How to win with the lattice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheWhiteDragon, May 23, 2013.

  1. TheWhiteDragon

    It's simple really. Pull up the map, hover your cursor over a territory, and look for the pie chart. If your faction is outnumbered in that area, don't bother. Only visit areas where you know you have a 55-60%+ advantage. Anything else is a waste of your time.
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  2. Bargus

    You know there was a time , good while back , well ..Tuesday , when I wouldve said

    'Hay fair point but maybe...'

    But now? Nope , simple fact , dragons not wrong.

    Numbers talk and ******** walks
  3. Tactics

    lol SO TRUE

    it's about overwhelming numbers now, not objectives.
  4. Snib

    Lies, we were totally winning Indar on Woodman:


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  5. Uzii

    Woodman keeps crashing and everyone is disconnecting. I think most people aren't even bothering to log in now, so those percentages probably consist of a total 50 people.
  6. Snib

    That was yesterday, but agreed, constant server and client crashes since the patch, not worth bothering.
  7. Uzii

    Oh no, today as well, twice from what I have seen, and I've only been on for a hour or so. My client hasn't crashed today yet, but me and a clanmate had that weird screen flickering thing where everything but the landscape disappears. I just hope these problems get ironed out quickly.
  8. Ganelon

    TR lost an alert because of that. Server reset, most TR didn't bother logging back in and we had a whopping 25% to defend the territories being ghostcapped by NC and VS.
  9. Snib

    No I meant the screenshot was from yesterday. Crashes/disconnects are ongoing for all I know.
  10. Uzii

    Just had about an hour and a half undisrupted, perhaps they've sorted it... perhaps...
  11. TheWhiteDragon

    Of course I'm right. t's a simple fact. I don't even think anyone is going to try and dispute it. I would love for someone to post a pic of attackers about to cap a base with inferior numbers to prove me wrong, but it isn't going to happen.