Great now the Sauron is OP and NC\TR will cry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, May 24, 2013.

  1. Assist

    I'll agree with the shotguns, but only with slugs which (no offense) are not used by solid players. The rest of what you said is garbage. You've obviously never attempted to plot the difference in bullet drop caused by the TR/NC weapons at various ranges. Magrider was restored to pre GU02 quite a while ago, as it was never OP the Prowler and Vanguard were just **** compared to it(which has been fixed). The color scheme change is almost comical, you think VS looked appealing before the color change? More importantly, you think a color change is some sort of buff? Sad.
    Lastly, our weapons still have a negative. We have less ammo per mag than the TR and less damage than the NC. That puts us directly in between the two factions, which is what the VS are supposed to be. Do you honestly think that removing our damage penalty has changed anything other than the factions appeal to a new player? You feel like you're being killed that much more because of that change?
  2. EliteEskimo

    On the plus side Grampa Vanu has never had a bigger grin on his face :D
  3. The King

    Hopefully, it doesn't go back to acting like a halbred....
  4. MurderBunneh

    You've obviously never put a suppressor on a tr nc battle rifle and watched the rounds drop like stones.

    There is a reason 2x the VS use suppressors and battle riles as the other factions do.

    Ya you are right black is just as easy to see as yellow or red....
  5. KlyptoK

    I'm hoping it does. That way there's a greater chance that they will undo what should have never happened and put the Ml85 and Saron back.

    Cool =/= Better
  6. Van Dax

    really? twice as many people eh? and where did you find that?
  7. DeltaGun

    I think we found out Dev's strategy for population balancing.
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  8. Assist

    Fairly sure 5 of the 11, including the OP, are VS players.
  9. MurderBunneh

    At least you admit it. I said I agree with doing it just don't try saying that it doesn't exist.
  10. WookLordz

    it still looks like a garbage disco ball when you fire it fast
  11. NightFalls998

    damage drop off was a nerf to cqc
  12. MurderBunneh

    Does it matter how many? Battle rifle is a mid-long range weapon and VS version doesn't have bullet drop while the other 2 have significant bullet drop. The balancing factor of the Battle rifle is its low velocity and the accompanying bullet drop has to be accounted for making it hard to lead distant targets while moving. VS only have to account for 1 of those factors. Balanced??

    Same for suppressors, velocity and bullet drop penalty VS only suffer from 1 of the 2. Balanced? The whole point of the suppressor is that it gets a penalty at range VS only suffer half that penalty.

    Your weapons have fewer bullets in SOME cases. But that is made up for by reloading faster.

    NC have more damage but less rof. See how our positive trait is balanced by a negative while your trait is balanced by a double positive.

    Applying your faction trait to what are essentially common pool weapons B.rifles S.rifles and Shotguns.
    How would you like it if NC shotguns and B.rifles did more damage and TR versions fired faster?
  13. Xasapis

    Interesting thread tbh. I am not aware of any other faction getting a weapon that is a tad too good and en masse openly admitting it on the forums, demanding balance.
  14. MurderBunneh

    Many NC said our max needed a nerf and we also agreed with the Phoenix nerf.
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  15. RealityWarrior

    exactly what I keep saying
  16. Cortosis

    Its one of the few things in this game i feel very confident commenting on, i have spent a lot of time in my mag and honestly i just want my old saron back

    Saron Mk1 good balanced weapon maybe needed the firing delay looking at bit.
    Saron Mk2 Trash 300 damage at rage.
    Saron Mk3 automatic bolt action sniper that one shots troops with a 6 mag clip.
  17. Phrygen

    please put this in vehicle discussion.
  18. Rubbers


    but just for knowledge, the enforcer is the same way, but doesnt do as much damage to armor, but it has 10 shots per clip each OHK and is semi auto. :)

    all the tank secondarys were buffed into OP-ness (oh *****?)
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  19. The King

    I agree, maybe it shouldn't shoot this fast.. But then, it would really suck against vehicles...
  20. Ghosty11

    I swear SOE uses a dart board and some dice to do their weapon balancing. Nobody in their right mind could look at Saron stats as they are now and say this will be perfectly balanced, even without seeing it in action.