What was your best ever "fluke" kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meeka, May 26, 2013.

  1. Goolloom

    As a Pounder MAX, i was shooting my grenades on enemies up from the Crown and racking up assists, i kept randomly shooting around when suddenly, i kill someone unfortunate enough to ram right in my grenades with his Scythe
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  2. Nyscha

    I managed to record mine on video months ago.... Never been able to do it since...

    I was driving my lightning and found a active sunderer, took a shot and then bailed out and run across the barrel just as the turret turned perfectly into position and then I proceeded to run down the barrel while under fire to the foot of the sunderer and then drop mines.

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  3. Scarecrowmk2

    I was a Split Peak with my pounder max, pounding away at a NC sundie and got it burning before i was noticed and killed. A short while later I was running around when a sundie kill and about four kills pop up on my screen, turns out of all the people there not one had the brains to repair the sundie before it burnt down.
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  4. DreamlessLiberty

    Sniping someone from half a kilometer away who was running at an angle away from me and getting a headshot with the lowest muzzle velocity sniper rifle. The bullet drop was probably a quarter of my screen and it took half a second for the bullet to reach its destination. I was also 50m above the ground so the g vector wasn't perpendicular to the bullet's trajectory midpoint. A hole in one pretty much.
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  5. randalthorr

    The same thing as the OP described happened once to me, EXCEPT, I blew that damn c4 which in turn blew up a lightning and a vanguard staying next to each other with 3 engineers repairing it, giving me 6 friendly kills, because I shot the ******* c4 as he was dropping it. :/

    Best fluke kill: Killing a scythe with a drop pod when it wasn't even rendered on my screen. LOL
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  6. Geomancer

    I saw a galaxy coasting in toward a base with a Scythe escort. I thought, "what the hell" and shot a dumbfire rocket in their direction with a lot of lead but then had to look away as we started taking fire. A few seconds later I get "Scythe Kill" AND "Galaxy Kill". NO idea how it happened. My only guess would be the Scythe pilot flinched away from the rocket, ran into the galaxy and then the rocket hit them and finished the job. Regardless, it was crazy.
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  7. Nate

    More than one time, I've been driving my Prowler off road towards some battle and by a fluke, run over a cloaked enemy. Sometimes I realize it was an enemy right away. Other times, I feel bad for a moment for running over a friendly. Until I realize what happened.
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  8. xchainlinkx

    I drop podded on a TR engineer without even seeing him render to me. Happened just this night xP
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  9. T-G-K

    My best fluke kill actually happened the other night.

    We was fighting our way over a huge stone arch on indar. I was a HA and I pulled out my shrike to try nd hit a tank on the far hill next the the arch and when I puled it out I accedentally fired it in a random direction aiming somewhere towards the direction of the enemy on the other side of the bridge.

    The rocket overshot everything since I was aiming pretty high so I just turned around and ignored it. Then about 5 second later I receive an enemy mossy kill apperently from hitting one in the canyon on the otherside of the hill the rocket fired over.

    I thought it was hilarous, especially to be thinking of the partly damaged mossy just flying through the canyon and ends up getting single shot by a random, dumbfire rocket from the battle taking place over the hill. ^^
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  10. void666

    I'm driving my lightining. See stranded imfantry and go for the kill. Got hit from behind. Enemy lightining is on me. I don't even try to fight back and keep shooting the soldier. Lightning kills me. And then... i get a kill message. What? I killed the enemy lightining.
    My burning tank fliped in the air and fell over him.
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  11. NC_agent00kevin

    Shot a LA flying through the air with an ESF rocket. He sent me a /tell saying 'nice shot' ao I sent one back saying 'not gonna lie, that was about 90% luck' - yeah I wanted to hit him, and was trying to. But Im not going to say I could do it again.
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  12. Vetto

    Happened today, I finished off a Sundy with my strike.... only to kill about 6 other guys apparently I didn't know the explosion the sundy give when it blows is credited to you.
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  13. Camycamera

    i know the best fluke TEAM kill ever.

    in a biolab, there was a whole group of NC grouped up, shooting. i was on top of a building, looking directly down at them and i threw a grenade. the grenade then bounced to the left, AWAY from the crowd, and hit my squad mate who was running past DIRECTLY and killed him.

    grenade physics FTW.
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  14. WolfA4

    I was on a flash speeding down the side of Peris which was empty on my way to the fight when I noticed a purple nacho floating near the wall. I head to it and notice a Vanu, I jumped off my flash and opened fire on the Barney killing him, a second later I get a second kill message as my unmanned flash slams into the Barney about 30 meters behind the one I shot which I did not see. I burst into laughter as I pictured that poor purple bastard getting run over by an unmanned flash.
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  15. Camycamera

    oh, and also when i was in a liberator in the gunner seat getting thousands of kills by bombing(SO many people on biolab pads, lol), i ended up shooting a drop-pod while it was falling in mid air and killing the guy inside. i didn't even see the pod.
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  16. Bill Hicks

    I was just standing around, randomly at some deserted base when I just fired my gun for no reason than to hear it. I killed a random cloaked infiltrator. Probably thought I was hacking.
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  17. simmi1717

    As an LA, my most satisfying kills are by C4ing flying ESFs. One time I was on the bio lab's landing pad that we were defending. I used a jump jet to get to the outlying base, but while I was mid air an ESF passed right under me. I saw the ESF coming from afar and dropped it slightly ahead of time to adjust for the deploy time and flight speed. It landed and I killed it. I have killed flying/hovering ESFs before, but this was the most skillful kill.
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  18. Camycamera

    oh, and ANOTHER one, had the wraith cloak module on my flash, and attempted to run someone over. he noticed me, killed me, but a few seconds later on my death screen it showed him get run over by my unmanned flash XD
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  19. Spankay

    Was a HA with default rocket launcher on top of Crown tower defending it. Tried to hit a Reaver that was up close, missed, saw the rocket kept going and hit a lib, killing it and giving me 3 kills.
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  20. woooow

    There's this stunt I like to do on the round towers that have the turrets and the jump pads on top, dunno what their called, anyways in a flash if I go up the stairs and hit turbo at the right time I sort've drive up the wall at the levitation field and do a flip and shoot out upsidown and one time I did that and got a roadkill while in the air. Not sure who I hit or how, but I bet it looked hilarious. Was one of the only times I landed it properly and lived too.
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