Of 3-ways and solutions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deepjay, May 22, 2013.

  1. Deepjay

    I am really surprised by how successful alerts have been. Not only have they encouraged some very large, concentrated battles, but they have done the unthinkable, in drawing players to fight on Esamir and Amerish. On Briggs at least, they have been somewhat successful in this regard. But on Briggs, we're also suffering major population issues. NC has recently come off a period of overwhelming numbers, simply steamrolling the other factions, and TR are currently having their time in the sun.

    Winning is not remotely satisfying when there's no challenge - the same as losing to overwhelming numbers is about one of the most enjoyable things you can experience.

    The point of a game like Planetside having 3 factions, is that in theory, no matter which faction dominates, the other two really should be able to temporarily work together and take out the big dog. This just isn't happening. Alerts - for all their success, are turning into some of the most frustrating things in the game to date, as good combat is trodden under the bootheels of the massive zergs.

    We're also now aware that many people are jumping ship if it looks like they're losing, moving to their '4th faction' character to get the XP reward. If you dont believe this, take a look at the population numbers through various stages of the alert - both continent and world.

    I think there's a few things that can be done to counter this - but I think it's something that really needs to be discussed.

    A short term solution might be to simply lock interfaction character changes while an alert is on - or introduce a cooldown period.

    I think though, the fundamental problem that needs addressing, is some way to promote this 3-way dynamic.

    As an example, in tonight's Esamir alert that just concluded - for the first half of it, TR had 40% of the Esamir population while NC and VS had both 20% or thereabouts. In theory, if NC and VS both pushed the TR, the TR would have a serious two-pronged fight on its hands. The end result would be some bloody good combat for all involved, and likely an XP reward.

    But what really happened was the NC and VS pushed each other in the far north, while the TR pushed up from the south and then annihilated both. They capped out the continent with some 40 minutes to spare.

    What can be done to try and encourage the two lesser factions to work towards this goal?

    What about a dynamic comms channel or similar that only the two losing factions can use, if there's a certain disparity population percentages? If the leaders of platoons could talk cross-faction only during this period- it could actually work towards this end.

    When you get down to it - no-one likes to be ganged up on - but if you have three factions on a continent, one with 40% and two others with 20% - i don't know, but it's not rocket science.

    The pie charts on the maps are pretty clear but people just dont seem to understand. Its also possible the VS on Briggs simply hate the NC - which is fair enough considering NC has been the zerg until recently - and we detest the VS. But when it comes down to it, i dont think either VS or NC - or whoever the two bottom factions are (there's no reason why VS and TR couldnt have done the same to NC) - enjoy being obliterated.

    Both NC and VS pulled 0 XP reward out of this alert as we held no territory. I'm fairly certain both factions would have liked to have scored at least something.
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  2. IamDH

    We could give the other 2 factions more XP if they killed the larger faction or took its ground
    Any sort of incentive
  3. Deepjay

    THere's a reason why we have three factions - to dynamically adjust for inbalances. There should never be an inbalance providing all three factions have reasonable populations (which they do).

    The game needs to promote this more. It needs to step up and urge the underdog factions to move together somehow. It could solve so many issues.
  4. BloodyPuma

    I dunno guys. It would kill diversity and would be another step towrs perfect balance = WW1 style. Theory good, practice could go wrong.
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  5. Profileiche

    To reduce 4th factioning we need to connect accounts to the actual players by verification. Thus the players need to not only create a 4th faction char.. or a 4th faction account ... but also need to verify that account to gain alert bonuses. A Verification over ID or bank account like paypal does maybe.
  6. Deepjay

    It's not about killing diversity - but players need to be more aware that the solution to one side having the zerg IS in fact the other two sides not specifically working together per se - but focusing on that larger factions territory. We're talking during alerts here primarily.

    I hate the VS as much as the next NC, but if TR own most of the map, it's simplyu crazy for NC to be moving on the VS when the TR are destroying the entire map.
  7. MarlboroMan-E

    I don't know what can be done aside from adding more continents, but I absolutely agree that this is a problem.
  8. Deepjay

    It can be resolved by the two lesser populated factions pushing the dominant one, rather than each other. I honestly cant understand why that's so difficult ingame
  9. Metallic123

  10. BigDaddyBruce

    I think you might need to do that population math again (40 + 20 + 20 /= 100).

    But in all seriousness, I like some of your ideas and agree that temporary coordination between losing factions does not happen enough, and it could be cool if it were encouraged or facilitated in some way.
  11. Metallic123

    The problem with making more continents is there will be less to fight. Last thing we need is to be ghost capping the new lattice system because we have too much territory, not enough troops.
  12. NovaAustralis

    Here's an easy fix.

    I'll use a simple example:

    Let's say the continent population is:
    50% faction A
    25% faction B
    25% faction C

    - Both faction B and faction C should get an XP bonus for fighting faction A.
    (this is because faction A outnumbers both faction B and faction C)

    - Both faction B and faction C should get NO bonus for fighting each other. (Each are 25% pop, so are equal)

    - Faction A should get NO bonus (or even a penalty) for fighting either faction B or faction C.

    The maths is easy.
    The programming is easy.
    This needs to be implemented.

    Also, lock character accounts when an Alert starts.
    (To lower the 4th faction switchers)
    Yes, having multiple accounts get around this...
    but it will help more so than not having it.
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  13. jessewhat

    Just had an amazing three-way on Waterson at J908 Impact Site... Farming TR and VS is so much fun
  14. Sen7ryGun84

    From the perspective of a TR since beta:

    You will receive no quarter, we will not cooperate with the other lower pop faction for alerts. We may have the benefit of all your scum sucking turn coat 4th faction players now but the memories of the last 6 months of getting spit roasted by the NC and VS even when we fought with 12-15% server population are still very fresh. Its was common to see the VS and NC standing side by side attacking the TR without exchanging a shot when we had less than 20% pop and its no different now.

    We watch the maps during alerts. We watch the maps during regular play. Its extremely common to see the TR engaging up to 7 platoons across our front and the most action to be seen across the VS/NC front is "enemy squad detected" at one location with just enemies at the rest. Those of us who've been playing TR since the beginning are well conditioned to fighting 4:1, pushing sh*t up hill with a pointy stick is totally normal for us so you'll get no sympathy here.

    We get ganged when we have high pop, we get ganged when we have the lowest of the low pop. Bring it on.
  15. Moody One

    The problem is human nature combined with poor map design.

    RvR games have always had overpopulation problems - a lot of players and developers think adding a third faction (making it RvRvR) will magically solve this - it isn't true, adding a third faction is part of the solution but proper map design is the other and without both it falls apart like we have now.

    The problem quite simply is that as long as they can portions of both smaller factions will continue to fight each other even when facing a great threat if they can - who wants to butt heads against the "Zerg" when there is another faction with similar numbers? this undermines the whole 3 faction approach.

    The solution is to design the map so that factions can only attack each other when territory control is at similar levels - when one faction dominates (usually because of numbers) the smaller factions are "forced" to engage them because they cannot reach the other small faction without going through the larger - this forces the large faction to split their forces considerable earlier.

    Even with the new Lattice the current map design still doesn't do this - it is still possible for small factions to butt heads almost right up until it is too late to mount a concerted defense.

    something more like this (I know I know my art sucks :p) :


    where each warp gate is on its own geographically separated (by Water, Mountains, Lava, etc, etc) with limited links back to the main continent - if one faction becomes to strong and forces the other 2 off the main continent then they will end up fighting both factions over a wide area while the small factions cannot fight each other until they push back the aggressor.
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  16. MarlboroMan-E

    Of the 10 PS1 conts, at least 6 were empty at all times - or they were allowed to be ghost capped. CR5s would ask for fast responders to jump on a hack on a cont to either fix is quickly, or to determine how much force was required. That's the metagame everyone is talking about.
  17. NovaAustralis

    Best idea yet.
    It wouldn't take much either to implement this.
    (I.e: change some of the existing lattice links and do some landscaping to suit)

    I'd like to further illustrate the genius (kudos Moody One) of this concept.
    Take the examples below:

    Along the top row we can see a continent in three configurations, TR dominated, VS dominated and NC dominated.
    Notice how in each case the two factions being dominated cannot interact?
    They are forced to attack the dominant faction until they get back into the 'no-mans-land' in the triangular area.

    Along the bottom row is a sequence showing the NC breaking out from a near VS domination.
    In 1, the NC establish a 'beach head'. (The TR would also be fighting the VS along their WG links)
    In 2, the NC re-establish the links back to their WG. (this has given the TR some 'breathing space' and they have pushed out too)
    In 3, the NC have cornered the VS and surrounded the TR.
    However they are now open to counter-attack on two fronts by the TR and VS.
    The TR and VS can still fight each other if they like, but only over a few locations, in the remaining locations they will have to fight the NC (the now dominant faction).
    The end result would look like the NC dominated example (top right picture).

    Now imagine how well this system would work during Alerts!
  18. Sifer2

    That triangle thing is similar to how the world was setup in Planetside 1. Each faction had a Sanctuary continent. That was connected to like 9 neutral continents. It promoted that ganging up against the winner scenario.

    Anyway in regards to Alerts in Planetside 2. The problem I see is that in the case of one strong faction against two weak factions. The two weak factions are tempted to backstab one another for easy undefended territory. It's just pure greed at work really. No one wants to be in 3rd place, and if you can just steal a few outposts from the other underdog at least you come in 2nd. Then you have the 4th faction people jumping ship in the last 30 minutes or so. The whole system is just flawed really. Alerts are only good in that they create fighting on the other continents when there isn't any. In that regard they are a success.
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