipe? How do you hit people from a range when they know to never stop moving? How do you snipe when your bullet is a bright blue/red/yellow streak through the sky that everyone can see? How do you snipe when the first shot you take alerts everyone to your presence, including enemy snipers? How are you supposed to snipe when every group of enemies is a zerg that can easily kill you due to their overabundance of people (thanks lattice)? How are you supposed to snipe when you have 1 second without the ridiculous amount of sway you normally have, and then a 3 or 4 second cooldown?

    Seriously, I used to enjoy sniping, and now the only fun thing in this game is close range combat. Hopefully I'm just doing it wrong and sniping has somehow changed since December. So can anyone tell me, how do you snipe considering all this?
  2. RecklessTalent

    To Summarize PRACTICE
  3. thepackett

    Is it even worth it?
  4. Levtech

    Low population battles are easier on sniping. It's action and need of more skill (practice). And it might be the nanoweve bug. A simple bug can ruin gameplay. There is currently a reaver ammo glitch for me and I have not won a single dogfight since.
  5. Snipefrag

    I did similar to you, I played early on.. Racked up tons of kills. Went away for a couple of months.. came back and everything seemed a lot harder. The last couple of weeks I've refocused on Infiltrator after having a bit of a break and I've been enjoying it a lot more, a couple of suggestions to ease you back into it.

    1) Use silencers, if you are working in close proximity to the enemy. It will keep you alive. You have to get used to the bullet drop, which can take some time. If you are far away then chances are you can get away without one.
    2) If you aren't using silencers you better be using a bolt action 150+ meters out, focus on staying out of action, Work on flanking the enemy so you can attack them from the side/behind when they are engaging with friendly troops
    3) Even if you are sniping in the zerg, changing your angle of approach even just slightly wil pay massive dividends.. allowing you to drop loads of troops quickly while they are focused on your friends.
    4) Only shoot if you almost certain you are going to get a headshot, you show up on radar.. People have become a lot more observant.
    5) Cease firing and moving if vehicle/aircraft fly over, shooting shows you up on the mini map and moving will cause you to show up if said vehicles have proximity radar.
    6) Rank up recon darts and use them when you have been in an area for a while to check whether enemies are moving in on your position, rank 6 gives you 5 darts with a duration of 40 seconds. These have saved my life so many times
    7) Set up claymores in places the enemy are likely to come at you from, but be ready with a pistol to finish them off.. A lot of people have flak armor now so it wont insta-kill them.
    8) Get good with your pistol, never engage the enemy from the front unless they have tripped a mine
    9) EMP grenades can save your ***, use them.

    close combat
    1) SMG's have opened up a completely new way of playing the class, give it a go.
    2) Never engage an enemy head on. Act as a predator, stalk your prey. Use recon darts to find the enemy and to be one step ahead of him.
    3) Avoid normal paths as much as possible, most of the time if you run into an enemy head on you will be lucky to survive.. especially if they are a HA.
    4) Might be personal preference.. but night vision scope on SMG is amazing at all time, just trust me. Give it a go, helps identifying targets, mines show up on it.. etc.

    Hope some of that helps !
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  6. RecklessTalent

    it is if like being called a hacker almost every time u log in.
    and when you get a head shot from 400+M away it is.
    what really matters how much time you want put into it.
  7. thepackett

    This helps a lot!
    Doing this I revisited what made me so frustrated at sniping, even back in December. I don't know how many times I watched my bullet sail through the head of my target and not register as a hit. SOE, that's on you to fix though.
    I guess what's left is to just keep practicing though.
  8. Rustygun

    Listen to Snipefrag, you will notice a huge difference in success getting to the sides/ behind the enemy lines. It will open up a ton of still targets hiding behind cover, healing, repairing Maxes and sniping. A silencer will also make a huge difference once you get used to the drop and velocity difference. I recommend spending time in VR shooting the outdoor targets, set waypoints on an enemy npc to learn how to compensate the drop with your favorite scope.
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  9. ewokinarmor

    I always try to pick my target, fire, then cloak.
  10. Ooshmagoosh

    Sniping is probably more important now than ever before.

    The Engineer's Anti-Vehicle turret is still un-nerfed and at full-force, and tons of heavies have lock-ons or the new empire specific launchers. These are extremely high-priority targets that tend to have low situational awareness and mobility, and they like to create little camps on hills or ridges off to the side of the battlefield.

    With the new Lockdown and crackmaxes in play, libspam or lolpodding has become nearly irrelevant. YOU are the only fellow who can get into range and take people out; everyone else is just gonna get nuked.

    Also, you will always be able to find some fool who either goes AFK, or tries to shoot people at extreme ranges with his LMG. They need to be shot.
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  11. Ripshaft

    Well, in a world like the one you're describing, I imagine you'd just shoot people in the head. Thankfully in our world things are not like this, however your best shot is still to shoot in the head. If your current location has a lack of stationary targets, you can either wait for lines to form, or find another area, provided you insist on sniping at that time.
  12. Ztiller

    Well, i have no shortage of stationary enemies. But that's because i place msyelf in a position where the enemy does not expect me.

    I'm not a good sniper. Never really had the twitch to compete with the top-tier in straight out counter-sniping. I pretty much only shoot stationary, or predictably moving, enemies.

    My strength, to compensate, lies in strategy and tactics. If you have a problem hitting moving enemies, make sure to place yourself in situations where you don't have to.

  13. Granderil

    Looks like sniper's paradise :)
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  14. Regh

    choose your spot... not behind elevations, but in front, try to take advantage of your camo (works with me)

    cloak > pick your target as fast as you can > uncloak > shot > Cloak
    If you fail to head shot > cloak > change location
    Even if you Hitkill > cloak and slightly change you location (other sniper might have seen you and memorized your location, I do it too)

    Never get too confident about your spot, be patient and know when to move.
  15. Virulent0o

    To be honest, I find sniping has gotten easier with the lattice system.
    More targets and more commotion to hide your presence.

    The way I approach it:
    Find a rock/building/object. Crouch behind it.
    Cloak -> find target ->Shoot (regardless of hit or not) -> cloak -> reposition on the other side of the object. Repeat.

    On Amerish, you can hide behind thick shrubs too :D
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  16. TheSalmon4

    On Indar, near Crossroads Watchtower, there are a bunch of small bushes to hide in, people would walk right past me, while I was uncloaked, it was a sort of a game, how exposed could I be?
  17. Stinneyt

    When was this image taken? Does that little ridge even exist on towers any more? Also, that infantry terminal on the right of your mini map image does not exist any more.
  18. Rift23

    So much this. Also, point-blank rifle shot+melee is basically an assassination move.
  19. Ztiller

    Maybe a month ago or something.

    While this exact scenario is unlikely to reoccurr, my point is that you will still find stationary enemies, but not on the frontlines.
  20. K2k4

    commissioner+knife works unless the enemy is using nanoweave, then it's commissioner knife commissioner ftw.... Time it right and it's one movement.