Decimator on sale today! (Thurs May 23)

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by RHINO_Mk.II, May 23, 2013.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    After quite a few of us asking for it, we finally get the sale and I complete my rocket launcher collection. I never thought the day would come that Sony would listen to us telling them how to take our money, but they did.

    Just a heads up for those of you who don't have it yet.
  2. huller

    It is kinda ****** against vehicles now, but I refuse to put it on the shelf. (I run striker in one loadout to deal with lolpods but decis in the others)
  3. ladiesop

    I've been using it as my main launcher for a while, as ADS it travels exactly like the default.

    It does have the drawback of a larger hip COF (this has actually made me miss some shots that I had to take quickly that would have hit with the default) along with the longer reload and smaller ammo reserve, so keep that in mind.
  4. X3Killjaeden

    Does it OHK maxes?
  5. ladiesop

    No; in theory it leaves them on 500 health (rather than 650), the difference of which is ~5 bullets worth (or a single shotgun shell).
  6. Spookydodger

    It's very useful even for VS with a Lancer, because sometimes you need to run and gun with a high damage output RL, and the Decimator fills that role.

    Plus... COMMON POOL!
  7. huller

    I prefer to call it the Anti-MAX launcher myself :D
  8. Shellana

    I have a lancer, but I am still considering getting the deci for when I have to play peek-a-boo with MBTs, and of course bio lab/tower fights.
  9. RHINO_Mk.II

    Will a Decimator direct hit instantly kill a ZOE Vanu MAX?
  10. FIN Faravid

    I bought it and realised how useless it is, in almost same time you shoot all your rockets you have shot 1 extra round from your default rocket launcher, dealing also more damage.
    Not sure how well it works if many people aim at same tank tough.
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    It's useful in some situations. I personally was looking forward to it because I always run Munitions Pouch.