either Recert or cert refund Your choice SOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrGurrenLemfox, May 22, 2013.

  1. MrGurrenLemfox

    Come on now the new cert prices is clearly an advantages to new player, give us re cert that really re cert everything, i am talking about guns too. it also can affect some player that want to unlock guns with SC rather than cert, you know since wide account unlock only works with SC.

    one rule of MMO is to not to differentiate between old player and a new one and you guys clearly give more advantage to new player by allowing them to unlock things faster and with less money to. Remember this is not Real life, Game should be balance.
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  2. RomulusX

  3. MFP_TK_01

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  4. Tytos

    Nope, sry, mmos need to make an entry for new players easyer or they get owned too hard by the veterans and that creates frustration which results in people never playing the game again. WoW for example makes it with every patch easyer for people to catch up with the rest, nobody wants to play a singleplayer mmo and therefore there have to be incentives for new people to join.
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  5. MajorZbug

    When you buy a weapon with SC and there's a sale the next day, you ask for a refund too ? When you buy something you have to expect everything : buff, nerf, sale, price drop, everything.
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  6. Hosp

  7. LibertyRevolution

    When they do offer recert, will we get back what we invested, or whatever the lowest sale price was?
    All SOE did with this update is screw over any player that has been playing for the last 6 months.
    That should totally help with the player turn over rate... :rolleyes:
    This game is bleeding out and they just gave it blood thinners.
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  8. Blarg20011

    Complete re-cert plz.
  9. SencneS

    I can tell you, if they put the re-cert clear option in like they plan to on the Road-Map... Any weapon I certed, I DAMN WELL want what I used in certs, and NOT the new price!.. I earned those certs, and for SOE to arbitrarily take what I earned away is just really bad form.

    The SC price drop kind of cheese me off as well.. Even if they kept the SC price the same and adjusted the cert cost, that's fine, it doesn't feel like I've been ripped off, money wise at least.
  10. Crazy Airborne

    your account keeps track of how many certs youve made. a cert refund would give you back that number. doesnt matter current prices.
  11. Darkard

    You buy a t-shirt from the store on Monday.
    The price is dropped on Thursday.
    Do you go back to the store and demand you be refunded your money for the t-shirt?
  12. SencneS

    In my state in the USA they have to under penalty of LAW give me a refund for the difference up to 30 days past the initial sale.

    So technically I can go after SOE for any SC Item I purchased in the last 30 days which has seen a price change.
    Because State Law over rides TOS, it says it in TOS... So really they are in a rock and a hard place.
  13. Wildside

    I have earned 7000 certs, but I have 5500 certs worth of stuff.
    It would be nice to have 7000 certs of stuff for the 7000 certs the game tells me I have earned.

    And comparing a temporary sale on real-money transactions to a permanent in-game-currency change is kinda dumb. o.o
  14. whitupiggu

    I've never heard of any law like this. Care to cite a source?
  15. KlyptoK

    I guess should go to my local game store and demand that I get $25 back for the game I bough yesterday because all the games are being sold cheaper now. Otherwise I will return all the games I have ever bought from them in my life and ask for a full refund at their original price so that I can buy the new ones cheaper.

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  16. LibertyRevolution

    If you bought your game at walmart you can do that, they will give you a refund of the difference.
    Same goes with a t-shirt, or even that bag of chips you already finished eating.
    And they give you 30days of price protections.

    Bestbuy. target, kohls, toys r us, also do this.
    So does my local grocery store..
  17. Wildside

    I contacted Account Support as suggested in an other thread like this by a Moderator, and I quickly got a pre-formatted message that basically says "Sorry - policy is that all sales are final, and no refunds can be given" with a lot of friendly words around them to make it seem less like a two-step "shut up" plan. XD

    I mean, sure, closed threads make for less drama, but why even direct people to Account Support if all they're going to say is "NOPE!".
  18. SencneS


    I don't seem to remember seeing the return policy or TOS attached to the item when viewing it or when checking out or on my receipt, or when entering the store, or when logging into the game..
  19. SethRuin

    I'm almost positive that SC, being virtual currency traded for virtual items, would circumvent a law like that. At best, you'd be able to catch cheap cash->SC deals, I would think.
  20. Zotamedu

    This is why they should never have given certs back for the account wide unlocks. This is the same thing. Now they must give us certs back again and they will have to keep doing it if they make huge changes to the price again. Free cert give-aways annoy people. Inconsistency annoys people even more. They set a precedence themselves, now they need to live up to it.