Wow, Lattice is BORING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, May 23, 2013.

  1. Duke

    With them Making Planetside 1 Free To Play .... Damn the being ignored... Smed has listened to all of US.. PS1 is F2P, Apparently a graphical overhaul will occur and over-all they're going to have two types of game; This caters to both the meat-grind of Ps2 and the vets of PS1.... I PROBABLY should not have said that much but F it... I'm excited..

    Did I mention that PS1 is f2p?
  2. Advanced Darkness

    Been back for 2 days now and even getting your butt kicked is fun. Ive prob jacked more vehicles in the past 2 days than i did in a yr before. Just need some BFRs back so i can jack them too.

    I play NC so if you get hit with an OS itll be the same name as this forum name ;)
  3. Advanced Darkness

    Yeah i was talking about how nice a graphics overhaul would be just the other day. I personally could live without it but more up to date graphics would attract new players.

    We were also talking in command chat about how we wouldnt even mind it they threw the core combat stuff in a PS1 store or something.

    We've got word from Hamma on PSU that mass emails would go out to old players. I just hate i lost the email addresses of my old outfit members. Just 1 would connect me to the others.
  4. Phazaar

    Lol, they're the official stats from SOE census, graphed nicely for you by the kind fellows at Sirisian. The last few hours will always look strange as it's dependent upon logouts or logins or something to do it; it's explained somewhere on their site if you have a look around. Higby himself referenced their stats multiple times on Reddit; I'm pretty happy to take them as written. They're also the stats that everyone was using pre-lattice to 'prove' the game was in decline - are they suddenly no longer relevant now that they show the lattice isn't the Messiah after all?

    Well over half the population doesn't celebrate memorial day weekend... Point is, on every other day, it's just as pronounced as it was pre-lattice, and hence, the lattice has clearly not saved the game by any stretch of the imagination.
  5. Phazaar

    Yeah. The bad graphics are why PS1 failed. You're totally right. That's why games like Minecraft, Terraria, 1.6 etc all failed catestrophically... Oh wait...

    The repetitive gameplay is what made PS1 fail. That and BFRs, of course.
  6. maxkeiser

    Good post, and i don't see why they couldn't try this and put it on the test server.
  7. Ranik

    And nor has it apparently hurt it. So if you've maintained your playerbase but improved the quality of gameplay for the existing playerbase, then you've only improved on things.

    However, the handful of ghosthackers whose "strategy was destroyed" do not care about the fun of others. What is good for the game is not what they are concerned with. And making people have to leave from actual fun engagements to deal with 1-2 of them per empty base is not fun nor strategy. The ghost hackers themselves were the problem with the game. As many returning players have attested to on the forums.
    • Up x 3
  8. TeamGreener

    for those thinking that a "graphical overhaul" will upgrade PS1 to be a competitor to PS2... yea right. There's only so much you can do for a game that old.
  9. Advanced Darkness

    I've no clue what youre even talking about in reference to what i posted. Dont know how you got from me talking to someone about a graphics overhaul on a game we already like to play to fail and compete against PS2? I'll scroll back up and see if i missed something. Positive i didnt but i'll do it anyway.

    Forums are about as complicated as lattice i guess. o_O
  10. Advanced Darkness

    there it is again. where are you getting that from? heh when a game has had its day its had it. Somehow you took a conversation btwn 2 people who are still playing the old game thats had and who wouldnt mind seeing a graphics overhaul even though unnecessary to somehow a 10yr old game competing Fight-at-the-spawnroom-side. No one said that but what i know from experience alone is there are people who would give an older game a try if the graphics were better.

    WoW is old, people still play it and i know poeple who've tried it and couldnt stand playing it because to them the graphics were dated.

    Rocket science i know but thats the only point anyone was making. /facepalm
  11. Macchus

    lol ...

    wtf are you smoking .

    BFR's didnt kill ps1 ... but they helped ...
  12. Macchus

    lol as if i would continue discussing anything with you after this


    why you would even resort to such a childish tactic is beyond me ... :rolleyes:
  13. Vanus Aran

    TO HAVE VARIETY. Why did you get it?
    TO ZERG WHAT ELSE. Are all TR like this UUUGUGHGHGHG!!!!
  14. Macchus

    lol ... ghost capping doesnt exist anywhere ... lattice didnt remove it ... devs were removing it anyway . it just happened that they coincided ... wow ... just wow .

    "Metal Marines , we think we know what were talking about,right ?maybe?sir? "
  15. r1stormrider

    Yeah, a test server that everybody *****ed to have, then turn around and say its useless (or just dont bother using it period).
  16. Morticai

    Probably because you've got nothing to really provide that would contribute to your side of the debate. If you can't provide the evidence, then that's fine...but you can't expect anyone to take you seriously if you can't resort to anything besides personal attacks and refusal to provide any counter-evidence against what is already piling up against you now.
  17. Macchus

    lol , please try and convince me that i was the one who personally attacked you . its laughable that you think that . my proof is in the game . which is boring as hell on all 3 conts . sure its entertaining for an hour or 2 at a time , but it was entertaining for an hour or two at a time with the hex system . so when you post a 1 and a half hour video of someone enjoying playing the game but no actual proof that person is having fun because of the lattice , youll forgive me if i dont accept it as proof . same as the reaver ***** video . no actual proof that either of these guy's were enjoying anything other than the fight they were in .
  18. Morticai

    Uh-huh....right...please...go on....
  19. Macchus

    ok im watching this video ... but so far they are on esamir ... ill watch the whole thing but im not sure what your point is ? people having fun in harrassers on a hex cont ?

    thank you ? i guess ? still nothing about lattice
  20. Morticai

    They're having fun playing the game.

    Anyway, the lattice isn't killing the game. If you find it boring, sorry...but the devs did announce that they plan to introduce lattice to all continents in the near future.