5 months of hell on Ceres for the VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightmareP69, May 23, 2013.

  1. NightmareP69

    5 months of being outnumbered, having 25-28% VS pop while TR has 40%.

    5 godd*mn months of this cr*p, 5 months of people asking for a fix to the unbalanced population problem and nothing.
    The server is unplayable, Ceres is a joke.
    Theres no VS on it, theres only TR and TR and more TR and more TR. No VS.

    The NC isn't even worth mentioning because they never do anything usefull and always mess up.
    Multiple times we were about to remove the Indar cap from TR and what does the NC do everytime ? They move all of their forces against VS, right when we're about to remove the cap.
    Another example was today, 26% NC, 28% VS and around 40% TR on Amerish during an alert, during the first 1 hour and 30 minutes we somehow managed to keep back the 40% TR zerg and than in the last 30 minutes, the NC move all of their forces towards the Vanu, letting TR take all of their teretory.
    This is probably the billionth thread i made about Ceres. The VS here actully want to have a fighting chance, theres is NO fun in being steam roled for 5 months in a row.

    Is it that hard to simply recommend the server to everyone who starts creating a VS character ?
    I know this isn't the only server with this issue, Miller and Waterson both have a insane amount of TR and almost no VS.

    I just want to enjoy Planetside 2 but it's not possible when you're fighting 300-500 TR with only 40 or 50 VS friends at your side.
  2. Total_Overkill

    Waterson? Is that you? :eek:
  3. Captain Kid

    I just started playing a few weeks ago. Made my first char on Miller but everyone there was a veteran and it was no fun as a new player.
    Ceres was the recommended server and it was fun, pop was even, lots of new players.
    But these last two weeks the VS pop is always 28% or lower.
    Okay that's not true: when an alert starts the VS pop drops to 28% or lower.

    How much for a character transfer?

    I actually think the lattice makes it worse. Not a lot of small fights where you're not always outnumbered.
    Now it's a 28% zerg vs a 36% zerg.
  4. Assist

    Great question. I believe they said transfers were scheduled for Feburary. Of 2013. Coming soon(tm)
  5. Captain Kid

    Oh, there aren't any transfers yet.

    Well, I'm tired of always fighting against the odds. If this was a normal 64 player game nobody would play like this (28 vs 36)
    I think I'm going to delete my VS Miller char and make a TR one on Ceres.
  6. Dalzaar¤

    I agree on the fact that NC is not helping in dealing with population problems on Ceres as they usually prefer to attack VS if TR has the largest population on the continent and if VS has most population on the continent then NC often goes to bully TR.

    But currently in my opinion the only problem on Ceres is the fact that TR has all the best(in my opinion) warpgate location.

    Several months ago it could be as bad as TR having 45% of the online population...that was pretty much a nightmare for VS and NC.
  7. gigastar


    So because you cant be bothered to be a part of the solution you choose to become part of the problem?
  8. P4NJ

    You're exaggerating. The difference isn't all that big. According to this here site:
    the difference is far from gamebreaking. And even then the NC and VS seem to prefer fighting the TR for some reason, so we end up getting zerged back.

    Oh, and news flash, whining on the forums won't help get more people on Ceres VS, it will actually discourage them!
  9. Posse

    The difference is we actually kick the TR ***** :eek:
  10. TerryTenMen

    TR 40% pop for the last 5 months.. thats just an outright lie. Granted we have the highest now, but the majority of that period it has been NC

    The main problem that VS have on Ceres is that most of your players seem to be rubbish. The higher ranked 1's are bad, only useful if they have a fanboy engineer following them around. Also your major outfits like to sit in bio labs all day. Not suprised most of your players quit.
  11. Zakuak

    Join Waterson VS
  12. Dalzaar¤

    When all the factions populations(server not continent) are between 30% and 36% in my eyes there is no problem but when it goes beyond that we start to see the problem.
  13. haldolium

    Currently I am wishing back the UP days every minute.

    4x% Indar population for over an hour and yet the lowest TC. Ridiculous...
  14. Hotel88A

    Pop balance becomes an issue only when the VS is not the under dog. I mean, VS's been chronically under popped almost across the board since launch, and that's apparently fine. Now that on some servers there's been a surge of new VS players and VS actually getting the upper hand in numbers; ah the cry for devs to intervene with new systems to handle the unfair situation!
  15. HooWoo

    Welcome to Briggs, where VS is over populated, the NC push on the TR and the TR are under populated... opposite worlds, eh?