[Suggestion] Fix The Lasher!

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Myka, May 15, 2013.

  1. Myka

    Because, honestly, it makes me RAGE.

    Weapon is fine. Damage is fine. What is NOT fine is getting weapons locked every time you try to use it because your ****** teammates keep running through the shots.


    Direct hits should still count as FF - splash should not. In any large scale fight, where the Lasher would make a difference thanks to its excellent suppression value, the thing is ******* useless thanks to near constant weapons lock.

    I love the Lasher, and I'd quite like to be able to actually USE the thing. FIX IT PLEASE.


    Edit - while I'm thinking about it, has anyone else noticed that the splash radius feels smaller lately? It's probably just me, but it feels smaller.
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  2. Glythe

    Didn't the PS1 Lasher not lash allied targets? Sounds like that would be the perfect fix.

    Couple this with the ability to replace your rocket launcher with the lasher (if you want) and the empire specific weapon would be a must have for everyone who plays HA. (That means more money for you SOE)
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  3. Nobalification

    This is not PS1. Someone tell me this when i ask for true Striker. Bye bye. But if u know aoe is aoe like pounder or grenade or something with aoe. What ammunation is specific to dont hit ally? wtf?
  4. cKerensky

    The lasher doesn't "lash" the same way in this game.
    As much as I'd like it, I'd say no. It's got to follow the trend of every other game.
  5. Shellana

    I would settle for giving it an arming distance of 1m. Hit anything closer than that, and you get direct hit damage with no splash(Kinda like the grenade launcher). 9 time out of 10 when I friendly fire with my lasher, it is because some idiot friendly decide to jump in front of me, and I end up losing half my shield to the splash damage.
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  6. Vortok

    The inaccuracy at long range is what really annoys me about it. That it's so reliant on splash damage when tons of people run Flak doesn't help matters either. Still a unique weapon that's interesting to use, but it's not without flaws.
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    The Lasher needs a lot of work to make it anything more than a novelty. I actually really like using it because it is interesting but it has a ridiculous number of drawbacks. The Laser is good IF: the enemy is A) far away, grouped together, and lower than you in elevation or B) trying to get through a doorway or hallway. Additionally, more than one Lasher is usually required to do anything. As far as suppression goes its only useful in a very few situations, and it really can't 1 v 1 unlike the Minigun or Jackhammer. The Lasher, in order to be competitive, needs either a significant buff to ROF or Projectile velocity (I think buffing Projectile velocity makes the most sense) and it needs to do more damage on a direct hit than it currently does. I use it fairly often and have never been weapons locked because of it, though I think it would make sense for the splash to do no friendly damage (direct hits would still harm allies).
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  8. Psykmoe

    I'm still pretty new but I've used the Lasher a lot lately, got the gold medal now. It's probably my favorite infantry weapon despite the drawbacks. And I've only gotten weapon locked once in that time!

    I love the weapon, I won't say no to buffs, but unless I'm fighting uphill or the other guy has a pump action or autoshotgun I'm pretty confident in any one on one as long as my resist shield is ready (the Lasher is prone to generating large numbers of assists instead of kills in bigger fights so I'm not sure adrenaline would work). Besides, with resist shield, splashing myself in a CQC scenario does little damage.

    The secret is to strafe or hop like crazy while shooting their knees. Unless they stand still, then just nail them center mass for direct hit and splash damage.

    I'm not saying it's a great weapon in these scenarios but I like it so much that I just force it into the role and make up for it with better play, if possible. I use the Lasher in all scenarios and still run a semi-decent K/D. And an excellent fun/death ratio. :cool: If they end up buffing it, hooray! Highby did tweet they'd do another pass on the empire specific HA guns. As long as the core of the gun remains intact, I'll be happy.

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  9. Lafladitu

    don't forget flak armour reduse friendly damage on yourself aswell other then resist shield :)

    Lasher is the most fun weapon for vanu, one of the reasons why I use it in all situations with my HA, I am rarely inside bio labs even if its the ideal location to use the lasher but it is also there where friendlies are your enemy, they just run into your orbs as you fire and also stands in the way as you try to push the enemy away from the doors or trigger proximity mines. If I am inside the bio labs I am at the second floor of the spawn building keeping roofs free from LA and keep the enemies in the shield regenerator room locked in that place while fireing at the door near the SCU.its also to the only location where you have less chance to get weapons lock.
    Luckly I have never been that but been close many times
  10. Clutchstep

    I like the Lasher. Like Psykmoe said, the secret is to move around erratically and shoot at their legs. I've gotten surprisingly good killstreaks with it doing this, and its awesome to kill people hiding around corners. It's really the ultimate run'n'gun weapon, juke around and bunny hop while shooting in the general direction of your enemy, and you've got a decent chance of killing him first.

    It's not the best weapon for a fight in most cases though, so it could use a bit of a buff. It's really awesome in some situations (enemies are coming through a chokepoint and you have high ground) but those don't happen a lot. But it's pretty fun as is, so I use it a lot even though I know I'm better off using something else.

    I wish it just looked a bit more unique, although the firing animation is pretty cool.
  11. Van Dax

    I'm going to try and purple my lasher so I've noticed a few things about its use.
    It often collides with whatever object you are using as cover such as railings windowsills and the corners of walls as the projectile is quite large and the COF bloom means a safe place to fire from for the first shot will start to kill you on the third. Yeah thats my main gripe with it so far (other than incompetent allies, I mean seriously if I've fired 90 shots through the doorway chances are the 91-through the end of magazine are going through there too.)
    otherwise it is an amazing weapon and does not need a buff.
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  12. Myka

    I'm quite close to my Auraxium for the Lasher, only a couple hundred kills left. Definitely agreed on colliding with cover, feels like the projectile is larger than most normal small arms projectiles, which results in catching yourself with the splash if you try to fire over railings etc. Same with the COF - to hit anything over about 20 metres you have to stand dead still and tap-fire, which usually results in a bolt-action round through the head if you're outside. This makes a lot of players use it only inside buildings/biolabs, and is irritating.

    I love the Lasher, but it has such a high irritation factor when using that I can understand why a lot of VS don't bother with it. Irritation factors:

    Splash yourself when firing from cover.
    Splash allies who are dumb enough to walk through the line of fire.
    COF bloom forces the user to stand still & tap-fire to be accurate over 20m (ish) ranges.

    I'd also like to see a tiny bit more damage on a direct hit, but I'd settle for the removal of the irritation factors. Just having no friendly fire on splash damage would make the weapon much more enjoyable to use.