TR = worst faction. Enough is enough

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stave, May 21, 2013.


    Lol this graph only shows that NC=Noobs :p
  2. Van Dax

  3. void666

    Striker is crap. Only good against ESF.
    Give me a phoenix so i can hit people behind cover.
  4. Compass

    Your data is out of date by a month. These are from the past 2 weeks.
    MAX TR > VS > NC
    Engineer VS > TR > NC
    Medic VS > TR > NC
    LA TR > VS >> NC
    HA TR > VS >> NC
    Infiltrator TR > VS > NC
    MBT VS > TR > NC
    ESF VS > TR > NC
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  5. Zyrina

    Guise srsly TR iz underpowrd evry thin dey haz sukz comprd to othr factonz!11!11!

    BUFF TR!11!1



    On serious note, I would take the Striker over the LOLancer any day. Just saying.
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  6. P4NJ

    No. Factions are balanced right now. The only thing wrong with us TR is the fact that we all get brain damage from all the Phoenixes and Ravens whistling around, but but the VS get that too.

    Nerf high pitched sounds!
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  7. RettyCombine

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  8. gudman591

    Lancer is the worst, no doubt, here I agree with you. But against half-decent infantry-farming lightnings, well... you better have Lancer or Phoenix than Striker. It's useless against tanks when any kind of cover is present, though atm it's bugged and cant fly straight through solid cover.
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  9. Lance007

  10. SolLeks

    this does not supprise me, NC seem to always get the shaft.
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  11. Tar

    trolling fail
  12. CupBoy

    I'd say the data is good enough to at least dismiss a lot of the hyperbolic hysteria. Many of the factors you talk about (membership, boosts, etc) will even out across the three factions when we look at tens of thousands of players. The only thing that doesn't is the population bonuses. I don't know how much they actually affect the scores overall but I doubt it's a whole lot (otherwise there would be a much more clear pattern).
  13. Nargot

    Thats why you have to use as much data as you can get to build up a statistic. Sure are the raw-data uneven but you have to assume that the unevenness is separated quite even if you use a good amount of numbers.
    And obviously an imprecise data is more than "nothing".

    But basically you are right with your post, but in a different way as intended.

    -> The low differences between the faction-equipment doesnt matter because there are much more important factors defining the gamebalance in ps2.
  14. RobotNinja

    I'm pretty sure the Carv is the highest rated LMG in the game in terms of raw kills and kdr, partly due to the fact that it's the TR's starting LMG and that it's great for close quarters. Capture many points from "long range"? Run into a room of TR with the NC's slow-mo and see how much that higher damage helps you when you get instagibbed by a stream of bullets two seconds later. Unless you have the uncanny ability to sink an inhuman percentage of headshots while dealing with the Gauss's beastly recoil...see you at your funeral.

    In close quarters combat, ROF reigns supreme. Look at almost every other FPS game on the market and the king of close quarters is either high burst damage (i.e. shotguns) or weapons with ridiculous ROF.

    Take a look at the actual API game stats if you honestly believe the TR are terrible at everything...somehow, they tell a different story.

    And don't think you know everything about another faction just because you went to the VR and shot at stationary, grounded targets that don't shoot back at you from 10 feet away.

    Try actually playing the game. Each faction has it's downsides but they each have their advantages as well. You have to weigh those advantages and disadvantages and pick the one that best suits your playstyle. If TR isn't doing it for you, feel free to try out another faction.
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  15. stave

    recoil is a joke in this game, the guns are easier to control than even in bf3 (wich was easy to begin with) for pete's sake. you're basically saying that if you can aim, the NC's higher damage weapons are god mode...which is true. take any tr gun and there is a better vs/nc equivalent
  16. Eugenitor

    The TR is the worst faction? I don't know, some NC seem to be grabbing the title...

    Oh, you meant the weapons.
  17. minozake

    I love the Lancer. It could do with a slight damage buff, but even if they left it all the same, I'm happy with it.
  18. PhilDun

    + many, many more
  19. Lance007

    The problem is..............TR don't really have the fastest firing guns where it matters :eek:
    This was quoted from EliteEskimo

    Popular TR LMG’s
    • T9 Carv (In ROF was tied by Orion in ROF and near tie by Pulsar LSW and SVA-88) (In horizontal recoil it unbelievably had more than all NC weapons and all VS weapons):eek:
    • MSW-R (Tied by Orion in ROF and near tie by Pulsar LSW and SVA-88) (In horizontal recoil it unbelievably had more than all NC weapons and all VS weapons):eek:
    • T-32 Bull (Tied with VX29 Polaris and EM1. Beaten by Orion, Pulsar LSW and SVA-88 in ROF) (In horizontal recoil it tied with all VS alternatives. (Incredibly it had more Horizontal Recoil than all NC alternatives but the EM1 with which it tied with.):eek:
    • TMG-50 (Tied with Flare, Gauss Saw S, and GD-22S. Beaten by all Vanu LMG’s excluding the URSA and all NC LMG’s excluding the Gauss Saw) (In Horizontal recoil it had more than the Orion, and tied with all NC weapons excluding the EM1). The TMG 50 seems to be the best TR LMG even though it’s outclassed in ROF by almost all Vanu LMG’s and multiple NC LMG’s:rolleyes:
    • SMG-46 Armistice ( Best ROF in its class) (However It had more horizontal recoil than all NC alternatives, and tied with VS alternatives)
    • PDW-16 Hailstorm ( In ROF it was beaten by its VS alternatives the Sirius SX12, and NC alternative the Blitz GD-10 ) (It had more horizontal recoil than both NC alternatives)
    Popular TR Carbines
    • Lynx- (In ROF it was tied by the VX6-7, and beaten by the Serpent and GD-F7 in ROF) (In horizontal recoil it had more than all Vanu alternatives and had only .025 less than Serpent and VX6-7. (Amazingly it had more horizontal recoil than all NC alternatives and was tied with the GD-7F):eek:
    • Jaguar- (In ROF was beaten by Serpent, VX6-7, and GD in ROF) (In horizontal recoil it had more than all Vanu alternatives and had only .025 less than Serpent and VX6-7.) (Amazingly it had more horizontal recoil than all NC alternatives and was tied with the GD-7F):eek:
    • Trac 5- (In ROF was beaten by Serpent, VX6-7, and GD in ROF) (In horizontal recoil it had more than all Vanu alternatives and had only .025 less than Serpent and VX6-7.) ( Amazingly it had more horizontal recoil than all NC alternatives and was tied with the GD-7F):eek:
  20. Timantium

    Wrong, this thread is only really true for the parts that aren't complete bologna, which is none of it.