ADAD Macro Effect Demonstration

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Davelantor, Apr 27, 2013.

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  1. Glorin

    Who are these players? I've yet to see one person who uses this mythical macro. I refuse to believe a macro that spams ADADAD would be nearly as effective as intelligent strafing.

    Seriously, link me one of their profiles.
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  2. S1eB

    Whether it's a macro or not it's lame and annoying.
    People these days think being good at a game means jumping and around like a ****** on steroids. If they are good players then why do they need top do it? there is no excuse, if they were as good as they think they are they wouldn't need to do all this ADADA bunnyhopping running in circles BS.

    They are more than likely bad players who can't shoot to save their lives and it's the only way they can win gunfights.
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  3. Fire Works

    Its called movement. Its a skill since quake and even longer back.

    There are loads of communities about specific movement in games. Jump servers, circle strafing parcours...

    Hell, people in games like ET spent dozens of hours mastering to jump around a tree while constantly shooting at it.
  4. Glorin

    I'm one of the players who you are describing. I jump around whenever it is advantageous, and I strafe and sprint around and make myself almost impossible to hit, again, whenever it is advantageous.

    Do I need to do it? No. I could stand still like a bad player and turn every encounter into a DPS race and still win on raw reaction time and aim alone. However, if I were to do that, then I'd be limiting my ability to kill multiple people at the same time.

    Like it or not, the movement you are describing is simply what good players do. If you have a problem with it, then you need to reevaluate your own aim.
  5. Jachim

    The only way to stop people from complaining in this game, apparently, is to have people freeze in place when they are shot and be stuck until they are dead. Because god forbid you try to avoid their fire or something.
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  6. Dervishkid

    thier skill and expolting the game network coding..
    using a macro button to inflat the effect is not skill. is just Hacking light.
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  7. BlackDove

    Except this ADAD spam screws the hit detection up, so you CAN'T hit them, even when you ARE aiming at them. That's this issue. I had some TR *** hole doing this on Briggs, and it's the most annoying thing, because it doesn't matter if you're a better player or not, YOU CAN'T HIT THEM.
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  8. The King

    I'm sure he was using this... macro thing. lol
    How many players are there?
    So far, from the video I've seen, it only happens when there are a bunch of players around.
    I'm willing to bet, they are not using a macro...
  9. BlackDove

    Even if they're not, SOE needs to fix the hit detection so people can't dodge bullets by ADAD spamming or macroing. Doesn't matter which way they do it, it's BS that you can't hit them.
  10. S1eB

    Keep telling yourself it's "skill" makes me laugh how people really think that doing this makes them a good player and skilfull. Like the people who think they are good because they take a few people out with a auto shotgun. Or the people that wait for people who are playing the objective to go by till they come out of their hiding place and shoot them in the back.

    You are not good players, you are just taking advantage of certain situations, stop fooling yourselves.

    Try winning a gunfight because you have good aim and use cover not because you jump around like an idiot because it's the only way you can not get killed. There is no skill in jumping around, Planetside 2 is also not an arena shooter like Quake and other games like it so stop using it as an excuse. Games have change since then and you don't need to play like that anymore.

    Also looking at those K/Ds you are obviously a farmer.
  11. Glorin

    If I was a farmer, I'd sit in a MAX suit all day, or a tank, or an ESF, or a Liberator. If I was a farmer, I'd only sit in buildings and use shotguns. I don't use tanks, I don't use ESFs, I don't use Liberators, I don't use shotguns, and I only pull MAX suits when I'm grossly outnumbered.

    If I was a farmer, why do I also have the highest kills per minute in all of PS2? You can't get as many kills as fast as I do by just farming spawn points or by being out in the middle of nowhere. The only way to do it is to actually go to bases and get **** done.

    Also, if I were a bad player, why do I also have the highest headshot to kill ratio in all of PS2? Why do I also have one of the highest accuracies?

    Let me put this another way: If you think rapidly strafing is "cheap" or an exploit, you are a bad player. You know nothing about aim. You know nothing about skill.

    You want to talk about winning gunfights with aim? You have literally one of the lowest accuracies in the entirety of Planetside 2 (14%), and you are trying to lecture someone with literally one of the highest accuracies in Planetside 2 (32%). Don't even try to talk to me about aim or skill.

    This whining about ADADAD nonsense is nothing but a fad. The playermodel warps a bit, but the hitboxes stay in sync with the playermodel reasonably well--at least when it comes to people who ping less than 100ms to the server. Are hitting players who are strafing intelligently difficult to do? Yes. How do you overcome this? You simply have to have good aim; and if the player model warps a bit, then you have to react fast and aim at the new position.

    At no point do you ever aim at the player model and miss because the hitbox is somewhere else. I have never seen this demonstrated in a video, and I have never seen this in-game.
  12. MrIDoK

    While i agree that there's no point in looking at K/D (look at that fellow named Daddy, for example), saying "if you don't agree with me you're a bad player" is just a bad way to discuss with someone.

    I'm ok with strafing as a tactic as i can aim at people, the thing that annoys me is that it makes the animations freak out (rapid change from "going left" to "going right" that makes predicting the enemy position impossible when paired with no momentum) and also makes the movement look like you're ice skating with no weight nor acceleration. Maybe i'm not used to the "pr0 old school" fps that many people brag about, but having consistent and reliable animations (if i see you in the mid of a "moving right" animation i'm going to assume your next step is to your right and you're not going "lolnope" and start moving to the left at full speed immediately) and a movement system that makes sense (gliding left and right at full speed just feels off to me, regardless of "every fps did that, l2aim u n00b") could go a long way making this issues disappear.

    And i think that the devs are already working on the animations side of things: if you strafe in one direction while sprinting now you lean to that side. It's a small thing, but it gives me hope. Let's see if they come up with some good compromises that can satisfy both sides of the discussion.
  13. S1eB


    No who plays legit gets a K/D that high, you obviously do not play the objective and most likely vehicle *****.

    Either that or you hack, simple as. There are many good players on this forum and none of them have a K/D or SPM as high as you.
  14. Glorin

    According to the stat site, I do significantly more objectives than you, in addition to having almost 0 vehicle kills.

    If you think I cheat, you're welcome to watch my previous broadcasts:

    The fact of the matter is that it is extremely easy to say that people who strafe really rapidly and jump around are just bad players trying to compensate for their lack of skill. However the reality of it is that is good players do these things because they're good.

    You're inventing your own set of rules for the game based on what you think is "cheap" or unfair. The evidence suggests that the hitboxes in this game stay reasonably well synced with the player model, even when the player model is warping a bit.

    Strafing rapidly is not an exploit, and it is not illegitimate. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence suggests that a macro designed to strafe rapidly would be far inferior to actually strafing manually.
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  15. TeknoBug

    ^ your Connery VS and NC stats are very odd.
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  16. TeknoBug

    More like ADADHD, I've seen ADAD macro'ers in other games before, especially in post-NGE SWG where you had to aim to hit players. I haven't really seen any in this game so far, but I've seen some fast reaciton players.
  17. Ender

    Not sure why this thread was revived but it's painfully obvious that there can't be meaningful discussion on the topic. There's a communication breakdown that is getting repeated over and over and over and over and over.

    On one side you have a group of people who have seen this in-game once or twice which affords them the experience to accurately discern normal strafing (ADADAD) warp that occurs with anyone "dodging" (this is not what most people in here are talking about, but yes we DO know this exists too) from the players intentionally manipulating a game mechanic and what has been referred to as "Using an ADADAD Macro."

    On the other side you have a group of people who label the former group as "whiners" because they've never seen this in-game. However, they are thoroughly convinced they HAVE seen it in-game and know EXACTLY what the other group is seeing because it can only be the normal warp created by players strafing. They reason that this is inherent in every game, which it is, and that it cannot be fixed, which is correct. In their all-knowing wisdom that they have graciously shared to the first group they KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that using a macro to ADADAD would simply cause the avatar using that macro to do a little jig in place and not move much. Group 1 should accept this because this is how things are. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY a player could manipulate game mechanics to cause an excessive crazy amount of warp that throws off hit-boxes similar to how repeated jumping did, and it is simply caused by players who have been strafing in FPS games since before all of group 1 was born.

    The only solution is for group 1 to L2Aim (even if their aim is generally better than person telling them this) and/or live with it, because it is completely ridiculous to come into the game's official forums and raise potential issues. They are experts on this specific matter due to their prior FPS experiences and have ruled out any possible foul play. The development team is extremely grateful for their contribution & clarity to the community and can only hope that more players follow in their footsteps by definitively setting the record straight on any type of relevant PS2 matter.

    Thank you, Group 2. My subscription has been saved by your wisdom.
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  18. DeltaGun

    Lol I fought against a guy who tried the crouching +A/D. I shot him in his stupid face, didn't help him one bit.
  19. nukularZ

    Anyone can bind anyone of their keyboard or mouse macro buttons to do the entire movements. And since they know how the movement will play out, all they have to do is keep their cursor aimed. I don't see macroing often, but there are times when it seems a little bit too obvious.
  20. LahLahSr

    1) The best way to avoid being hit by a bullet is to:
    - present as small a target as possible (cover)
    - present a moving target (moving)

    2) The best way to hit something is to:
    - have the weapon supported and as stable as possible
    - have your pulse as close to a resting pulse as possible
    - not move while shooting
    - aim down the sights (this is true even for Bob Munden, although he will draw his gun and give you a 3rd eye socket at 15 feet in under a 10th or a second..literally faster than you can blink...but I digress. Even he is more accurate when he aims down the sights)

    3) Newtonian physics - gotta love'm:
    - the longer and heavier the weapon, the longer it takes to acquire a moving target (simple physics) as the acceleration and deceleration takes longer to complete and requires more force.
    - changing the overall direction of your movement comes at a speed cost, since you are fighting momentum; watch a game of basketball if you doubt Sir Isaac Newton's findings.
    - changing magazines on a pistol or battle rifle while out of breath and performing a break dance routine or engaging in parcour, will not be as fast or as certain to succeed as when standing still in the correct firing position.

    Planetside 2:
    - Since you don't have a pulse rate, whatever you do or have just done, has no bearing on your ability to aim and it anything.
    - Your ability to turn and aim a larger weapon (small arms) is largely unaffected by Newtonian physics
    - Jumping, while running up/down stairs and changing directions, apparently does not impede record-fast magazine changes

    In short: real-life shooting mechanics are very poorly - if at all - represented in Planetside 2. But it's not just poorly represented, it's directly designed and implemented to reward highly unrealistic behavior.

    You try to run 100 yards at your top speed...absolutely all out...with a backpack and carrying a rifle..wearing boots...and then try and hit something - free standing - at 100 yards away with a full-auto (or even semi-auto) weapon and see how it goes. I have. Now add the stress-adrenaline associated having your target shoot back at you and you won't hit a darn thing on purpose for quite some time.

    I'm not advocating that perfect real-life dynamics are incorporated in PS2 at all - it would slow down the game a LOT and become rather boring pretty quickly. However, I WOULD like to see SOE's designers come up with a revamped dynamic whereby reasonably sane tactics were rewarded with more success instead of the silly and unimaginative bunny-hoppping/ADAD FPS formula that is mindlessly ported between every FPS out there.
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