What do infiltrators do? A job description?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, May 17, 2013.

  1. Copyrights

    Snipers annoys bad players. That's about it

    SMGs Infiltrators are LA without the jetpack, but louder.

    Play something else
    • Up x 2
  2. Ripster

    Because it's an improvement.
    EMP's are also very effective when used correctly.
    Why are you even talking about cert costs when it takes 5days max to get 1k certs? Are there the same arguments for maxes? I mean, if there are, then maxes need some fairly huge buffs because 1 arm anything isn't very good either. Also, why do you say "only with SMG builds? IMO there are only SMG builds unless you switch specifically to snipe people on AV engy turrets or heavy's on cliffs with lock-ons.

    I've got a question, as an infiltrator with a cloaking flash with a heavy on the back, do you sit around waiting for bases to cap when you've already got platoons of friendlies who are also waiting around, letting them destroy consoles before you get there, or do you think, hmm, if I cloak flash to the next base, hack a terminal before they get there, and have the heavy pull a sundy. Or are all the terminals blown up at every base you ever go to even before they start setting up a defense.

    BTW, I don't know of a more effective combo than a HA and infil for clearing a room. CONC+EMP=dead entire room.
  3. Salamanerd

    Improvement to WHAT? Who uses these damn darts for anything but minor stuff? For the cost of 1,000s of certs? Its a useless improvement, much like the flashlight. Would you rather spend 1K on a radar or a damn gun?

    Protip: people pick the gun.

    Look at it from a new player or inf perspective. if I play another class to get my certs, WHY PLAY INF AT ALL?

    Why invest in a class I don't play? Why invest in a class with low cert returns?

    Infiltrators are naturally Snipers, not SMG. You need to BUY an SMG, BUY a purpose for a useless class. Why bother trying to make an infiltrator work when other classes work right out of the damn box?

    And when a base is being capped, they are already setting up defenses at the other base. The outfits on Connery aren't stupid and every day its the same outfits fighting with the same scorched earth tactics.

    The fact that you think there are only SMG builds cements this in. Infs don't start with SMGs. They start with snipers that can't even kill on the first headshot unless your NC.
  4. Mustarde

    It is because of ignorant people like you that I can keep farming the living **** out of everyone on Mattherson. Please continue the ignorance while I add to the 450 ribbons I've collected on my SR-7 alone.

    To answer the OP, we have two functions. The first is using sniper rifles to kill high-priority targets(or morons standing still) such as rocket squads, medics, engineers. This can be in the open field of battle, or to dislodge entrenched enemies.

    The second general function is to be sent ahead of the platoon to hack terminals and turrets, provide a forward spawn point, and weaken defenses for your attacking force.

    The last function is to laugh hysterically while farming everyone in your wraith flash. #dontnerfthefuryplz
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  5. Ripster

    Please, just stop talking about cert costs. The discussion isn't, "what should i do with the limited certs i have," it's "what does an infiltrator do."
    Also, go figure, if you don't play infiltrator, don't put certs into it.
    I am looking at it from an infiltrator's perspective. I play infil with blitz. It's behind in SPM of MAX>LA>ENGY for me. And I'm still learning how to play it correctly.
    And your protip? It's not a protip. It's a fail tip. I'd rather spend the 1k certs on a radar if I've already got all the guns I want.

    All of your arguments, but the console one, are terrible. It's the only one that has merit. And it only has merit if you don't get to the base before the defenders do. Your arguments boil down to, "I think the infiltrator sucks because I didn't put any certs into it and therefore can't do anything with it. Also, the effective strategies are so rare that I don't have to deal with them so they must not be effective." Which goes back to my first post. You're an infiltrator who would rather cry about things than get better.
  6. Salamanerd

    The only people you farm is at the VR room.

    Snipers are hilariously easy to counter, and even going ahead of the "platoon" is easy to counter if the defending forces is a good outfit and not a zerg.

    That's why snipers only annoy bad players who stand around. Which isn't a special ability because everyone can kill a bad player.
  7. VSDerp

    well im a full time infiltrator and i like pissin people off ingame.
  8. Liav

    This is the only thing you've said that I actually agree with. The rest of it is pretty stupid, honestly.
  9. Silvermyst

    I don't know why people say sniping is so bad, it's not if you know how to use it.

    Also, as far as how many kills you can get: The second day I played as NC I grabbed myself a 12x scope and went far behind enemy lines where I could "observe" the TR and VS fight it out. In such a target rich environment hiding at a range that 6x snipers couldn't see me well I managed to get 20-30 kills in maybe 10 minutes. Not an amazing number, when compared to Bio Lab grinding, but it definitely worked and did wonders for my K/D ratio. (yes, yes, it doesn't matter but it feels nice to look at it and see 10 to 1 written there before switching to Bio Lab fighting and watching it plummet)
  10. Salamanerd

    If an outfit thinks they are losing a base, they regroup mid battle. Not when the battle is already lost. That's what a good outfit does.

    If you stand around a base thinking "we won" you are very mistaken because they are regrouping at the other base as you stand around.

    And cert costs do matter. If you need to cert into a class before it can even get a purpose, its a broken class. Why would anyone WORK to get a class to work at a basic level?

    That's what I am saying. All other classes work out of the box and have a purpose. Starter infiltrators don't unless its an NC infiltrator.

    An SMG infiltrator is a starter LA without the jetpack and with a price tag. How is that an okay class?

    Why would a player pick an infiltrator? Why should they put certs into something they can get already for free?

    That's what it ties into, but you don't see that.

    The infiltrator has no purpose to a new player, or any other player. A starter infiltrator requires you to play another class to cert into another it to even get a decent weapon for 2/3rd of the factions. At that point, why even bother trying to jump start an infiltrator build? It does nothing if the server you play on is highly organized. It does nothing to contribute to battles unless its during off hours, which don't matter anyway because that's when the ghost caps begin.

    The infiltrator is a broken class, and it isn't a secret.
  11. Mustarde

    Haha I'm sorry buddy, you really are trying hard to fit a square peg in a round hole. Your broken logic simply doesn't work. I already gave my response to the OP of this thread, and you seem to think I can only farm in the VR room. I bet you are too lazy to do the research so I'll just help you out -

    87% gametime as infiltrator to BR91
    Auraxium medal in every TR infiltrator weapon
    41k kills, 23k headshots, 18k kills alone with the SR-7

    And videos

    Still a broken class? Only in your head little guy. The real infiltrators in this game don't hide behind excuses, we outsmart the enemy and farm those headshots until we are out of ammunition. Just go play HA with a shotgun and keep dreaming of the day you get enough skill to play infiltrator.
  12. Salamanerd

    >> Spends entire certs on one class.

    >> Doesn't realize arguments is against the cert requirements of the class to even do its basic job.

    >> Argument flies over your head.

    The semi autos you get are worthless, the basic bolt action is 100 certs. Not easy for a new player to get without playing another class.

    Why would people jump start a class?

    A BR 10 can can up saying how hard it is to compete in the ESF game and be expected to dump all his certs while holding on the dream of being a flyboy using only his starter gear. An argument about how he can fly fine from a BR 100 with all the certs doesn't change a damn thing when the stock is easily outclassed.

    The infiltrator is a broken class unless you dump all your certs into it to get the SMG, and honestly how is that an attractive option when other classes outshine the infiltrator in that regard? Even then, what use is the majority of the arsenal for infs?

    1 headshot. 2 body. All snipers are the same. The 100 cert is the same as the 1,000 cert. Only a difference in velocity, and not very noticeable at that unless you try head shotting a max, which infiltrators shouldn't even waste their time trying when maxes have a cadre of 3 engies on them at all times.

    Sony pushed up the class revamp for a reason, the infiltrator is under powered and overlooked. You keep trying to defend it, but it only shows you do that because you invested so much into it. It has no role. It does nothing to aid a battle with any sort of real organization.
  13. Czuuk

    Here's how I discovered PS2. After I got summarily wtfacepwned on my initial drop in, I figure out how to get back to the warp bubble and operate the terminals. Then I rolled an infiltrator and loaded up a sundy with AMS. Flew my stock Reaver to a red territory with enemies detected, hoped out, hacked a terminal, popped said sundy and then learned how to play.

    Your main roll in platoon ops will be to flip terminals, blow up shield generators and take down SCU's before the main force arrives. But if you hack a vehicle term and pop a sundy, you are now every class.
  14. Liav

    Certing every weapon, utility, tool, and suit slot you would want to use on an Infiltrator is <10k certs.

  15. Liquid23

    lol Salamanerd is trying so hard to justify why he sucks at the class
  16. Salamanerd

    And what does that make the entire infiltrator boards?

    Where the infiltrator is bashed for not getting any sort of support from SOE and being broken because SOE is scared of it?
  17. Liquid23

    the same as pretty much every section on these boards where every single aspect of the game is bashed constantly by someone ... a board full of whiners
  18. Liav

    Most of the bads that cried about the Infiltrator class have moved on. If you would actually read, you'd figure out that there really isn't that much more that we need.

    PS1-style Infiltration does not work in PS2. The new Infiltrator is a Predator, and we may get some more useful things to hack in the future. I do not see our class evolving much beyond that, without becoming ******** OP. Some people already think SMG Infiltrators are OP. What do you want out of this class?
  19. Salamanerd

    What I want? Some actual variety in the class. The snipers don't have much variety in stats, the very traits the infiltrator does have is destroyed by zergs or angry outfits. The SMG is good for the class but little else, and the infiltrator's valuee is questionable for 1,000 certs.

    The only thing it really has is the ATV fury, but lets be honest here. Farming ability isn't an actual purpose. Its only a temporary purpose until SOE catches on and inevitably over reacts and nerfs the crap out of it. With a sighting of a fury nerf on the test server not too long ago, its not that much of a stretch.

    Sure SOE will revamp it and shafted the LA update for it, but right now its still the class without an actual purpose or effect on a battle.
  20. Smithy0815

    our outfit uses infiltrators to prepare attacks. a team of 2-3 infiltrators is sent out a few minutes before the whole "zerg" or outfit attacks a point to hack all terminals and cannons before the air and ground troops arrive.

    They can operate almost undetected and take out the biggest threads before the main force is attacking. They hack terminals and spawn sundies or take out defenders and cannons. They mine terminals cannons or choke points to slow down the enemy efforts....

    I ALWAYS start an attack as infiltrator. go for a terminal hack it and take the kit which is needed atm. With infi you are able to get into a enemy position undetected and you have acces to ALL inf classes and VEHICLES even if you are ALONE.

    Other classes cant infiltrate a enemy base because they dont have acces to all equipment they need.

    Such ppl like the op are just ppl with zero tactical knowledge. Sure they zerg down a base but with 0 tactics just size but if you can hold a point with a squad against a platoon this is a tactical masterpiece