[Suggestion] SOE we need more loadout slots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kronic, May 24, 2013.

  1. Kronic

    Add more please. 9+ slots would be ideal. Dunno who thought 3 was okay with all the ways to customise each class.
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  2. KAHR-Alpha

  3. Astealoth

    wow a suggestion that makes sense, has value, and isn't people whining that they can't ghost cap for free xp or that they're afraid of maxes. i agree with OP.

    +47 internets
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  4. rayvon

    Ok thanks, good idea we will do that.
    1000sc per slot please.
  5. Corezer

    I think 9+ is a bit much, but I've always thought we should get an extra suit slot, it would make some of the weaker choices more viable to use as a compliment to your main choice (although they would have to prohibit nanoweave+flack armor, otherwise that would become the only thing out there!)
  6. Kronic

    Lol hopefully not :D

    I think it's a good number. For example with MAXes I'd like to have an AI loadout with both charge and lockdown, same with my AV loadout but I'd like to use Pounders and Fractures with lockdown or charges as well as having my AA loadout. That's 7 loadouts right there and I can have more weapons/ability combos with LA and HA. 10 would be a good number imo.
  7. Izzy

    Excellent suggestion. period.
  8. St0mpy

    This has been requested over and over, so far the story is;

    Higby showed us some art a few months back with 9 buttons for loadout slots, then we didnt hear anything for a while, then a few weeks back Higby twittered something brief about extra loadout slots being available to premium account holders, much like the extra soldier slots.

    Havn't heard anything since that.

    This imo is a stupid idea, Ive already bought more than I can use in my three slots so ive simply stopped buying or certing alternatives unless I have space. SOE adding a cost barrier to having more isnt smart if they want people to buy bucketloads of weapons/cosmetics.

    Whatever the decision I wish theyd hurry the hell up with it. I need 6 at least, and on proper fast select favorites buttons, none of this fumbling about in a droplist lark.
  9. simmi1717

    I agree with the title. 6 loadouts are fine though. 9 is a bit too much
  10. Taelus

    Rather than adding more loadout slots maybe decouple the current slots from their respective class/vehicle. So they form a floating pool of loadout slots. These slots could then individually be assigned to whatever class/vehicle you wanted. For example 5x infil slots, 3x ha, 1x la slot or all them used up for a single class.

    In future loadout slot packs could be sold,1x to say 5x. you would be free to use them for whatever class/vehicle you wanted. rather than packs that would give you 1 slot to all classes/vehicles and have slots you may never use.
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  11. Kronic

    Very good idea. So people who don't wanna see a massively long list can have their 1-3 loadout slots per class/vehicle while people like me can have the 10 slots for certain classes that are deemed needing of that number of slots.
  12. Cryless

    I would like to see something like this:
    indar loadout - you set the loadout the way you want (camo, decals etc) and the game selects that loadout automatically when you go to indar. that means you don't have to change your camo and resupply anymore.
    same goes for esamir/amerish.
  13. Liquid23

    we have been making a new thread suggesting this pretty much at least once a month or more since before release... 3 at first was fine (1 each for shot,med and long range for example) but at this point a lot of us have a multitude of weapons, attachments, abilities and devices that 3 simply doesn't cut it and SOE has shown that they plan on continuing to release more options regularly (a lot of which are very situational) which just compounds the issue... right now I spend so much time manually changing things that it's no faster than if I only had 1 loadout slot
  14. Pazzonni

    Just give us 1 slot per certain amount of lvls like at the start. You get the 2nd at BR5, 3rd at BR15, 4th - BR25 and so on.
  15. McJackson

  16. Zakuak

    Nice posts!

    Yes SOE you keep selling me stuff but now you need to follow up with way we can organize it, more load out slots would be great! I

    Also wanted to add a comment about the quick camo selections, very very nice feature and thank you!
  17. Corezer

    you know... silly me, I thought by loadout slots you meant more slots IN each loadout, to increase diversity among builds...

    ...my b
  18. SgtBreastroker

    Or you could, you know.... customize each loadout to those continents.