Grinder or falcons?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by FPSnoob, May 23, 2013.

  1. FPSnoob

    So with the recent price nerfs I'm thinking of picking up another AI or AV weapon for NC max

    Which one would you guys go for?

    P.S I actually find falcon and scattercanon to be a pretty effective combo if that adds anything
  2. Epic High Five

    Grinders, they're basically what the scattercannons were pre-nerf and perform the best of all our guns because they have very large mags.

    Falcons If they're 250 certs go for it, but the projectile is obvious as hell and absurdly slow so don't expect to do much with them outside of 30m unless it's a base turret. Only advantage they have over the Ravens is that you don't have to stand out in the open and get Saron sniped like an *******.

    edit - Are mattocks 250 too? I use dual slug mattocks with xmags and they're a ton of fun. They require a huge cert investment to be useful, but you're NC so I guess get used to that
  3. Quor

    Nah, just Falcon's and Grinder's are 250 now. I don't even think the basic SC's are 250. Which is weird, considering Grinder's are basically what the SC's used to be pre-nerf.
  4. Adept

    Not the falcon. It's only reliable on short-medium ranges when it comes to moving targets. And you'll only use it in that fashion consistently while you fight for tech bases. Even then you are better off with AI weapons and farm infantry heading to the generators.

    Ultimately it's your call tho.
  5. TeeKayL

    I use the scattercannons because the grinders are less accurate. To me, the extra accuracy is worth more than the larger mag, especially when using slug ammo. I can see the grinders being better at short range
  6. Messaiga

    I just certed for Dual Grinders today. I have to say, they are pretty amazing. The larger magsize saves you many times, and with the Aegis Shield from GU09 you do not have to worry about the longer reload because you are protected during it, and you do have the potential to kill the enemy Max without reloading. I also have dual falcons and these are made for AV work, definitely not AI. Speaking of Falcons, when are they gonna fix the damn velocity of them!
  7. Ronin Oni

    I have dual-Grinders....

    I like em... def need extended mags on them (ffs you need ext mags on all MAX AI weapons... Burster too for that matter)

    Slugs can make them effective at similar range to Mercies, while no slugs lets you instagib in close

    Falcons are for AV... Ravens are better... but Falcons are cheaper since you only need 1 arm. I got my second Falcon before I ever even heard of the new MAX weapons :(
  8. ThElement078

    Get the RAVEN! Good for AI or AV!
  9. Stan

    I don't play my NC much, but I bought one grinder and love it. The falcon is way too slow and pales in comparison to the cheap VS AV max, as does the pounder max. I've been having a ball on my VS with the 250 cert AV weapon and ZOE at level 3, burster rocks with ZOE as well.
  10. dirtYbird

    The Falcons are a PoS now, nerfed into the ground.
    They need the speed increased to what it was prior before you even consider getting them.
    They were clearly "balanced" by someone who never used them in game.
  11. shd

    Actually i've been having some fun with a dual falcon max lately. Once you get used to the slow projectile speed, combined with the shield it's a pretty decent AV platform, especially good against sunderers. The biggest downside is the fact vehicles can run you over very easy, so it only really shines if you can get on an elevated position or behind some rocks.

    I do think they should up the speed of the rockets and reduce the smoke that hinders your view too much and makes the rockets far too visible from a distance.
  12. Messaiga

    Actually the Falcon is bugged right now. It advertises 100 Meters/Second but in reality it is slower than the Raven, which is 85 Meters/Second.
  13. Pikachu

    This site says that falcons accelerate from 50 to 100 velocity. The data seems outdated though, and just odd. :confused: Anyway falcons are actually faster than ravens (except at long range somehow). Still way too slow. Falcon and pounder is said to have the same speed 100m/s. Yet if you try in VR you will notice that faclon is slower than pounder, even at long range where drop becomes significant for pounder. Pre-GU07 falcon had higher velocity than pounder. Btw comet says it has 90m/s velocity yet in practice it's faster than pounder, falcon and pounder.
  14. Messaiga

    It is Outdated, I can tell because it still has the same amount of damage as it did Pre-GU07 and the same reload speed.
  15. Pikachu

    Try playing around with ravens, comets or fractures and see the difference. Those things are much more fun to use for other than stationary vehicles. It's amazing how long reach fractures and ravens have. You actually become a threat to tanks that are far away.
  16. Pikachu

    Actually the damage listed there isn't even correct. There has never been a time where falcons had 700, they had 750 pre-GU07. Also at that time comets were single shot with 550 damage, not 350 2 shot mag as shown on the site. o_O