TR have won almost every single Alert for 10 days because population advantage is so ridiculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sssstaticccc, May 18, 2013.

  1. sssstaticccc


    Pretty fooking absurd right
    This is AFTER the alert ended
    So the TR percent has gone down from the 72 PERCENT it was at
    They almost always win and have a population advantage of at least 25.

    (or any population advantage at all)

    I wish I had more proof,
    I want to update this thread with every alert on waterson to prove this game breaking ********
    But I obviously cant do that.
    Help contribute to end this

    I'm not the only one who plans on quitting if this is not fixed
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  2. Mrasap

    This isn't the case for all servers, but it is a problem on Miller.

    The alert system favours the fourth faction, which shouldn't be encouraged in my opinion.
  3. DonC

    Gotta swat those mosquitos, I mean...
  4. illgot

    If bases were designed with defense in mind and not just base swapping, maybe people would not give up so easily.
  5. ItsJustDash

    I swatted a **** ton of them but more just kept coming back. The amount of air they had it was just... I will have nightmares for days.
  6. Chioxin

    This is Waterson isn't it? You know it's like, 4 AM in the morning for Waterson? It's "Euro time" .... Alerts don't matter at this hour. I think I stopped caring that they win Alerts at 4 AM in the morning. However, I do care if they take Indar back! MY LAND!!!
  7. Admiralty

    This happens in Briggs too, the fourth faction really needs to be eradicated :/
  8. TWFTwilight

    Not anymore.
    The Outfit alliances from all factions have agreed, that they will focus their efforts against the overpopulated side (cont locks and overall world pop are the decisive factors).
    TR got squashed pretty hard between the NC and VS during the Esamir primetime alert yesterday and it was **** ton of fun for all of us and we got probarbly more XP then we would have, if we had steamrolled the continent with 50-60% pop.
    Pop imbalance is partly created by the community, which means the community can also do something against this.
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  9. Xind

    Even though the OP is ********, I do kind of like his idea of making vehicles timers extend based on how dominant the leading population is. If you have that many men, use 'em, you get less vehicles/aircraft. Except for Sunderers and Galaxies as they fulfill a support role that is extremely important (sunderers) regardless of population size.
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  10. ArmedGoose

    Imagine there is an alert on and no one goes there...
    Imagine there is an alert on and no one important goes there... :)
  11. Ravenorth

    They should makes the alerts just not generating when there is much population imbalance in the server, the current system just grants free xp for the overpopulated faction.
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  12. JonboyX

    Last I heard one of the largest NC Miller outfits has become reknowned for its players all logging on to their TR alts when an event starts up. And I hear that from some of their members. Seems to me the community would prefer to look after their own interests first :/
  13. St0mpy

    Why are you prejudiced against euros? 4AM on waterson is like 9-10AM on the morning in europe, no ones going to dial in to an empty US server at that time of the morning, but hey, blame the Euros anyway, anything but point the finger at yourself for not being good enough or organised enough, or your own countrymens TR who do play on Waterson at 4am.

    Euro time on waterson is 7pm till 10pm Eastern, when the EU servers die off and some swap over, cussing euros out for stuff going on at 4AM your time is just stupid.
  14. Xind

    Hue hue hue. Alert in 6 minutes.
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  15. Mrasap

    It's nice to see the outfit alliances trying to counter the pop imbalance, but that doesn't change the fact that game should not inherently favour fourth factioning like the alert system currently does.
  16. Sweet Jackal

    So, punish one side as the others decide to abandon the field? This makes no sense.

    The only way numbers that high are possible is if the opposing factions choose not to be there. Or if it was in the middle of the night and a large outfit jumped on to top out the pop cap.
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  17. Canaris

    increase HP% for the under populated factions to balance out the TR numbers or which ever faction is in it's acendency cycle, worked in PS1 and can work here too :)
  18. MaxDamage


    You will find that if you listed out all the alert victories, a day has not passed that VS or NC haven't won an alert, so stop talking out of your behind.

    Also when an alert victory for TR seems imminent, 4th faction hoppers join TR. The effect is dramatic, obvious and makes for misleading screenshots in the last 5 minutes; that people then frantically upload to the forums as "proof" of TR population issues.

    Just now WORLD pop of TR was 32% with 30 minutes left on the timer. Less than VS.

    When the alert was finishing, TR population on the alert continent was around 60%.

    Thus it is not TR that is the problem, but traitors in your own ranks.
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  19. XRIST0

    Its like that on every server , NC was like that on Briggs for months ..

    TR barely made 25% population some days .
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  20. PS2Freak

    last 2 days it was little better, before it it was month/ month + 1/2 / 2 months of tr victorys one after another.

    the whole "victorys" of vanu + nc - i can count on one of my hand.

    so stop trying to "relativate" the problem that exist.