[Suggestion] Do something about the 4th faction now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pat Cleburne, May 23, 2013.

  1. Pat Cleburne

    The 4th faction pre-gu09 was NC, now apparently it's vanu. Since release of GU9 on Mattherson VS have been rolling with mid 40% server population while NC and TR are running at sub 30%.

    SOE, you need to do something about this problem now. Playing against insurmountable odds is a joke, and people are just logging off now. Either limit servers to one character, or at least restrict alert populations to a certain percentage limit between factions.

    Two alerts on Mattherson that I have been a part of in the past 15 hours have looked like this.
    Tell me, what is the point of even playing?
  2. Bape

    The entire Goon/LWTX went vanu they betrayed us they are know as Goku or some crap. Also congrats on almost being 100 :D
  3. NoctD

    Oh so that's what those GOKU peeps are... NC deserters turned purpleberries.

    I was wondering where the VS got their influx of players from.
  4. Vorxil

    Welcome to the VS pre-GU09 club?
  5. Pat Cleburne

    Yea, I heard about that. Pretty ridiculous.
  6. Bape

    They actually had those VS since launch they were doing 2 factions .... guess they were playing smart lol.
  7. Gimpylung

    I cannot understand why a simple empire switch timer hasn't been implemented, or a penalty where you only earn certs at half the rate for the first hour or 2 after you switch to a different empire.
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  8. Ennkay

    in ps1 you would get a 12 hour timer when you played a different faction in the same day
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  9. DrunkenDoughnuts

    This. You can't stop entire outfits from switching empires for the long term, unless you go back to one character per server. Since this game is F2P, though, people are just going to create another account, so that's not solving the problem. I would like to see a daily timer for switching empires like the one in PS1, though.
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  10. Oleker2

    Matterson is almost the only server with VS super pop. Waterson still overpopulated by TR even more now with buster buffs from MAX anchor mode. Together with Striker army, TR air space is a dead place for aircraft.
    Few weeks ago Waterson NC began to think a little less and start to lose so fast. I don't know why...
  11. Bearcat

    No way. I would have been for this before they merged servers and forced people to have different empires on the same server.

    I don't want to be blocked form enjoying my characters just because someone else doesn't want to be outnumbered. Three out of four of my characters are even on empires that have the lowest population on their servers. You don't have to be on the "winning" side to have fun. It's often way more fun to be the underdog - there are more targets to shoot at and winning fights doesn't feel as cheap.
  12. NoctD

    Allowing multiple faction characters one server... one of the dumbest moves SOE did IMO... yeah people can create separate accounts but those would require double memberships and account wide unlocks so you can't enjoy the same goodies as easily.

    Even a timer for switching factions doesn't really work if all they do is quit playing one faction for the other faction, for long periods at a time. Which seems to be what we're seeing here.
  13. NightFalls998

    Congratulations, you now know how the VS have felt for the past...um... SIX MONTHS.

    Where on Connery: NC - 45%, TR- 35%- VS-20%

    It's better now with NC at 35%, TR-35%, VS-30%

    Anyway...getting off track-

    do you know people actually log out and LOG IN to the winning faction to get the certs? Point is: they do it for ALL factions, so why are you pointing out VS as the problem? When TR is winning, TR is at 50%, when NC is winning NC is at 60%, etc.

    Stop blaming one faction for all the problem. Jeez the TR whiners need to finish their middle school degrees.
  14. MarlboroMan-E

    VS global pop has been stupid high on Matty lately, and it is definitely decreasing the quality of the fights on the server. That being said, I love farming those GOKU clowns, they're not very good. Organized, but not good.
  15. Pat Cleburne

    TR has been the underdog since sol tech then remained the underdog on Mattherson. It was NC running around with these pops. It wasn't that fun then, it isn't that fun now. Not when there is so wide of a population gap.
  16. GraphicJ

    4F players are attracted to that crazy ZOE. Gee I wonder why. :rolleyes:
  17. Pat Cleburne

    I don't care about Connery. I care about Mattherson. And Mattherson TR has been significantly underpopped for months.
  18. Beartornado

    To be cannon fodder for the VS.

    NC is still a fantastic faction, but we're horribly disorganized and can't use our weapons properly. If anything the TR has suffered in population for quite a while now, it needs some more loving. Maybe give them a decent weapon variety like what the NC have (LMG options come to mind).
  19. NightFalls998

    LOL did you even read the highlighted text? I purposely highlighted that section because it was important. I was using connery as an example.

    Seriously though, get your middle school degree. You'll need it for a job in the real world.
  20. Bearcat

    Well, it's just a matter of personal taste on playing the underdog. Either way, blocking people from switching empires isn't going to help make more people play on lower populated empires. Anyone that would switch empires to the highest populated side would just log off if they couldn't.