Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hanniballecter, May 25, 2013.

  1. Snarfy

    "i gots killed in game i demand refund of certs and a fresh change of diapers hurrrh durrh"
  2. BlackDove

    The striker is both.
  3. RipperTR

    Whining is OP, this forum really needs a QQ section.

    Scissors are OP please nerf, rock is fine do not buff.
  4. Van Dax

    if you are being killed by a lancer as infantry I'm sorry to say you should probably just give up.
  5. PaperPlanes

    Actually the most OP gun in the game is a properly certed Gauss SAW. It's a complete joke how easy that weapon is to use, you can full auto it at 100+ meters and land nearly every shot with perfect accuracy, it just has almost no spread or recoil when ADS'd and equipped with a foregrip and compensator, yet it hits like a truck.
  6. The King

    I'm going to get it. I've been dying to have the flashlight. I know it'll blind the enemy when I face them and then they wouldn't know where I am. Especially with their night vision scope. They'll just see a bunch of white all over. muhahahahhah

    But besides that, I'll say the striker is quite OP...
  7. sham

    I honestly thought after every faction got the ability to buy a far superior ground to air launcher for the low, low price of 250 certs that we might see the end of these pointless threads. Guess I was wrong.

    Congratulations OP, you managed to bore the hell out of me so much I felt the need to reply
  8. Jurun

    I'm not sure why that would the case- as someone who uses the striker, I'm always frustrated by how anything and everything breaks lockon. Tree branches, towers, vehicles, an infantry running in front of you for half a second, etc. I think what you're probably experiencing is the fact that it's possible to be hit by part of the clip after you've broken lockon if it was fired beforehand.

    It seems like the bigger problem with the striker is that it has a bunch of bugs associated with it (as usual) and this round just happens to make it more effective instead of the reverse.
  9. NoctD

    NS-10 Bursters just ruins it for everyone in the air, and it dispatches infantry pretty quickly as well.

    Truly the most OP easy mode weapon there is in the game if you want easy certs/XP.
  10. Cyridius

    Hell, I've had dumbfires miss me on my screen and still do damage. It's problem with the game in general, though I think I've heard about this specific one.
  11. illgot

    It is only OP right now because of a bug.
  12. Shockwave44

    And yet no dev has acknowledged they will fix it.
  13. illgot

    there are a lot of things they have not acknowledged as bugs, one of them the fact that if you die with your UI turned off you have to force close the game and restart it.
  14. Holomang

    If your tank is dying to Strikers the problem is you. Strikers do not kill Reavers in one clip.
  15. Sifer2

    Most TR would rather have the Phoenix or the Lancer. Especially the Lancer. You can break lockon or use stealth armor, and IR smoke to counter the Striker. Can't do jack against a Lancer but take the damage.
    • Up x 1
  16. Dironox

    I've used the striker a lot, a full clip of 5 isn't enough to down ESFs, but a 6th or 7th might, and chances are you're not being targeted by only one striker.

    as for flares not working, they break the lock-on but any missles fired before the lock was broke will still chase you.

    this weapon feels like it takes forever to lock on and if LOS is obscured in any way the time it takes to lock is reset, tho once you can fire it's to devastating effect. a lot of us have it and if there's only one or two aircraft in the sky chances are all eyes are on you. It's not so much OP as it is that AirCav rarely coordinate like infantry or even tanks do for safety.
  17. Smalltown

    You guys do realize that simply the problem isn't just the striker, but G2A to begin with. I've heard more people complain about the spam loads of anti-air sunderers, maxes, and skyguards, that I do strikers, and I'm not saying that as a loyal TR player.

    I'm saying it as a player who is one of many to state a clear, undeniable fact. Ground to air is ******.
  18. Cougarbrit

    IR smoke already has a low cd though doesn't it? I only have it on my Lightning so I can't say for sure on the other vehicles, but max rank IR has a 15sec cd. Which is really goddamn short.

    Also, I'd say the VS are also a pretty big problem to fight with air now with ZOE, try bring a Lib or Gal near a VS squad or something and you'll get ripped into by half a dozen ZOE Vortexes and Bursters, as well as Lancer spam.
  19. Zan_Aus

    You need to get out more.
  20. Shockwave44

    Pretty sure tank shells, mana turrets, daltons, zephers and rockets pods all share that same issue. You mentioned nothing about projectile velocity.

    However, if you just sit there, sure, someone with a lancer will hit you.