Why do MAXs only show up as normal Red Dots...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iller, May 24, 2013.

  1. iller

    ...on our Radars??

    Even the stupid ATV's show up as something other than another 'red dot'. Why don't MAX's?
    This seems like some really really low-hanging fruit/FIX for the DEVs to partially address the MAX situation with.
    And it would definitely help us Infiltrators atleast play some kind of role in the Anti-MAX meta...
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  2. Grotpar

    Because eventually we'll get BFRs and the icons would look really similar.

    They're just a few steps ahead.
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  3. Batsteg

    This is something I really missed the [ symbol that maxes got in old planetside
  4. iller

    :eek: not sure if I should laugh or cry...
  5. FoeAngel

    That info needs to be paid for

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  6. illgot

    Because the Max can still be ran over by all but the Flash (maybe the flash, I just haven't been run over by a flash yet).
  7. iller

    I drove over one 3 times with my Stealth flash. It was about as effective as knifing him...
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  8. Tanelorn

    I agree, need a different icon for MAXes. How about hollow and slightly larger dots.
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  9. Abyll

    I agree, having MAXes as identifiable icons on the minimap would be a good addition.
  10. Bill Hicks

  11. GraphicJ

    OP your logic is overwhelming.

    SOE, It's the little things that count.

    god help us all.
  13. iller

    or this... [IMG] ...specifically for Gu09