Why is TR getting all SOE's attention?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Levtech, May 24, 2013.

  1. Badname0192

    I wonder what holiday the VS will get. Probably some obscure Scientology specific holiday. You'll get some form of tinfoil hat that will cost some god awful amount of SC to have it feel more like you're buying into Scientology.
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  2. Liquid23

    do Scientologist even have holidays? ... quick someone call Tom Cruise and ask!
  3. Gamba

    they didnt make up NOTHING,its all taken from the official planetside lore,which means it exists since PLANETSIDE 1.

    "May 13, 2445- World leaders sign the Armistice, bringing an end to the global war begun 19 years prior in 2426. Over the next several decades, borders fall and governments merge until all nations unite under a single entity known as the Terran Republic. Under the Declaration of Constancy, a council with representatives from every former nation is created and an executive system of elected Presidents begins."-taken from the official planetside wiki lore page http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Lore
  4. Posse

    Nope, stop QQing and play the game.
  5. Mormaz


    Vanu is with you....
  6. Ganelon

    The Vulcan-H got a damage buff, it's still a weaker Vulcan, which is pathetic already.
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  7. woooow

    Yeah they even involved me in their blatant TR favoritism by giving my max an ability that makes me faster while theirs makes them stationary just to use me as their servant to help their maxes get back to their spawns quicker in case they wanted to afk for a coffee.

    I'm tired of this garbage and I'm glad somebody finally found the stones to speak up about it.
  8. Syimaarh

    Vanu need ***** Launcher !
  9. Inzababa

    and I vote yours !

    woohoo forum pvp
  10. Zagz

    I was going to buy lockdown and seriously... I'll stick with Sprint. It's probably good against air and that's about it... There's no reason for me to stay still when I have HackMax shooting me down lol
  11. Timantium

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, I am the great and powerful SOE.
  12. WyrdHarper

    There was a picture going around awhile ago that showed only ~2-3 members of the staff were TR. I think TR complain less a bout being UP and more about not getting very exciting new stuff. Fractures may be a bit strong, and very effective, but it's also just another point-and-click AV weapon (like the striker is just another lock-on). They work, but lack a certain coolness factor.

    Also dates like Armistice Day have been in the lore for awhile:

    According to that, the Vanu Sovereignty declared their independence on June 21, so they might expect something around then. The term New Conglomerate was coined on July 30, so maybe they might get their new thing around then instead.
  13. The guy

    It's because Higby is not there to whip the rest of the clowns back from their bias, they are now free to implement their bias to keep **** cool by implementing stupidity and half as the next update.
  14. rickampf

    Well... imo, the ZOE is the best gift that was give to the VS so far.
    We received a max ability very, very limited. I fully certed it and can barely use it. Good against air, if there is little enemy infantry aroud, otherwise, you will be a sitting duck, a stationary glass cannon with limited turn radius. Without heavy support it is just suicide.
    The NC and VS will have their commemorative day too... just be patience. They just realized that Armistice day matched to TR.
  15. Macchus

    i dunno know if you noticed but we are the main characters on all splash pages . when you sign into your forum account you see a prowler . if you go to ps2 players sight TR are agian right in the middle of the page shotting you dum discos and rebel minor's .
    im sure there is more where TR is at the front

    Basically TR are the PS2 base faction so everything , even NC and VS come from us . TR are the progenitors . Why wouldnt SOE make the TR rock first as the First Sons of auraxis ? you guys will get love later when they finished polishing up the TR ..

    After all we are TACTICAL SUPERIORITY!! :cool:
  16. Macchus

    like sig !! :)
  17. Astealoth

    If SOE takes into account anything that's ever been written on this forum they'd be stupid. Only about 10% of any gaming community bothers to read or write on the forums at all. And on top of that, virtually every thread ever made on a forum for a specific game is going to be a complaint. People don't generally come and waste time posting on a forum to say "Everything's great, don't change anything!". And since on top of all these skewed numbers, only 10% of players have enough brain power to create an unbiased thought on a subject. So what we're looking at is 1% of the player base or less is willing and capable of making a reasonable, unbiased, and valuable post.

    Fact is, these forums are just here for you to vent your pointless rage which is most likely completely unfounded. These forums are not here for the developers to look for minor gameplay tweaks. They know about any particular issue better than you ever will. I would guess that this team in particular makes tweaks based on their paid QA team's reports of how features are operating on the live server checked against raw data gathered in statistical tables. Your opinion is invalid on all fronts, remember this next time you make a nonsense thread :D
  18. Citizen H

    They also have a flying tank that dominated not only the MBTs, but all vehicles for the first three months of the game.
    They turn invisible at night.
    Their weapons had all of their faction specific drawbacks removed.
    They have the best performing ESF in the game.
    They are arguably the only faction who's visual aesthetic actually matches up to what they're supposed to be; the TR look like professional soldiers, but then again so do the NC. The NC drive a military tank and the TR drive a Sega Genesis. More artistic care went into them than the other two factions combined.

    TR got a crappy hat, a few extra rounds in their guns, a flying wang for an ESF, bright red uniforms and the ability to stand still so the enemy can kill them easier. Yeah, that's some quality attention they got there. The TR members of the dev team are doing a smash up job and making sure TR get represented. All two of them.