SOE Please FIX the Uber anoying scope inconsistency

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 15, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    This is a long date problem that have never been solve and its always getting pretty anoying ... while using the reflex or the reflex 2x scope we got a weird inconsistancy where the red dot could be smaller or bigger , but also the size of the scope and (( zoom aspect will change depending on the weapons its atached to ))

    This should never ever happen , when you like X or Y scope in BF or others game the scope is consistant and always have the same Size and zoom

    This inconsistancy lead to many problem when you try to play at your best , this problem really need to be adress ASAP

    Here an exemple of the 2X scope equip on a LMG and then on a Gauss riffle S

    PS: the same problem occur with the 1X reflex

    On the LMG = Fine

    On the AR = wrong
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  2. Stew360 Translator

    There has been an ongoing problem within planetside, this problem has been very annoying and seems to have never been addressed. Upon using the various reflex scopes there is an apparent inconsistency with these scopes. The red dot within these scopes appears to be differently sized, furthermore the actual size of the scopes in addition to the amount of zoom applied when using the scope appears to be different for different weapons.

    There is no reason for this inconsistency between the scopes. Other games, such as the battlefield franchise, use consistent scopes. This inconsistency between the scopes can potentially lead to many problems during gameplay and impacts my personal performance.

    The following two pictures are examples of this inconsistency. The scopes used in the pictures are the same scope, the 2X reflex scope. This problem is also apparent on the 1X reflex scope.

    This picture is of the scope on the light machine gun, this is how the scopes should be displayed.

    This picture is of the scope on the assault rifle, this is not how the scopes should be displayed.
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  3. moooosa

    LOL What the hell?
  4. Ranik

    Wait... Stew has consistently spoken gibberish for so long that someone has volunteered to translate for him?

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  5. phreec

    BTW that's not true. Just equip the RDS on the RPK-74 and M27 IAR in BF3 and you'll notice a difference. However that doesn't mean they shouldn't fix it in PS2.

    Those bloated red dots just aren't worth using on most NC guns since they're so bugged...
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  6. Batisat

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  7. Stew360

    My personal translator so cool :O
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  8. Stew360

    thanks for the info because iam complaining about this since beta lol spamming pics at smed twitter

    i GIVE UP FOR FEW MONTHS AND THEN i was thinking they forget about it their is still hope :)

    I was using 4x scope only because of that , but now i was back to reflex and its really anoying
  9. Cougarbrit

    This is the best account ever.
  10. }{ellKnight

    Best post.
  11. Stew360 Translator

    I enjoy the services of my official translator.

    Thank you for the information Batisat, I have been raising awareness of this issue since beta. I have been continually sending John Smedley pictures of this issue on Twitter to no avail. I had come to the conclusion that this issue was simply being ignored, but your post shows there is still hope.

    I have been using a 4X scope because of this ongoing issue. However, recently I had begun using the 1X and 2X reflex scopes once again, and to my dismay this really annoying issue was still apparent. This lead me to post this topic on the forums.
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  12. f0d

    you provide a much needed service, no longer will i be banging my face upon the keyboard trying to understand the OP
  13. Zotamedu

    You just won the internet.
  14. illgot

    same issue with sniper rifles.

    I have a persistent dot in the middle of my screen and notice some sniper weapons are about half a mil dot below or above this dot while most are directly in the middle.