Welcome to Campside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by arumizyr, May 26, 2013.

  1. arumizyr

    So now that defenders cant shoot out of most shields the odds of being able to fight off an attack has turned to zill. Thank you for ruining an awesome game SOE, but bad game design is bad game design. Good luck with the zergs and further progression towards a game all about camping without a chance of having someone fight it off.
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  2. Caserion

    Redeploy out of there, deploy somewhere close, and counterattack the enemy from a better position... you're not usefull behind the shields anyway!
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  3. Teegeeack

    Counterattack argument is stupid. If there were enough defenders to be able to launch a successful counterattack, the defenders wouldn't be stuck behind the damn shields in the first place.
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  4. arumizyr

    They way it was before with the shields being able to be shot through by the defenders, the defenders could fight a hard pressed battle and push them out. Now its just a slaughter and a worthless addition. Counter attacks are normally worthless also, the defenders have been given the shaft after the shaft.
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  5. LibertyRevolution

    If your spawn camped, you already lost, redeploy to somewhere you would be useful...
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  6. VanuSovereignty

    Sounds like someone can no longer farm their precious XP without getting shot at and is not happy about it.
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  7. 660/12

    The only point in shooting from behind shields is to pin down attackers long enough for a relief force to arrive.

    It's MUCH more fun to be the relief force than it is to be the pin.
  8. Teegeeack

    No. Sadly we can no longer kill knuckleheads who are stupid enough to walk in front of spawn shields, like they deserve.
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  9. arumizyr

    The only thing this has done is given attackers another advantage instead of giving defenders the advantage. The defender should always have the advantage.
  10. VanuSovereignty

    If you can't shoot out of the spawns you can't use bursters with immunity. As someone above said, if you're stuck in your spawn and have decided instead of leaving to just sit in there, you have already lost.
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  11. 13lackCats

    Shield matadors....lol

    Remember when the very existence of PS depended on making spawn fortresses?

    Then when the very existence of PS depended on lattices?

    Wow...just wow.
  12. Teegeeack

    If I'm stuck in the spawn room then I'm clearly outnumbered by a wide margin and leaving it would be pointless. So my options are a) sit in the spawn and try to get a few kills, b) redeploy to the next base over, spawn a tank or an ESF and be immediately destroyed because I'm outnumbered, c) log out.
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  13. jessewhat

    What shield are you talking about? I can still shoot out of spawn shields and teleporter room shields
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  14. jessewhat

    The problem is, with current base design, it's extremely easy to spawn camp defenders even with equal numbers. You'd think that the attackers have to bring at least double the number of defenders to have a chance to spawn camp them.
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  15. Taki

    The only real problem with the spawn camps is when it's vehicle zergs. They shouldn't be allowed anywhere near, then we might get more good fights pushing out of spawns.
  16. Lyel

    Oh, wow, no WONDER you're anti-lattice! xD

    You're mad that you can't sit behind shields and farm XP.

    Please do leave, you'd be doing a favor to both enemy factions and your faction. The game could do with one less camper.
  17. Lyel

    Not really, pushing out of towers usually doesn't work either. Spawn camping is spawn camping.
  18. jessewhat

    Lattice allows me to farm even more because I know where the enemy zerg is going next, and just sit in that spawn room to farm them
  19. Lyel

    All my hate. Die in a fire.
  20. 660/12

    Seriously, folks, the point of sitting in a spawn room is NOT to get XP. It's to *threaten* a counterattack until reinforcements arrive. Yes, this requires patience and some maturity, but it actually works. Defenders should be given something entertaining to do in the meantime.
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