[Feedback] Lattice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NewSith, May 22, 2013.

  1. stalkish

    Bigger = Better
    Size does matter
    These phrases mean anything to you? Planetside is about huge battles, i dont understand why youd play it knowing this is the case only to whine on the forums when you see it?
    Sooooo many people trying to make planetside into something else entirely, if you dont like the game........
    I dont like world of warcraft, or any of those games so i dont play them, what i certainly do not do is play it for a bit then log onto the servers and demand changes are made.
  2. maxkeiser

    The point is the game is patently not designed to have 50+ tanks in one space. The action last night was laughable, with tanks bumping into each other, traffic jams, infantry being run over, the enemy desperately cowering inside while the magrider swarm tried to smoke them out lol.

    It's really not fun and requires very little skill or thought.

    As I said already, I was off hunting the enemy from behind and from the sides - which was also much easier now with the lattice as half the enemy could only look one direction. It was too easy as well.
  3. Macchus

    hmmm . playing different games are we ? sundere spam is actually the same if not worse .
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  4. Macchus

    the thing is the battles are the same size... they are just now concentrated into compressed pockets of ****itydoo. and standing on the air pad spamming rockets and such into a bio lab ? tell me how thats better ? and they are not making planetside to unique at all , thy are constantly borrowing from other games . tell me why they couldnt come up with something totally unique for planetside 2 ? pretty much any mechanic that is tied to base capture is taken directly from other games ... All cap points are straight from BF , the lattice system is from ps1 , the cash shop is taken from every other succesful cash shop mmo , in fact CoD has a wider range of weapon types so i wont compare the weapons in ps2 to cod at all ( but we have laser pew pew guns just like people say the CoD guns are , just not all factions) but class system is similar to CoD in many ways ... flight model is a bastard child of BF series and ps2 . armor game is totaly bf series , medics are from BF as are engis , medics the assault rifle class which is similar to some of the BF series . protected spawns similar to BF series . i beleive the bfbc series started that in the BF franchise . ESF's often sound like they are halo Air vehicles. im sure there is more stuff but thats all that comes to mind at the moment...
  5. Macchus

    lol no you didnt . you should be able to take adjacent bases that are 10 feet away from each other . ghostcapping has nothing to do with base proximity and bad design of the lattice in a few areas.
  6. Macchus

    bad post in every way . blaming other player , who are cutomers and potential customers, that everything they are experiencing is their fault in some way is not constructive . the game is totally unoptimized for the range of systems the devs claim this game should run on . and you are just rude . somehow you are the expert on the playerbase ?
  7. Zagz

    no one can predict or make any deep comment about the new system. We will see how things goes in a week or two...
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  8. Hosp

    Dear sir,

    On behalf of the community, your opinion is valued and apparent. But now I must ask you to please; Golf-Tango-Foxtrot-Oscar, and take your strawman arguments with you.

    While still incomplete, this is in my, and my outfit's, opinions, the best Update to date. And as much as a very vocal minority may scream and shout and yell at SOE and all those whom like the new changes, they are still a minority :eek:. And we know you have plenty of options when you fly, and we thank you for flying Planetside 2.
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  9. Hoek

    Hmm.. You basically listed the only two options how two empires can ever fight each other. Even or uneven. Am I to understand that this all because of the lattice system? Oh, sorry I just realized what you meant. The third option is of course the ghostcapping thing where weapons aren't fired at all. Is that what you are missing?
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  10. PLooschacK

    So, basicly you are one of those players who just turns your brain off and goes full speed ahead, huh?

    There were ways to limit or prevent Ghostcapping w/o introducing poor lattice system. They range from small changes in hexes belonging to right territory to mechanics - like inability to cap territory when already owned, adjetcent territory has no connection to the warpgate. Or you could passively lose the ownership of territories that are cut off.

    Also, having rapid response teams is part of tactic. Going simply forward, forward, forward is not. It's just form of a brainless meat-tube. Not to mention that ghostcapping is only a problem when a) there are HUGE disproportions in population b) your faction consists of brainless zergs, unable to beat their opponents w/o advantage in numbers. I know what I'm saying as along with my outfit we prevented TRIDs ghostcaps on daily basis when on Esamir. One squad + some number of randoms was capable of securing all the terrain east and south of Glacier Station. That's about startegy.

    In matter of lattice poor design, I'm not completly against it as it has its potential but not when it looks like it does now. Currently it's - as I said earlier - forward, forward,forward, forward... uhm - we have a choice. But the number of facilities that gives us the opportunity to choose our route, compared to amount of all facilities is very low. Easieast example - old BioLab's \ Amp Station's \ TechPlanst's forward bases - which are now separate locations - should be connected to each other. Leaving the choice to the players wheter they want to hit the Main Facility with full strenght OR sorround and cut it off before main assault OR try to contain it's defenders inside with part of our force while the rest moves forward and exert the pressure OR stop here and defend the lattice-link from counter-attack... Now? It's just a brawl - you're capping the forward base and you have only two options: Move Forward or Stay-and-Defend. Not very strategic or amsuing...
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  11. Macchus

    i dont dislike the lattice . but im not living in some fantasy world that where the lattice somehow solved every issue in this game , and made it goty . its good that you and your outfit are of the opinion that it is the best update EVAR!! but that doesnt mean it is... and i dont know why you think that you and your outfit are in some majority that LUV's the lattice without question . i think , SIR , that you will actually find that you are in the minority

    also i think you need to take a look at what a strw man arguement is , as the comment i was talking about is more of a strawman argument than anything ive said . same with alot of the other posts from your lattice "buddies " please make sure you actually know what your typing before you post , sirr:rolleyes:

    edited to say i cant believe you actually stated in your post , that you are speaking on behalf of the community !!
    i am part of the community as are many others who dont love the lattice , you certainly dont speak for any of us !!
    i have never had the nerve to state that i was SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY. it blows my mind that you would include that in your post !! lol :rolleyes: another eyeroll for you . you deserve as many eyerolls as you get from this day forward !!
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  12. maxkeiser

    Look at my stats and you'll see that ghostcapping is not something I've been involved with. I've had plenty of even fights on woodman/miller - squad v squad, 1 v 1, 2 v1, etc even squads v squads.
  13. PLooschacK

    No it's not only this - it's also the freedom, big scale decision, abilty to be more than a simple soldier with one task - get to the point set by the developers... The same developers who were proud ans spoke loudly about how PS2 is great game due to its sandbox nature. Giving the tools to the players and lettig them to wage war as they se fit. Now this is limited... by far too much.
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  14. Cl1mh4224rd

    Capturing facilities is one of the lowest rewarding activities in the game. Even a major base is only worth the equivalent of 10 kills. While it may be easy, people weren't ghost capping because it allowed them to advance faster than taking part in a large fight.
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  15. Crowne

    That was already happening consistently prior to this change.
    So far, I've had a lot more fun on Indar than with the other two hex continents.

    I don't think I'll be setting foot on Esamir, or Amerish, until the lattice system is implemented there.
  16. HMR85

    Hey look its the same group of 5 guys complaining about not being able to ghost hack. Still using the same argument about their squad not being able to do this or do that. Did the big evil zerg touch you in the wrong place.. Let me help you out here.

    Nothing has been removed from small Outfits tactics or strategy wise that where only capable of fielding a squad or two a night. Whats being revealed is a bunch of forum warriors who have absolutely no clue about tactics or how to deal with the enemy zerg.

    Let me start by helping some of you out.
    1. Go setup Ambushes
    2. Go AMS Hunting
    3. Take Outlying Points.
    4. Flank the enemy - You have more than one front.
    5. Cut Supply lines.
    This is just but a few options. Stop being so narrow minded and start seeing the big picture. I am going to capitalize on this and say that this is just first piece of the puzzle. The lattice was the first piece in getting the ball rolling the right direction and it was a major one. The second piece is continent locking followed by hopefully ANTs being reintroduced into the game with LLU silos. This in turn will bring about a meaningful meta game with sub objectives and so forth.

    Also, you are seeing over crowding on Indar due to people wanting to check it out and see what the lattice has to offer. After a week or so it will die down and people will begin to spread out again. It would of helped it if the lattice was released to all continents to start with. But it is what it is.
  17. Cl1mh4224rd

    That's how it worked in the original game. If you didn't deal with the dropping NTU levels or destroyed generator at a base deep inside your own territory, you lost the benefit of that base and possibly even the base itself.

    "Spec Ops Gen Holds" were something a number of people loved. A successful gen hold drew enough enemy troops away from the main battle to make things easier for their allies.
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  18. indianahoops

    And "Spec Ops Gen Holds" would not be possible without Lattice.

    The whole NTU system wouldn't work without Lattice.
  19. Being@RT

    So, after player-created missions are in, is it time to get rid of lattice (if not earlier)?

    Why the effort of creating lattice when they could have enabled player-created direction to the battle?
    All it would take is to ensure everyone can't be directing the grunts. A real hierarchy where simple cert gains or Battle Rank don't decide if you have the command tools available.
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  20. Cl1mh4224rd

    Of course it would. You wouldn't be able to completely "break" the flow of benefits from "up steam" bases by neutralizing one base, but you could still remove an individual base's benefit to the enemy faction.

    I can't even imagine why you think this is true. The NTU mechanic itself was completely separate from the lattice.
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