[TR-VS-NC] Amerish Operation - Friday 7pm-9pm PST

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by SgtCharlesZim, May 22, 2013.

  1. SgtCharlesZim

    Hey guys!

    Little late in the week, but we've got this week's op planned. The same KOTH style play that worked so well on Esamir doesn't seem to work on Amerish due to the terrain. So, I present you with this week's rules:

    Each faction has a main and secondary objective. The main objective is worth 2 points to the home faction and 3 points to an enemy. The secondary objective is worth 1 points to the home faction and 2 to an enemy.

    The territories are:

    VS - Main: The Bastion - Secondary: Moss Basin Mineshaft
    TR - Main: Auraxis Firearms Corp - Secondary: Auraxicom Substation
    NC - Main: Crux Headquarters - Secondary: Rockslide Outlook

    Territory Map

    This is about as balanced as we could make it. Once again, if an alert should happen, the op will continue! There is no postponement. If you're not sure, have your outfit leader /tell me and I'll confirm. Should the merge happen before Friday we also invite all our new friends to join in on the op!

    Good luck to everyone! See you on the battlefield.

    PS - This plan was again designed by Desdicardo. He's been putting a lot of effort into making these as balanced as possible.

    EXE - Confirmed
    TRG - Confirmed
    AMEX - Confirmed
    MERC - Confirmed
    SWWT - Tentative

    RNGA - Confirmed
    ADK - Confirmed
    COLG - Confirmed
    TUBB - Confirmed

    DPS0 - Confirmed

    EXE - Leading the Way
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    This is on our Calender Zim, we'll be there every week buddy, even after the server merge.

    I still say you should get the work done a week ahead so you can post up the info on the next sesh directly after the last one, would give people more warning.
  3. Excellentz

    Very neat event and very neat objectives! ADK will be there for this.

    You might as well put us down as soon as you write these up Zim, with the exception of one event, I think COLG has been there for every one of these.

    BTW, if Desicardo isn't a high level EXE officer yet, he has my blessing. That guy is dedicated and knows his ****. He's COLGate approved :cool:
  5. kaptinkrunch88

    The Unbalanced Breakfast will be there and we will be starting our "Meals-on-Wheels" program for those TR and VS unfortunates that can't come and get breakfast for themselves. We have our special Sundy to deliver it to them. This weeks menu is your choice of Bulldog Burgers (60mm) or The Walker Feast (all you can eat). This is first come first served. Bon apatite b*tches!
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  6. SgtCharlesZim

    Great to see all the NC showing up. Going to need to get some of our new TR friends to balance this out now!
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  7. kaptinkrunch88

    Yes! bring more oppressors to the party!
  8. Sardus

    TRG will be there
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  9. kaptinkrunch88

    Outstanding! It's time to water the tree of liberty.
  10. Vohk

    I am happy to say he is one of our most active and dedicated officers.

    I find a nice mix of bonemeal, freedom, and a generous scoop of raw science works wonders in the garden. You just have take some hot lead and grind the whole mix into a fine powder while speaking to it in a stern voice about the benefits of order and obedience.
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  11. SaphyreWinds

    AMEX attending. SWWT tenative.
  12. SaphyreWinds

    MERC confirmed
  13. Vohk


    ZIM! Gotta make a post about this on the Connery forum n get some of the new Meat Shields involved.
  15. SgtCharlesZim

    Already done mate.
  16. Pyldrvr

    You can Add (SOL) Navy to the list.
    We'll be there. Sounds like a good time!
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  17. NytDragon

    VAST will be there.
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  18. SaphyreWinds

    56RD Tentative
  19. Pyldrvr

    Was a lot of fun. Thanks for putting this together fellas!