I'll sum up PS2 in few words

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, May 19, 2013.

  1. SolitarioSoldat

    Player jumps in one 1 tank and stacks kills, jumps in another and stacks kills, jumps in air vehicle and stacks kills, back to tank and stacks kills.

    Oh hold on there is territory enemy is taking I better spawn there and get some kills behind the shield, then 20 sec before the enemy caps the territory he throws C4's and redeploys = kills for sure at least 2 or 3...

    So whats wrong here SOE? you tell me.
  2. Laraso

    C4 despawns on death, and I believe it despawns on redeploy, too... Hardly anyone ever tries to C4 a spawn room, they just use AI mines.

    Also, this doesn't sum up PS2 at all. If this is all you ever do in PS2, you're playing it wrong.
  3. SolitarioSoldat

    this is what people do in PS2 all the time, I'm yet to buy mines. All I know after we cap and team mates enter the spawn $hit starts exploding.
  4. Rhaeyn

    Let me sum up ~50% of the games of the recent decades then:
    Dudes shooting each other.

    It's easy to leave out the fun parts, when summarizing things.
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  5. Klondik3


    If you want kills infantry are just as good as vehicles(and they shouldn't be).

    Score per Hour:
    ESF: 15.043
    MBT: 14.100
    Infantry(average of all classes):16.836
    Infantry(average of all classes):9.294

    You can check stats for more info but in essence what I'd recommend to you is to take a good ole "more l2p, less whine"..
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  6. TheRealMetalstorm

    if this is all you know of ps2 then obviously you're a lone wolfer taking part in the zerg. zergfits are still part of the zerg. they just have different names.

    And if this game bores you so much, goodbye. It'll be one less mindless zergling for us, and one less time waster for you.
  7. Badname0192

    I stopped reading after the first three words because the topic said 'in a few words'.

    I guess your summary makes sense, player jumps in. I'm assuming that you think the game consists of a bunch of trick jumps as can be found in a few other shooters, that would be cool and if you've found some places where there's some cool trick jumps, please tell me.

    Thank you.
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  8. Macchus

    yea i find "jumping" to be a huge part of this game, but for some reason SOE decided to put in such a small amount of decent jumps . oh well maybe in gu 12
  9. Macchus

    altho i must say , tanks are probably the worst vehicle to do "jumps" ...
  10. Onetoo

    Yeah, I do most of my sick jumps in a quad. Planetside2 is really awesome at jumps.
  11. Sulsa

    OP: "So what's wrong here?"
    SOE: "Nothing"
  12. Nocturnal7x

    mines/c4 should be effected by pain field :p
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  13. Onetoo

    This sounds like a good addition to the "quality of life" improvements that Higby wants for the next update. I'm sure that few PS2 vets die to explosives placed in the spawn rooms, but how much fun is it for new players to enter a 'safe area' and get insta-killed? It's something that's totally avoidable, but at the same time it's kind of lame and shouldn't happen.
  14. VanuSovereignty

    Stop complaining and break the cycle. Go kill the guy in the ESF before he can get kills.
  15. Macchus

    i found when i stopped taking the things this game does to people personally , and also stopped trying , i started getting more kills .
    well i dont want to say stop trying . i just focus less on getting them kills and just try and have fun .

    a good example was today . TR named onion was complainiing that all the TR were pulling prowlers and we were gonna lose the alert . the guy seemed to be taking it hard lol. i and a few others responded that we were all having fun , as it was a giant traffic jam / bumper cars . 5 minutes later he realized we were gonna win , which we did . i feel that alerts are the last thing everybody should rush and try to win . try and have fun first, worry about alerts , never....
  16. Macchus

    no it doesnt . its not a huge issue . you run into that spawn room once and get blown up . you dont do it again . yes its a cheez tactic , but im sick of games being limited for "fairness" . im not saying i think that all unfair stuff should stay but you gotta stop somewhere . and hey lifes not even fair why should a war based videogame be ? whats next a video game geneva convention ?
  17. Xind

    I think it despawns on redeploy/respawn. I've been killed after deploying C4, got rezzed, and popped it.
  18. iller

    This doesn't even sum up Engrish, much less PS2. I'm usually okay at translating these but this one took a wild left turn somewhere after Tankapalooza vs. THE FACTS of how much fun the Phoenix is, and how easy C4 is to use against just about everyone who doesn't have a dedicated A.I. gunner...
  19. Ashnal

    You forget the part where it takes an infantry push to take any base.
  20. IamDH

    Let me sum up this thread

    If somethings as strong as you claim it is WHY DONT YOU USE IT
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