Aaaand it's dead.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Gustavo M, May 22, 2013.

  1. Gustavo M

    Congratulations, SOE. You guys have completely broke the game for me and it's unplayable. Takes more than 2 minutes to spawn a vehicle, with only three players on my screen.
    I had fun when my FPS had a stable 5 FPS. But right now it's... well... too "hardcore" for me.
    After playing this game for more than 3 months and noticed how the game optimization didn't had any progress at all, I assume that you guys can't optimize it further or simply want me to "buy a new PC, because the game is this demanding." "Other" high demanding games runs way much more smoother: 20 FPS more, if I may add.
    With that said, thanks for all the good times and fun'n' giggles this game has given me, but.... I'm done.
  2. SaltySanta

    25fps on current games isn't acceptable at all.

    Yes, you seriously need to upgrade your PC. Mind posting your specs?
  3. Ravenheid

    Please post your specs.
    SystemReqs for PS2 are commonly mid-to-high in general.
  4. Acceleratio

    5 fps? ... holy ***
  5. Blarg20011

    Wow, you must have an absolutely dreadful rig.
  6. GraphicJ

    Specs for logical reasons....?
  7. Aircrafter991

    probably some ****** notebook.
  8. ENGTX