Wow, Lattice is BORING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, May 23, 2013.

  1. Hosp

    Nothing unbiased about it.

    Straight proportions, it's all math/science. Forums do represent an amount of players in game. Hence a poll could be valid. Not 100% accurate, but certainly more valid than saying "Oh there's alot more haters in game not on forums because i said so.", which is what you're saying.

    Because ya know what...if those haters are in game playing with lattice and not on forum...they don't really hate the game now do they?
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  2. Wafletofles

    Don't let the door hit your *** on the way out :)

    Your example would work if you took the sample from the playing population RANDOMLY.
    You are reducing the population to the number of players who are registered on the forum.
    And you reduce it once more to the persons who WANT to answer the question.
  4. Hosp

    then it's up to you to get them vocal, not up to you to be vocal for them.
  5. SgtScum

    I was talking about the old hex system. That's all you did under that system. A few guys running around the fringes of the map ghost capping empty bases or blowing gens whilst the big outfits either dodged about the map looking for platoons or even squads to crush with a few of them who wanted stand up fights camping the big bases all day every day.

    How can people miss that or even call it strategic play with a straight face?

    Is the current iteration of the lattice perfect? Of course not and it will get fleshed out as the gu keep rolling out.

    Is it light years better than the old hex system for living up to the games premise of massive fights on a massive scale whilst still leaving things for smaller units to do if they can think in terms past flipping empty bases?

    Hell yes.

    Whether you agree or not its in the game and not going away so get used to it and you might find it a bit more flexible than you thought.
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    Satisfied people are less likely to publicize their satisfaction than dissatisfied people are likely to let everyone possible know about their dissatisfaction.

    If you want a good approx of players satisfaction, SOE need to send an email to a RANDOM sample of players.
    Do you like the Lattice change ? YES / NO / DON'T CARE
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  7. Macchus

    at most it would be maybe 50% accurate still not enough to draw any conclusions .... please you can go on all day but im not changing my mind , forum is not an accurate measure of in game . also jsut from looking at and reading tons of threads on lattice there is more unique posters who have valid issues with the lattice and are being answered by the same few Lattice luvers over and over again . that right there tells me that there is les lattice luvers than anyone else . you guys are in a minority . deal with it .
  8. Macchus

    finally ... someone thinking . :)
  9. Aleios1

    Oh and which server was this?
  10. Hosp

    Then we're at a standstill. You won't believe me and I can't believe you. Neither can prove the other right or wrong when everything said is rebutted as conjecture. So how to break the stalemate?

    You hate it so much...leave the game. I'll find people to replace you.:cool:
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  11. Macchus

    i dont hate it . i never said i did hate it . you are assuming i do . what i dont like is trying to make people believe something that isnt neccesarily true with unproven facts and unreliable numbers . you cant determine how many people like the lattice or dont using these forums ... but go ahead make your poll . id like to see what happens as im interested to know what the results now .
  12. Stormlight666

    Well last night during an alert our "zerg" met a defensive "zerg" from two nearby bases. We got pushed back, regrouped from a well placed sundy and pushed back again to take the enemies base. So I don't know what you're so set on about saying it's ALL about being stuck in a spawn room since you KNOW where the zerg is going next and can mount a solid defense at the position of your choosing. TONS OF ROOM FOR TACTICS, pity you have no sense of strategy.
  13. Posse

    Selection bias.
  14. Roxputin

    Did you say POLL. ... O.K.
  15. haldolium

    I agree. It is boring.

    It takes fights to a specific area with barely alternatives and I am already sick of fighting the same lines every day instead of being able to chose a good fight. Hex wasn't great either, but at least had the freedom of choice...

    This is not an alternative.

    Maybe heavy related to WG location, no idea.
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  16. RealityWarrior

    Meh I like the new system. I like the constant large fights at every base
  17. r1stormrider

    Macchus has it backwards. The majority prefer the lattice. The minority prefer the hex system. The reason is simple. People came to ps2 to fight a virtual war. Not sit semi-afk ghost capping a base, waiting for attackers who never show, or just getting rolled by a zerg that is actively avoiding YOUR zerg.
  18. TacosWLove

    I just came here to voice my opposition to the OP.

    Its the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what he said. The game is no longer boring because we can find good fites all the time.. Kinda strange that someone would come to PS2 with MASSIVE COMBAT on an UNPRECEDENTED SCALE and then get made when they experience said combat.... I am disappoint..
  19. Rockit

    Easy way to vote for either is by playing the game. Don't like lattice? play Esamir or Amerish and let's see where the pop is. That would show SOE where the interest level lies.
  20. Juunro

    Look, the concept is great. Nobody questions the idea that more sensible maps that make objectives flow clearly and well and tend to prevent ring around the ghost cap is a good idea.

    The problem is that the game itself is bad at actually handling the zerg fights in question. Pop in, server side lag and a poorly optomized client are all issues that directly detract from huge zerg fights. All the lattice system does as it stands now is exacerbate these problems by forcing them on everyone.
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