Auto-destructing SCU's good or bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, May 22, 2013.

  1. Slyguy65

    The shields go down for spawn room the SCU doesn't go

    Still good or bad so far?

    Wish i could change topic title, but alas.

    Either way the shields going down is still pretty much the same thing.

    Since all you have to do is spam tank shells into the spawn room.

    I can see this being good or bad, how are people leaning towards it so far
  2. Nocturnal7x

    what? auto destruct if at 75% cap? yea, thats ******* stupid...

    GG SOE. GG.
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  3. Kenny007

    I thought just the shields lowered at 75%, not an auto destruct.

    No, not a fan of this. Will wait to see how it plays out when I get home though before going bananas on the forums.
  4. Moody One

    Not to suggest you cant read but only the SHIELDS go down at 75% cap - you are still required to go and actually destroy the SCU - this is actually a buff to large facility defenses because we all know the SCU used to be the go to place to end a defense long before 75%
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  5. Slyguy65

    OOOoooooh...that explains that one thread...complaining about spawn kills...hmmm

    Anyway still stands, how do people like the slaughter fest concept?
  6. Slyguy65

    Yep misread it. But essentially it will give way to tank spam and make it a slaughter fest.

    Curious to see how people take it.

    ...I wish this forum would let you manually delete your own posts since i just quoted the same person and could have fit it into one post not two...
  7. Moody One

    again I think you misunderstand - the shields protecting the SCU go down at 75% not the spawn shields - basically they have removed the SCU shields generator and instead you can only "sap" the SCU after 75% cap
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  8. vrcarnage

    I have not tried it but, from what I read you can no longer destroy them your self. Thats good for the turds that fly around a just destroy them just for exp but, by the player not being able to destroy them; they player loses out on a exp.

    Hopefully they increased the amount of exp for a cap.
  9. MangoPunch


    I don't know how anybody interpreted that as Spawn Room Shields.
  10. Ketobor

    Seriously, I hate this. Removes alot of what was actually engaging from larger base fights.

    I would be fine with the SCU Shields having their own unique shield that wouldn't go down until the base was being capped (The bar must exist at all), but this is just removing things to do when the fight starts. Its more of an ugly slugfest than before.
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  11. Tommyp2006

    It forces people to get out of the spawn rooms, use the tunnels to get around a base, and get something done. Most of the time, by the time 75% of the cap is done anyways, the fight is quite often over. Will this change base fights? Absolutely, but only time will tell how this plays out. In the end, SOE can easily change this back if it is not working out.
  12. Morpholine

    I'm torn.

    On the one hand, this will make large facility captures a longer fight - even if the "fight" is a handful of defenders farming kills from the spawn room, and longer fights are good.

    On the other hand, I'm in favor of making bases more complex to take, and this makes them less so.
  13. Zotamedu

    Dumbing the game down is bad but it might give more time for defenders to actually defend which is good.
    But I have seen some pretty remarkable rescues of bases with only seconds left on the clock...
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  14. UrMom306

    This changes the mind set of large base battles, instead of the generators being a top priority and the flag an after thought. The flag is the place to be, it's going to be nuts the battle for the flag. Then at 75% make a mad dash to the SCU to issue the KO blow on the base. Should be good fun.
  15. PsychoBat

    It just removed an interesting element in base fights. I would understand if the SCU shield gens weren't vulnerable until 75% cap but why remove a mechanic completely?
  16. Wasdie

    I think it's a good change. Often it was too easy to just bring down the SCU and end a potentially great base fight.
  17. TommyXXL

  18. MykeMichail


    Promotes zerging by allowing defenders to pull reinforcements from all over the map and instantly spawn at the facility.

    At least when you could run in and take out the SCU, they at least had to work on recapturing a satellite before they had a spawn.

    Secondly, I don't really see the point considering the enemy will almost always have one satellite they cannot be captured until the main facility is taken, giving them a place to spawn which is only a short trip away.
  19. ent|ty

    Who cares, defense is dead. EVeryone should just leave, or even better just log out when the Zerg arrives. make it so boring for the Zerg that they want to log out themselves, because there is no way to defend, and they can steamroll the entire continent.

    Just another slap in the face for already gimped defenders.
  20. Zotamedu

    I just tried it in a pretty heavily contested Bio lab and it seems to work fine. The fight held out for quite a bit longer than it would otherwise have. It the VS had just managed to pull some more forces they could have broken out. They put up a fierce resistance and those Zoe MAX really really hurt and they are darn hard to hit when they keep ADADing.

    Based on my limited experience, it seems like an improvement.