Make MAX's unrevivable again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EvilJollyT, May 17, 2013.

  1. PeanutMF

    I wouldn't agree to preventing them from being revived at all but I would say that increasing the time taken to revive them substantially (at least double or triple) would be a good idea; applying some penalty to reviving MAXes with revive grenades would probably be in order too.

    To compensate for the time increase the medic would get more points for reviving the MAX than normal infantry so that people only looking out for the most efficient ways to get points have a reason to revive one max instead of three normal infantry.

    I've had times where the only way to get some MAXes to go away completely is to kill them and then camp their corpse, and kill the three or four medics their squad has when they try to revive them; which they manage to do sometimes since they dance around like maniacs just before the finally cop it. Having a MAX die out of position should be essentially unrecoverable, not a two second detour and cossack dance for the medic; but at the same time given how suddenly a MAX can die to something like C4 or rockets any MAX that dies behind lines or somewhere the squad can feasibly advance should be revivable.
  2. ent|ty

    In Biolabs. That is not the entire game.

    When they're revived they are weak and prone to being killed very fast. An engie still needs to spend 10 seconds or so to repair them.

    And since in my experience, I rarely get repaired on a regular basis (so much so I usually sport Nanite Repair; I know crazy), you don't have to worry about it happening that fast.
  3. EvilJollyT

    If you are not getting quick repairs then join a decent outfit. I am fed up of people saying "well I don't get repairs quickly". Balance should not be based around baddies or the lowest common denominator. If you have decent engineers it is ridiculously easy to keep MAXs alive indefinitely. certainly well past their MAX timer, so even if they do die they can just pull another one instantly. There really is no need for MAXs to be able to be revived.They are already godly in the right hands.
  4. Xasapis

    To be fair, you're part of a faction that your maxes have been considered an asset for a long long time, so even random engineers will give you the required attention. VS ... if you were not a part of a good outfit you'd need to hunt for one willing to repair prior to CU9. VS maxes post CU9 however ... are in max heaven. Tons of attention and support practically everywhere I was. I guess it feels good to be considered relevant again.

    (I'm not one of those people who thought that the VS max was bad before CU9, quite the opposite. However, the general acceptance of the VS max status affected the quality of life of those few that consistently used one.
    The bottom line is that even if they completely erase ZOE, the VS max won't lose its power, merely its perception of power, which unfortunately plays a role as well)
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  5. EvilJollyT

    To be fair you make a good point re. the NC MAX. I've said for a long time that its AI variant was much better than its counterparts before GU09, even after its initial nerf. However, I still maintain that all MAXs are easily effective enough without them being able to be revived. It just requires a little teamwork - something this game needs more of .
  6. Fenrys

    It would be interesting if dieing as a MAX destroyed the armor exosuit and left a corpse behind of whatever class you were before MAX'ing up.
  7. Wardark

    I disagree, the game is more Light Assualts with C4 and whoever gets in a tank gets laughed at. Especially since you can drop a C4 bomb on a MAX and not even have it be close to the MAX and kill it. Nerf C4 where it takes 2 to kill a MAX then I would agree on taking the revive away.
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  8. Radian12

    Beef up the MAX and the revive can leave .
  9. The Loverator

    Nooo, N~OOOooo ... ... ... ESPECIALLY not now - after the Zealot Overdrive Update for the Vanu M.A.X. ; )

    This is somehow ... ... ... FAR to suspicious. As every "sudden Demand" on the Nerf of a Class, as soon as the
    Vanu-Side get's something that can be powerful when properly used. Far, "far" to suspicious... ...
  10. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Holy ****...I feel like someone is ******** on my brain whenever I read anything you type out.
  11. EvilJollyT

    Check the date of the post you quoted against the date of the MAX update before you go off on one, tough guy.
  12. daicon

    Chill, you're missing the point. That's like saying that someone who dies inside a Lightning or a turret should be able to be revived inside of it.

    Some limitations in science fiction just make sense and add more then they subtract.. And this makes sense from a gameplay POV also.