Another liberator needs help thread. Luperza if you see this please.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trucky, May 19, 2013.

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  1. Trucky


    There's much to say that i have said before. I will remark only a few things
    Going from color and importance
    As the empire "gunship" the liberator nerfs were a little much. It's a vehicle of 3 people and deserves more rewarding. And with all the spawn room improvements it makes it even worse than before, all the max AA doing a impenetrable fortress shouldnt just be. The liberator was built to stop the zerg and kill the sunderers, not to die by their fancy lock on and massive insane anti air. you also have to spent A LOT of certs to increment your survival for at last 10 secs in a big battlefield, the other people have to spent 7 dollars of their pocket to have the ultimate antiair superiority. the ability for the liberator to get out of danger now is even worse.

    The problem that bothers me everyday is that a single ESF could shut down my liberator for around 10-15 mins in less than 12 secs because their weapons have a very long distance travel with no bullet drop at all and the tailgun can barely shoots from 1 meter, and that ESF can output the liberator job of killing vehicles as well as fast and ALSO can escape pretty fast from the insane AA with the afterburned in light speed.

    ESF has taken the place of liberators because they have more agility, faster, can kil liberators from 1 hex away.

    Liberators have no purpose because the ESF can output the liberator by a lot. If a liberator needs to tankbuster it has to go around 30 meters where is so vulnerable against tanks. Making it not useful but to use against sunderers. If the liberatr goes near a sunder it's sniper also by tanks or vaporized by the invisible AA..

    And excuse if this may sound like a rant or something, but it's necesary to mention. With the liberators excluded from battles the game balance has gotten to ESF and the AA max eternal war, i mean i'm ok with the AA. Every zerg needs to be protected but this is absurd, maybe buffing the skyguard to make it more viable? i wont mind since i can at last see where is the fire comming from.
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  2. Trucky

    Also, this is the thread that was supposed to ''fix'' the liberator and only nerfs have come.

    [Second page of the road map]

    I dont know if this is sabotage or just no interest in aircraft comming from the devs but the thread has been there for a quite long time and there is no official response but only MLG plans and Higby vacations threads.
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  3. Eugenitor

  4. Zamos

    "nerf Rock, Paper is fine." - Sincerly Scissors
  5. Trucky

  6. Luperza Community Manager

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