TR have won almost every single Alert for 10 days because population advantage is so ridiculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sssstaticccc, May 18, 2013.

  1. Canaris

    yeah but to be fair those earlier alerts that we won were down to the wire, careful planning and taking that last strategic objective is how we won or managed to force a draw with VS or NC, now it's just like MAX-D says you traitors have traitors in your midst, not suprising given your factions history o_O
  2. moooosa

    Dude, come on. It's not any faction that's to blame, it's a flaw in the game design. That should be obvious.

    Anyways, it's not every alert (obviously), but this happens every night after midnight on Waterson. TR have been grabbing "Dominating Victories" within a short time after the alert starts with overwhelming pops (70% or so).

    It's really annoying when people are all "NUH UHHH it's not like that" or "it doesn't matter at 3am" because not everybody plays at 7pm every day. Those of us who can't want to be able to enjoy the game too.

    I've never done the fourth faction thing before but actually that's not sounding like a bad idea right now...
  3. Captain Kid

    Perhaps there should be a timer between switching empires. Like there was in Planetside 1.
    • Up x 1
  4. Chioxin

    Honestly, it has to do with a Euro Celebrity announcing he'd be on that server, on TR, and probably destroying it because of that. I wish I'd known that would be the case, because I wouldn't have joined it otherwise. That's why I'm a bit prejudice about it. But you're right, and I'm sorry. I honestly don't know why the TR are so dominating population wise between the hours of 3am up to about 10am. I honestly imagine it's quite boring as hell for them.

    Explain to me how our guys can be organized against TR when we have less than 20% world population and TR have about way way more at that hour? As has been pointed out many a time now, the only reason we hold Indar is because we're smart enough to grab Scarred Mesa Sky dock before the zergs slam into our warp gate. It's a lame tactic, but it works, and it's unfortunate that we have to resort to that in the wee hours of the night just to hold that continent.
  5. Smithy0815

    On other servers tr dont win every time. or better almost never. Take a look on woodman there the vanu are the real thread and the tr and nc are dangerous too but they dont dominate.
  6. Bargus

    TRAM was never contacted about this

    Also considering NC had the highest Server population last night as well as Continent Population. They should've been deemed primary target , no?

    Did this happen? Of course not , TR was double teamed for 2 hours regardless of population.

    I take it this "agreement" is already null and void?
  7. DeltaGun

    They made TR the coolest looking, plain and simple. Its just like in SWTOR where Sith had 5x the population as the Republic.
  8. Baleur

    Same on Miller.
    It's pointless to even pull ESF or tanks. Because you get insta-gibbed by hordes of HA or bursters.

    If a faction has pop advantage, they become invulnerable to air and armor, because infantry has such strong anti-air and anti-armor capabilities.
    What this in turn results in, is the faction that has pop advantage also having the air and armor advantage, since there's not enough enemy infantry to deal with it, and any enemy air or armor gets instasniped by strikers / phoenixes.

    So in short what happens:
    Infantry pop advantage = invulnerable to air and armor
    Invulnerable to air and armor = instakills all enemy air and armor
    All enemy air and armor dead & less infantry pop = your own air and armor reign unchallenged

    Sigh. It never was as bad as it is now.
    I love flying, but this past week it's been so bad that i've not been able to do jack ****.
  9. Loegi

    Guess TR were too tactically superior for you.
  10. Error-G37

    I would barely even say that's Euro time. Blame people like me that play from Asia. 4pm is a fair time to play at, and if you've ever been on at 4pm you would know that there's almost no one on. 4am EST alerts hardly matter.
  11. DaDirtyTang

    Yet The TR loses EVERY night due to the same reason. :) ;) :cool: deal with it.
  12. MaxDamage

    Exactly this. I assumed there was, it's pretty obviously needed. When I found out there wasn't one, I was horrified.

    What an oversight!
  13. sssstaticccc

    Lol I am, right now, by getting rid of your unfair advantage.

    The point is it is currently not fun, and how that it is the real issue.
    Notice I said the words "almost always like this"
    I mostly only get on during prime time and thats when I see them win all the time with 25% more population
  14. Captain Kid

    Yeah I was very surprised I could freely switch teams.
    These afternoon, my team Vanu had 36% pop and I was very surprised.
    Then an alert started and literally after 5 minutes our pop was down to 28%.