NC Has been nerfed into the Ground the Last Few Updates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, May 23, 2013.

  1. Badname6587

    1. Tank Armor increase - This is a big stealth nerf to the NC which many people have not identified. Reason: All factions received a nice big armor buff which makes the TTK on tanks higher. The NC lone ability for their MBTs was an invulnerable shield (which coincidentally was always bugged prior to the armor update in GU08 when hit from behind). This shield was useful because it allowed us to position ourselves to be able to take out a prowler in 3-5 shots depending where you hit it. Now, it takes 4-6 shots thereby decreasing the effectiveness of the shield - it used to cover us for about 1/2 of the combat time.. now its about 1/3. The prowler now has time to return fire with its 2 nub guns and still win battles with the vanguard in situations prior it had no business winning in. On top of that, the prowler is just better at everything else. Huge DPS advantage, a little faster, lockdown mode... it was a pretty big stealth nerf to the NC tanks.

    2. Reaver Air Hammer - 15% nerf on the Air Hammer while our ESFs were by the worst performing in the game. This made no sense... nerf the worst ESF based faction even harder? Meanwhile the light ppa was given huge buffs. Makes no sense.

    3. Aegis Sheild - by far the worst ability. No longer can use charge if you have this to escape LAs. ZoE is by far the best ability... ADADADAD warping maxes = too OP. Burster lockdown - good luck flying anywhere near a TR max. Just by definition, these two abilities crush the NCs ability. If the Max could shoot 1 cannon out of the shield (like a riot shield) this ability would be a tad more fair.

    4. Big nerfs to Hacksaws, Scats Mattocks.. ect. On the face of it prior to these ability adds it was probably justified. Now with the Max abilities changed, the NC should get their max gun power back. 3 hits to kill a regular infantry unit is too much. The NC maxes are only decent inside of 10m and lose straight up fights easily with a ZOE at any distance. This is another example of a nerf to the NC.

    5. Piston nerf: Piston took a much harder nerf than any shotgun in the game, while the essential copies of it for the TR and VS did not suffer all of the same nerfs that the piston did.

    6. Phoenix nerfs: The second a few TR complained on the forums the Phoenix was nerfed, yet the striker which has far more utility than the Phoenix - can lock both air and mech - while having obscene pathing / going through mountains, following three territories over and still hitting.. ect has not been touched. TR basically never get out of heavy because they know they wreck air/land/and infantry with epic supremecy due to that godlike weapon. It has the range of a beast and hits like a truck (harder than the Phoenix, longer range, lock on dum dum mode and hits air.. which the phoenix can not efficiently at all.)

    7. GD7F nerfs - all weapons with a RoF over 750 were nerfed hard that were not smgs. This was a goto weapon for the NC engineer. Its epic trash now outside of 10m. While some other weapons were hit, this was a nice weapon for the NC that was taken out to the dumpster and really doesnt have a quality replacement.

    All of these nerfs have hampered the NC bigtime. Prior to GU09 statistically the NC only had 1 advantage while giving away hugely in the Mech and Air aspects of the game.

    Now I can safely say that the NC max is no longer the best. The VS max will dominate, followed by the TR and its Max ability to control the skies. As it stands:

    SoE is trying to turn the NC into a defensive faction. The abilities however are no where near balanced.

    How to balance without nerfing other factions:
    1. ESF - increase TTK from the 10% bonus (.2s) to 20%. decrease the size of the hitbox on the reaver, come up with a different design for the plane which makes it more slimline but still distinct from the mossy/scythe. Keep the speed disadvantage the same and the misaligned nose cannon. Also, restore the air hammer to its original damage.

    2. Infantry weapons - increase the damage on them. Since we have 20% more bullet bloom, our damage should be higher than the very minor tick higher than it is. Specific weapons like the godsaw shouldnt be buffed, but under utilized weapons should be.

    3. Return max weapons to their original damage. This will allow us to compete with the ZoE and the utility advantage of the lockdown. If no damage buff is given, make the max be able to shoot 1 cannon from the shield.

    4. MBT: Increase the duration of the shield ability. Since the armor buffs given increased the TTK by about 20-30% the shield increase should be about the same. 2 extra seconds would suffice.
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  2. Sebyos

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  3. Izriul

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  4. Ralcoss

    Hello Goatsack. You play on Waterson with me. I must respectfully disagree with your assessment, based upon my observations playing both TR, Vanu and NC on Waterson, I would suggest that you look to a few alternate possibilities as to why the NC might be having difficulties.

    Put simply, your gear is some of the best the game has to offer in the opinion of both the Vanu and the TR. Your ESF and MBT have high survivability and are very forgiving, the latter being even more difficult to kill with the tank buff. Further, your maxes are exceptionally powerful in their preferred role (close range infantry support) and now with the addition of the raven, excellent at long range as well. I lack experience with NC infantry weapons, but from my limited playtime the NC guns performed well in combat against both Vanu and TR, but especially against TR.

    I have however observed some differences between how the NC conduct themselves compared to the other factions (on Waterson, the only server I play on.) The NC are disorganized and do not communicate, neither using command channel or inter platoon comms with any regularity. Even if your soldiers are skilled, and indeed they are, without communication and a clear objective and delegation of responsibility, factions like the Vanu and TR who move faster than you will be able to outmaneuver and attack on terms they dictate. To overcome this, the NC must work together in ways they do not currently do in my assessment.
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  5. TheBillOf3D

    Does seem like the nerf demanding crybabies always get their way against NC and the population shifts during alerts show it. NC should post more threads like this until we are louder than the opposing crybabies. That's how you win now. By crying for your enemies to be nerfed. They do need to restrict the ability to jump factions on the same server.
  6. TheBillOf3D

    There is some truth to this as well. Large outfits aren't even going to the alerts. EZC was the most active and coherent yesterday.
  7. TintaBux

  8. SlyHix

    Not sure if serious?

    While I will agree with you that the NC MAX got the worst ability they are still pretty damn strong and didn't need something powerful. The ZOE is ********...

    Your ESF shotty is feared so that is still a beast.

    Your guns are the best right now. Learn to pull the mouse straight down, it's not like your guns shake side to side like the TR.

    The one and only weapon I will ever say is truly OP is the NC Phoenix (or Raven not sure which it is off hand) since it has the ability to hit tanks from beyond draw distance and from out of sight. The MAX AV gun (Raven?) is pretty damn nice also, don't act like it isn't.

    BTW, if you have trouble killing an anchored MAX I feel bad for you. They can't even see behind themselves so they are completely vulnerable from the back.
  9. The King

    NC, more captures..
    least defense...
    Majority ghost capped.
    Gained the least amount of score waiting for the XP points.
    If they quit ghost capping, they wouldn't have the lowest score...
    Now if they stick to Indar, their score will go higher.
    They cannot do ghost cap there and now the stupid leaders will no longer prevent them from being in the action, if they stick to that location..
  10. Lagavulin

    Don't quite know how to respond to the OP other than to say I'm sitting here shaking my head in disbelief. I actually play NC and TR fairly equally, and there are things I prefer on each faction (I prefer TR tank, NC Maxes, TR Chaingun, all NC other guns and launchers for instance), but I wouldn't say either faction is out of balance overall compared to each other, and the extent to which the OP claims NC t be UP is just ludicrous!
  11. gigastar

    Ok since someone around here has to give some slightly constructive feedback...

    You think the Vanguard has it bad? The Magrider has even less damage output, and the only ones that can stay competetive in a tank-versus-tank are the ones with the Supernova FPC, or a fully certed Rival chassis if the opponent doesnt know how to lead a vehicle thats 8m wide.

    And as it stands now, the Vanguards shield is the most useful of the MBT abilities, as Magburners are only a forward turbo boost (which is useless in most fights) and the Anchored Mode comes with the glaringly obvious downside that the Prowler is immobile while its active.

    And if you want to kill tanks quicker, cert into the Titan-150 AP. Changes were made to it making it much better than HEAT for killing tanks. The higher shell velocity also means you can snipe infantry if you can actually aim.

    And in addition the shield bugs were stamped out. It took them a while, but theyre gone.

    The Air Hammer, a weapon slated for an anti-infantry role, was matching the damage output the Liberator's Tank Buster in an anti-vehicle role while having none of the downsides associated with flying a Liberator, and while having at least 30% more damage output than its equivalents from the other factions.

    And you thought SOE would leave it alone?

    Yeah. 20% more projectile speed turned this into a beast of a weapon overnight.

    Agreed on the shield. But now the NC knows what it felt like when the ESRL's launched and the VS got the "Lancer".

    The damage nerf was made to all shotguns except for the Jackhammer, and the Mattock. The other nerfs made to the NC MAX shotguns might have been a bit much, but in my VS MAX im still going to lose if i get caught up close when he has Hacksaws.

    Maybe its just time for SOE to relent and give the the NC MAX a pair of machine guns.

    See here;

    Notice how the Piston is completely identical to the Nighthawk?

    Pheonix got nerfed against infantry because (and who would have guessed otherwise) nobody was using it against vehicles. People only see the listed damage value and assume its ****. Ive been on the recieving end of a Pheonix more than a few times i say those people are full of ****.

    On a side note, the Striker's bugs are supposed to be stamped out with the next update. I hope.

    To be frank, i dont know why the NC even have a 845rpm carbine. And it does have a quality replacement, its called the Blitz..

    That is an utterly stupid suggestion.

    The thing about increasing the damage is that to balance it, you also have to reduce the fire rate.

    And as has been proven time and again, low RoF weapons dont do as well as high RoF weapons in close quarters.

    Shooting one gun from the shield is alright.

    The original damage is never coming back though.

    The Vanguard Shield doesnt need a buff, and as i said before, if you want to end a tank fight quicker, use the AP cannon. And if your tank takes damage, retreat a little bit then repair it.
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  12. Tactics

    NC needs more nerfing,

    Their air is OP
    Their Max is OP
    Their guns are OP
    Their Grenades are OP
    Their Health Kits are OP
    Their Freedom is OP
    Their Grandparents are OP
  13. MurderBunneh

    I've been killed by the beamer a few times so that must mean it's a helluva weapon too.
  14. TeknoBug


    1. try a Magrider, you'll cry
    2. Air Hammer did too much damage compared to other faciton equivs if I remember
    3. AFAIK they fixed the ADAD issue with ZOE
    5. I still use the Piston, it's not bad
    6. Phoenix isn't an AI weapon, it needed a nerf
    7. GD-7F was already garbage since it's extremely inaccurate, pick up the Gauss Compact S and learn to love it, and get the Razor GD-23 since it's cheap now
  15. Caserion

    1. Vanguards still got the largest health pool and the shield still enables you to take the same amount of rounds. And lockdown should be great for you, as you can just go behind the tank and kill it i three shots...

    2. the reaver is the easiest aircraft if you want to use the backwards manuever, i do it on accident all the time. It also has the largest damage output and the air hammer still does it's job, taking down GROUND troops.

    3. You can deflect tank cannons and dalton shots, removing alomst all the MAX's weaknesses.

    4. actually, it's 2 shots. There is a big problem with your MAX indeed, no long range capabilities, which should be fixed. But you still got the strongest close range weapon which still does it's job.

    5. haven't noticed anything, i don't use it a lot. So i'll keep this one hanging.

    6. The striker is just a lock on launcher, of which already excist. The phoenix brings in new tactics, shooting them over mountains from save cover and are enabled to hit moving targets. + they can actually hit MAX units.

    7. Then DON'T use close range weapons for long range encounters. Use the default gun if you want to be effective on all ranges. Our close range weapons also got a nerf on medium/long distance and it should be like that. Long range guns were too effective with range.

    Also, don't complain about having the best MBT ability, having a super shield which negates damage is always handy, lockdown only at range and magburner... seems like a pretty good ability.

    Your infantry weapons hit harder at the cost for less accuracy and ROF, and they still do. If you have problems with the bloom, try firing in bursts. It makes all the NC weapons fantastic! (that last one is opinion, i just like NC weapons...)
  16. ent|ty

    Really? Didn't notice.
  17. Selerox

    What is it about NC that makes them ***** this hard every single game update?

    Non-stop Complaining
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  18. Macchus

    im pretty sure this debate has been raging since ps1 ..

    Blame the devs i guess . way to many changes to this game all the time . i really dont know if all the changes implemented in GU09 were really necessary .
  19. Macchus

    why oh why pray tell shouldnt the prowler have an equal chance to kill avanguard? our 2"nub" guns are actually equivalent to your one main 1 shot on infantry "nub" gun .

    but yea good luck with this nonsense
  20. BalogDerStout


    Your opening was good but you pushed the joke long past when it was funny. Remember once you're done telling the joke move on to your next bit of material to keep the audience engaged. Keep working your material and you'll be ready for stand-up.