Full auto Scout vs Semi-auto Scout

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ThElement078, May 22, 2013.

  1. ThElement078

    Which is better now, discuss
  2. Astraka

    I have fallen in love with the buffed Automatic Scout Rifle in the past week. It is very similar to the NS-11A Assault Rifle for Medics; being less accurate, having a slower bullet velocity, and having less ammo per magazine but also having more ammunition total, and having a lower first shot recoil.

    Being so similar to the NS-11A it has a respectable ROF & damage and is thus able to very accurately place rounds on targets at much farther ranges than your SMGs. The key attribute in my opinion to the ASR in the Infiltrator's arsenal is versatility. It's not bad at long range, not bad at short range, and is excellent in medium range encounters. I don't think there is a situation where the ASR is not a viable option - it is certainly not the best option for extremely short & long range encounters, but it does the job well enough where you will not feel helpless in those situations. This is of course opposite to the SMGs & Sniper Rifles, which are far more specialized options and thus are unable to adequately preform in other areas.

    Do keep in mind though that an SMG & a Sniper Rifle can trump your ASR while in their specific element. Do your best to engage on your terms whenever possible - you do have a Cloak after all. ;)

    As for getting the most of the weapon I personally I feel that the ASR is best used in a 'squad support' capacity, almost as if you were playing a medic or engineer. Instead of roaming off by yourself & playing the lone wolf assassin behind enemy lines or the long range sniper I feel that with this weapon you should stick close to the squad. It isn't what most people see when thinking of an Infiltrator and does require a major change in playstyle, but you can be very lethal and are an asset to whatever group you're running with because of your easy flanks, hacking, & Recon Darts. Just remember to use cover, because relying on the Cloak to keep you safe while constantly engaging targets at medium range is a bad idea. It is imperative to have somewhere to fall back to in those situations where you'll be taking fire.

    I recommend running your ASR with a Compensator & a Forward Grip if you're going to be playing with it in the manner I described above. You're going to be in the thick of things with the rest of your group so a suppressor isn't necessary, and is actually detrimental to your damage output and ability to lead targets. The Forward Grip is to help tame some of the slight vertical recoil & the uncontrollable horizontal recoil, turning the ASR into a bullet laser - especially when bursting. With this loadout you should have absolutely no issue putting 4-5 rounds into a target's head from a good distance away dropping even Heavy Assaults relatively quickly.

    I've not had as much practice with the Semi Auto Scout Rifle so I can't comment on it in comparison. I will do some runs with it tonight & tomorrow though and get back with you.
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  3. BloodyPuma

    My main issue with semi auto [VS-NYX] is that really is a small effort gap between killing with this and killing with bolt. Everytime I've killed SBD with Nyx I just got a filling that i could do this quicker with OHK bolt.

    As of Full-auto - its a real candy. Artemis [VS one] is one of my favourite weapons, my love for this gun is only halted because of two issues:

    -nanoweave armor double bonus bug - which often force you to unload two clips in a guy [not talking about AFK or in tunnel vision]
    -adadad marco specialists which force you to shoot two clip per kill

    Key lessons to learn:

    -your superiority starts just when SMG supeiority ends and lasts for 20 meters.
    -you can, and will be outshooted by some guns even on your supieriority range if you will start simultanously.
    -find angle, lead fire, clock.
    -place youself in the cover infront of open area - harvest time.
    -learn recoil pattern and adress it during shooting

    Unloading a full clip with a suppressor is causing less noice then unloading a full clip of sup smg. Thats a big positive dill.

    I prefer using supressor, compensator is not for me. As infiltrator, you can actually succesfully hipfire with this gun.
    OFC as other infil weapon - if you got a drop on someone - he is going down. No matter if this is a crap pistol, smg or full auto scout.
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  4. AnuErebus

    Full-auto scout is still the same garbage it always has been. It's recoil is plenty easy to control and it's modestly accurate but it still isn't a gun you want to take into most situations. The mag size and lack of bullet damage really end up hindering it too much for it to be anything but an ambush weapon on easily hit table targets. Trying to win a gunfight with the Auto-scouts is laughable since just about everything out-damages you and missing more than a few shots means you're reloading while the other guy kills you. I'd really not consider getting this gun until it gets another round of balance checks.

    The Semi-auto at least is sort of usable at mid range. It's still not great on the damage category but it can be a lot of fun. Just don't expect to be outgunning anyone in straight up fights. This is a good weapon to have between your bolt-action and SMG, good for when you don't know what range's you'll be fighting at and want something that performs decently at all levels of play. It's not great but it's certainly better than the auto-scout.
  5. The King

    I think they're both kinda useless, except, the Artemis is better.

    24 ammo clip kills the Artemis because a lot of times, it takes 2 clips to kill em.
    in a bio lab, the compensator is better IMO.
    However, if you're using the suppressor with it, the bullets go so slow. very good on targets that does not move.
    Many times, I will fire and THINK the person should be dead, but they're not... It appears to have very low damage..
    Usually, it would have been easier to kill em with an SMG or the Ghost/Phantom...

    The Nyx... Velocity is pretty slow and anyone moving or side stepping against you will cause you to miss most of the time.
    You have to shoot slow too.

    Anyone that sees you can just aim at you and hold LMB and you die...
    Since Artemis is 250 certs, it's a useful weapon. I'd get that. It's a good starting out Infiltrator weapon.
  6. Hoki

    The terms that SOE came up with are arbitrary and meaningless.

    Full auto is an NS-11A with 24 round mag. (an AR)

    The semi-auto is a battle rifle.
  7. Psykmoe

    Well, I, too, have compared the full-auto scout rifles to the NS-11A - same damage and rate of fire, similarly easy to control.

    One should mention however, that this is an NS-11A with the bullet velocity of a carbine and the hipfire cone of an LMG :( Yeah the NS-11A has more first shot recoil and pulls to the left more, but it's much tighter hipfire cone and 140m/s extra velocity plus HVA option makes it far more useable outside the ideal medium range. Oh well. the auto scouts are pretty fun to use but if I could stick on the NS-11A or even NS-11C I would.
  8. ShadowCell

    Not sure if recent patches have stealth buffed this weapon or not but I disagree completely man. The Soas-12 (I think its called?) was TERRIBLE until I put a compensator and foregrip on this weapon. Now if you try to use the weapon like a freggin sniper rifle you're right, it's going to be horrible. But I've gotten some rather impressive kill streaks with this weapon lately and have fallen in love with it, along with the short range (toas-42 or whatever its called) rifle as well.

    The trick (in case any of you didnt realize this) is to kill the person, then instantly disappear.....then pop up, kill his buddy, then disappear....once you've killed someone, don't sit around uncloaked....especially with that compensator.

    I love the Soas rifle now, and that's a big deal as I had recently tried to get it refunded....I hated it that much!
  9. Aimeryan

    The semi-auto scout rifle (Nyx for VS) plays pretty much like a semi-auto sniper rifles (Spectre & Phantom) - two-hit-kill if one is a headshot at max-damage range, two-hit kill if both are headshots at min-damage range. However, the Nyx has no sway and much better hipfire accuracy, although it can not mount the high-mag scopes that the Spectre can.

    The Nyx has a much closer min-damage range than either of the snipers (65m vs 200m), although the damage of the is practically the same before and after (400 vs 334 & 260 vs 250, respectively) . During the damage-range difference this can mean it may take the Nyx one more bullet to kill than the snipers in certain situations (against a nanoweave user).

    The no sway is a pretty huge benefit for sniping; although the Spectre is definitely better at hitting long range targets. On the other hand, bolt-actions (especially the Parallax, or equivalent) are better at hitting long range targets than the Spectre.

    The much better hipfire accuracy on the Nyx makes it far more dependable in close range. You will still probably want to get the drop on the enemy first, but it is not too difficult to win by duking when using the Nyx while it is very difficult to do likewise with the snipers.

    The key to using the Nyx (and equivalents I assume), is to go for headshots on non-moving targets and on predictable, easy to hit targets - like the snipers. Bodyshots should be left for harder to hit targets or when duking, although if you are very good you can go for headshots while duking as well.

    Personally, I don't see a niche that the semi-auto sniper rifles fill now (especially the Phantom and equivalents) - for me it is:
    • Close range: SMG.
    • Medium range: SA-scout.
    • Long range: BAR.
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  10. AnuErebus

    I've gotten impressive killstreaks with it as well. Doesn't mean it's a great weapon. For the cloak and disappear you'll be 100% better off with an SMG. For mid range, you'll be better off with a semi-auto or bolt-action. If you're trying to snipe with it you're better off checking to make sure your brain still works.

    Any gun in this game is viable to use. Most of the time though they'll have one area where you can say "Ok, this weapon is really good for this situation". The SOAS doesn't have that, it's a carbine that had its mag size, projectile velocity and damage nerfed without gaining anything in compensation. T5 AMC is pretty much the exact same gun but with better projectile velocity, advanced foregrip, hip fire and twice the mag size. And that's a carbine barely anyone uses because it sucks compared to other options. People also try to compare the SOAS to the NS-11a but what does the SOAS have over the NS-11? Next to nothing, it has worse projectile velocity, worse recoil and worse hipfire. It does slightly better first shot recoil multiplier but that's pretty insignificant on automatics. The only thing the SOAS has going for it is that it's used by the infiltrator, but that alone isn't enough to make it a good weapon.

    I will agree with you on the TSAR. That thing is lovely, I take it into biolabs and other close range fights almost as often as I take my SMG.
  11. Fenrys

    Artemis has too much cone of fire, would not recommend buying it.

    SMG is better for close encounters, and the Ghost rapid bolt-action is superior just outside SMG range.
  12. ShadowCell

    I have the SMG (Dont remember the name, it has the extended clip) but for some reason, since they messed with it a bit, it's cone of fire is wild compared to the Soas...now naturally the clip sizes do differ (GREATLY) but still...

    I guess overall it just depends on the personal preference of the player. I prefer my Soas over the SMG in situations where Im going to need automatic fire. However more often than not, especially lately....the TSAR is my go to weapon....rams for longer range encounters lol.
  13. OldMaster80

    It has been buffed with GU08 and it's now a viable weapon for mid range fighting. Honestly I really like it as much as the SMG, but it's definetely not a sniper rifle, it feels more like a small carbine.
  14. KorJax

    This is exactly how I use my scout rifle.

    It's my go-to weapon for most situations, but I switch to bolt and SMG if I need to do pure CQ or bolt action for pure long range.

    It's a very good gun, and was the staple infiltrator weapon before SMG's hit. The disadvantages it has mostly amount to "aim better".

    I love the Nyx, it's an excellent weapon. Not as easy to use as an SMG though, but easier than a bolt action. If I'm simply not doing good with my scout rifle that day I just switch to SMG and get in closer. Some days are like that for me - I'll be sloppy when using a weapon but on another day I'll really be in the moment and be able to easily take on the playstyle and skill it requires to be good with it.
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  15. Timeraider

    Still prefer SMG.. but from the scout rifles i prefer Shadow (NC semi-auto) .. it just feels alot better then the weak fully automatic which is pushed away by the SMG
  16. Blankydot

    I haven't certed into SMG yet since I usually play engineer. Saw that artemis (auto) scout was only 250 certs, so bought into it with the compensator and foregrip. Seriously have been destroying the enemy with this gun, have gone on multiple 10+ kill streaks.

    The ammo buff means you now have a pool of 240, which is more than plenty. I don't get what people are saying about the recoil or controllability. One clip full auto at 20-80m usually will take an enemy down, and its plenty accurate.
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  17. DocteurVK

    Well, as the Artemis is now only 250 certs, I think i'm gonna buy it.

    I already tried it on test server with some friends and found the suppressor was amazing. It's by far one of the most stealthy guns the VS have. As to remember, it's a scout rifle, which means it will be a niche weapon, only very usefull past 20-25m to about 50-60m, even if tap-firing it at a higher distance is still doable due to the low first-shot recoil.

    I think it could be interesting for an infil mounting a wraith flash to be able to deal in a more even field than with a smg in past 20-25m fights.
  18. ArcKnight

    the NC version is a BR only it can be used by the infiltrator and has different stats
  19. Kyouki

    For medium range infiltrator I've switched to the bolt action with iron sights and put a 3.4x scope on it. Its hilarious when someone runs up on me thinking I'm too close to get a good headshot then he drops like a sack of bricks. In biolabs I'll run with the ironsights. (should probably just buy the 1x reflex) I use it to harass the enemy and keep their snipers at bay with pot shots while I advance parallel to my team
  20. A 59 c

    Timeraider, I thought the same thing but Astraka convinced me to give the Stalker another go with the compensator + fwd grip and I must say this combo is very potent (we play on the same server).
    In a scappy battle where you can stay just outside SMG range this is a pretty good choice. The magazine size is still too small but it is very accurate. It's worth giving this combo a run though in VR in any case since the scout rifle buff. HTH
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