Note to devs on flamethrowers

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Steakbeard, May 15, 2013.

  1. Steakbeard

    Just a quick note really, when you bring the flamethrowers in for maxes, you give two empires a cqc option. I would sincerely like to see an NS chain gun or similar as well at that point for the empire that doesn't have a longer ranged option.
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  2. Nobalification

    If u want see NC chain gun the TR lose their chain gun advantages. NC CQB, TR Medium and smetimes longrange fights, VS they are good in medium ranges as TR maxes for sure. (about maxes). Dont tell me the VS dont have dmg agaainst NC or TR. Ok against NC maxes no one have advatage but its NC. TR and VS are same with little advantages and disadvantages. TR little bit more ROF but have COF. VS have smaller ROF but small COF and recoil.
  3. Pazzonni

    So you will be just as good as an NC mac in CQC, but we will still remain lackluster in anything above 10m. Sounds fair....o_O
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  4. Nobalification

    U have shotgun for medium range its means for 30-50m. Its something start calling on W or H sry i forgot names of guns what i dont use :I. U have slug ammunation for medium range too. Be sure dont use slug ammunation in CQB but on madium range. This all is ok for now. I hate NC scattermaxes but i accept it. Its your Advantage but if u need ik on 40 m with shotguns its unreal man.
  5. Zaik

    what the hell did i just read

    he's pointing out that there is an NS cqb max weapon coming, and everyone will have access to cqb max weapons but only two empires will have access to non cqb max weapons.

    an NS max bullet weapon with a magazine higher than 6 that the NC could use outside spitting distance would not end the whole damn world.
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  6. Flukeman62

    may i just say that the flamers don't do squat to max units. your max shoties still rip up other maxes in cpb
  7. Ceskaz

    NC MAX precision makes use of slug worth it from 10 to 30 meters, maybe 40 meter top. After that, you point, you shoot, and you miss at least half your shot. Your are at best ignorant, else, it's just hypocrisy. NC wants a real medium range MAX AI weapons, because slugs does not fill the void
  8. Zaik

    you're talking about the bugged 20 damage/hit flamethrowers.

    that's obviously not how they will be released, i don't even understand how you could come to that conclusion.
  9. Roarboar

    NC max complaining? AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA breathe breathe AHAHAHHAH.
    You are not serious are you?
  10. Singed

    Depends on how effective SOE makes the flamethrower. It could be a close range lasher (lay down fire on a doorway to make infantry unwilling to enter. However the flamethrower turns out I'm sure the NC will retain their CQB mastery.
  11. Bankrotas

    Which needs least 2k cert investment, if you're free player...
  12. cKerensky

    You already have a decent long range anti infantry weapon that is common pool. The burster. It's actually very good at killing infantry at range. So.....yeah.
  13. BadLlama

    ^^ Yeah no
    Do you not understand the point? VS & TR have whined incessantly about NC CQC power and that whining has paid off in the form of a flamethrower that everyone can get. If the flame thrower isn't almost or as effective as NC MAX weapons then TR and VS will still ***** and moan about it which means no one will buy it. The more likely story is the Flamethrower will be stronger than the NC CQC weapons leaving the NC MAX no longer the most powerful within 5m but also still to this day lacking a long range weapon beyond a roll the dice gimmick of Slug Mattocks.

    I know one too many NC MAX have probably ***** you in your mouth so many times that you can't think without bias but this will further push the NC from having the lowest SPM MAX to and even lower status. Thanks for playing.
  14. ThalonGauss

    If the flamethrowers are like they were on the test server, then they aren't effective enough at CQC to warrant that and the hacksaws and scattercannons will still dominate, leaving the flamethrower as little more than a fiery pain-field.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    A NS flamethrower will not change the fact that NC maxes are OP <15m.
    Shotgun vs flamethrower, shotgun will win every time.
    You want a chaingun style medium range gun? I would only be ok with that if they take away your shotguns completely...

    NC max is OP at under <15M, I play all 3 factions, NC being my main, and even I am willing to admit that...
    NC maxes just destroy other maxes that come into their range, while NC maxes can avoid ranged combat by camping point rooms.
  16. BadLlama

    If you think NC MAX are OP in anyway now you should look at the API data and come back here.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    I know what I know from 1000 hours of gameplay time, you can keep your spreadsheet.
    They strait up destroy any other faction max that gets within 15m, if you can't admit this, then your in denial.
  18. BadLlama

    I know what I know based on pure anecdotal evidence which is not supported by the millions of hours of collected game play data in spreadsheets.

    Nice KD and accuracy % there btw
  19. LibertyRevolution

    Go do a max dual at 15m with a friend and tell me how many times the NC max with dual Scat/Hacksaws looses..
    Later when my girlfriend get home I will shoot a video of a max dual at 15m, I have a mercy max and a blueshift max.
    She plays NC, I will have her trial a second scatter just to film this for you.

    I play all 3 factions, I die to NC maxes as my VS and TR maxes, I slaughter VS and TR maxes as my NC max in any battle under 15m..

    I don't care what some spreedsheet data says, this is not a game played on paper..
    That would be like saying the AC-X11 is godly because it looks great on paper... it gets you dead in CQC 8/10 times...

    If you think K/D matters at all in this game, then your opinion is worth even less than I was giving you credit for.
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  20. Messaiga

    There is not really a way to balance the NC Max alongside the other 2 because shotguns are shotguns, and you cannot change their power unless you reduce the mag size and increase reload speed even more. Even then, infantry will still be slaughtered because it's a damn shotgun! The problem is that there is not a way to balance the difference between Shotguns and Chain Guns because Chain Guns will usually have much more range, while shotguns will always be amazing in close quarters. If you increase Chain Gun ROF to match DPS of Shotguns then it will make it the other way around because the Chainguns will be able to do the same DPS, but with more range and mag size.