Medic Advice

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by HarvestCheddar, May 10, 2013.

  1. HarvestCheddar


    I've just (literally 30 minutes ago) started playing the Medic class (TR) and I'm actually very impressed with it. I was wondering if any of you wonderful fellows had some tips & tricks as well as strategies for me, for both attacking and resing/healing. I'm currently using the default Cycler, as well as my Blackjack for closer ranges. Level 3 healing tool and level 1 Flak and Nano.

    One thing in particular I'm interested in is what happens if you have your AOE heal on and then take damage? Does it slowly mitigate it or does it stop affecting you for a while?

    Thanks dudes and dudettes!

  2. Efraim

    get your medic gun up ASAP as well as your AOE heal, thats pretty standard for the class. you can get gunned down easily with your AOE on, it doesnt mitigate anything. I pretty much run with flak all the time, saved my *** on more than one occasion.
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  3. TheKhopesh

    I would recommend getting nano weave up, as it adds health, no matter the situation.

    Also, when your shields go down, turn on AOE healing, as it heals you constantly regardless of incoming fire.
    This will allow you to take an extra bullet or two in battle depending on how much you have certed into it so far (Make sure you put your heal device, primary firearm, armor, and AOE heal at the top of your list of things to cert into).

    One last thing, the C-4 is AMAZING against ground vehicles. Get both pieces when convenient (But in a timely manner).
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  4. }{ellKnight

    Well, with nanoweave and nanoregen running you can take a few more hits before going down in a direct fire fight. It doesn't mitigate but it heals you even while taking damage.

    Anyway, get your medic tool at max level asap, you can manage with the default guns just fine for now so focus on the medic tool, then on the regen aura, maybe hold on the last level till you feel like getting it and try picking up a new weapon (go to the VR training area and try them out, see which ones you like most, try different attachments and if in doubt ask here).

    And yes C4 is extremely useful to have :)
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  5. Kociboss

    Are you a TR medic? Here is what I would do:

    Nanoweave lvl 1 (only 1 cert and gives you a lot of benefit. Higher stages are not so hot without going into too much math).

    Default medic weapons are very good. Think about switching later.

    Get your AoE heal up asap. It will help you survive through encounters. The field will heal you so pop it when you exchange fire with enemy soldier.

    Medic tool is very important. Level 5 is minimum. Get is asap.

    Don't bother with the medic grenades. Really. At least for now.

    Don't put ANY points in triage. They need to improve it to make it worth any points.

    Consider forward grip for your T1 cycler.

    After you're set with all the above, you can start working on your C-4 (it's expensive though and you might not want it if you don't play medic primarly) and/or Flak Armor (instead of nanoweave).
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  6. asdfPanda

    Get up your medic tool and nano regen. That's the priority, but when your finished with those, you have many more options. C4 is useful to have for MAX attacks, or you could use 250 certs and get the close quarters high rpm assault rifle for your empire, which would be the cycler TRV in your case. Or you could stick with the Blackjack if you wanted. Revive grenades are useful for zerging or facilitating pushes, but I haven't really seen a use for the healing grenades. Get flak armor or nanoweave, choice is up to you. Personally I use flak because of explosive spam, but nanoweave is good too.
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  7. SnatchMaster

    Get Nano weave. You don't need any other armor type as a medic, and with your nanite healing aura thingie, most people won't be able to kill you straight up if you're careful. Flak armor, advanced shield capacitors (utterly useless for a medic btw), all fall short when it comes to general survivability. If you can't plan entirely for one specific type of damage, such as explosive, or anti infantry rounds, then you should consider general protection against everything to be of the greatest value.

    Your healing items come first, before any weapons. The stock weapons should be fine for now, so work on your Nanoweave armor, getting that to at least level 3, and then maxing out your medic tool, and then your nanite restoration aura. Always make sure that healing is your priority. If you can get the kill, go for it, but your primary job is not that of a rifleman. I didn't get decent with a rifle until I had maxed out all of my healing items and my armor.

    You should aim for Nanoweave 4 at least (5 being preferable, but 1k certs will be annoying for some people)
    Max medic tool
    Max Nanite healing aura (I forget the name smd, who cares right?)
    Revive nades

    Healing nades are redundant with your healing aura, and medical kits for the same reason. With a maxed out aura, you'll be able to keep yourself at full health pretty much all the time, so there is no reason to worry about healing any other way. Don't toss your healing nades on single out of the way targets unless you really need to. Also, I don't believe they work on maxes. Not entirely sure, but your medic tool does.

    Once you're set up to this point, then you're going to want to invest in weapons. For long range fights, you're going to want something with a bit of accuracy so you can deal some small damage from a distance. Personally, I'm not a fan of my faction's Gauss rifle, as it has a little too much kick for my tastes, so I stick with an NS11A (despite many people not liking it, you can see by the amount of kills I have with it, that it can be effective). For close ranged fights, you want to grab the factions highest rpm assault rifle. For the TR it would be the Cycler TRV I believe.

    All advice given here is valid, so follow what these guys have said, and you should be fine.
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  8. HarvestCheddar

    Hmm, thanks guys! Really appreciate the help!

    I have a question about Nanoweave, though. I have been told that level 1 Nano will stop one extra bullet from killing you. The other levels are useless, up until the max, where that stops another single bullet. So is it really worth certing up to level three?

    I do have a LA with C4, so I think I'll pass on that (just because of the 200 cert cost).

    I've also read that the TRV was nerfed into the ground recently. It's just 250 certs, and it looks like a lot of fun, but is it still worth it? I do have my TR Auto Shotgun (Blackjack).

    Thanks again!


    EDIT: Not planning on upgrading weapons right away, I'm pretty impressed with the T1 as is. Just for general knowledge. I've got a good number of certs into the healing tool and AOE already.
  9. CrimsonDaemon

    I still use the TRV on the regular. Its still a decent gun, despite all the nerfs and will still shred a heavy with overshield at point blank without much fuss. The TAR is looking to be the better of the two now, so if you are looking for a close quarters rifle, its hard to beat without going for an SMG or throwing a laser on the TRV. Hipfire and mobile ADS accuracy is what you'd be looking for and the TAR does that really well.

    But to answer your question, I would definitely go for it since it is only 250 certs. You'll have to put a little into it to get it where it needs to be, but its still a dependable rifle. I would also recommend looking at the T1B and the SABR, with low vertical and horizontal recoil and high cyclic rate when you mash the mouse, they really put in work even in close quarters.
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  10. phreec

    Regarding NW armor you should go for at least rank 3 since it allows you to survive long range bolt-action sniper headshots. Very handy as a medic since you can just heal yourself up again in cover.
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  11. }{ellKnight

    Slap forward grip on the TRV and use it mid range, it's pretty ridiculous.

    Grab your shotgun for close range.

    Also, from personal experience, I find revive grenades extremely useful but then again I play with my outfit 95% of the time.

    PS: the Blackjack is not the automatic shotgun, the Nighthawk is.
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  12. GoldenDeath

    I made a basic guide about this before, but basically:
    revive grenades, med range weapon, max med gun and AOE heal, nanoweave armor, don't revive players who are clearly going to die when they pop up, though if they accept its kinda their own fault.
    As far as Nanoweave not being effective I think that is partially true for engineers not medics. Nanoweave gives you more HP to AOE heal when in a fight and it allows more damage from inaccurate shotguns.
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  13. HarvestCheddar

    Hmmm thanks fellas, you've all really helped!

    And yeah, meant the Nighthawk :p
  14. AClockworkGrapefruit

    As has already been said, level 5 medtool is the best purchase in the game. 100/10 would cert again.
    Max medtool, then flak and aura. Flak armor is SO helpful when tank shells/grenades/rockets/etc. kill everyone around you, just so you can revive them.
    I haven't unlocked C4 yet, but there is no real use for any other tool, you already heal yourself.
    Triage is garbage, one point may be worth it if you have every other cert in the game purchased.
    I don't know about TR weapons, but I use the NS-11A w/3.4 sight, compensator, and forward grip for long-mid range, and the 1st gen SMG w/ extended mags and IRNV sight for base fights.
    Have fun healing.
  15. Oathblivion

    Max your med tool ASAP. I know it's a lot of certs. I also don't care. It will pay for itself really quickly. No self-respecting space necromancer should be without one second rezzes.

    Nano regen is also great to max quickly. I didn't max it until I had flak armor 4 and both C4, and I regret it. Get it to the next-to-last level quickly though.

    I prefer flak to nanoweave for one reason: if someone gets a really good grenade toss and everyone dies, odds are you'll still be alive. Then you can pop your aura and get to rezzing enough people to hold off the enemy advance. It is absolutely amazing in biolabs (NC perspective; we don't have to play against scatmaxes).

    Also, it enables you to play a fun minigame that is flak armor medic exclusive. It's called "how many rockets will it take this ESF to kill me?". You play by dodging and with your aura on, and then sending the guy who killed you a tell asking how many rockets it took. If it's greater than your previous best, you win!

    C4 is absolutely amazing, but despite that, it's just not as important as those three things above it. If you play medic a lot, then definitely pick up both bricks. CFTW! :D

    Stay away from triage. The grenades are iffy. I personally don't like them, as rez nades only heal 50% and the heal nades seem redundant, but I've saw other medics with them and they were awesome. I stood in a healing nade field with my aura on and felt like Rambo. You can get really tanky, really quickly by stacking that much regen.
  16. Paulus

    My advice as someone who plays Medic almost exclusively when on foot i can say the posts that say to get your Med AP to 5 ASAP are right on the money. I have mine maxed out at 6, and although its expensive the reduction in risk you yourself and your patient are very much worth it. Personaly i went for Nanoweave over Flak, but there are cases to be made for both. I highly recommend too the use of Rez grenades, they've been most useful on many occasions. Most noteably when i'm pinned down in a fire fight and there are team mates on the other side of an area who need rezzing, the grenade gets there and does my job while i stay out of the line of fire. The AOE heal is also a very useful thing to cert into quickly.

    C4 has its uses, but it is a long and distant second to the main tools of the trade. As TR, i can say i comfortably got 1400 kills with the T1 with nothing more than a 3.4x scope added to it. I guess the final thing i can say, is try not to be the 1st through the door, you're not much use if you're dead. Let the HA's breach an unknown area, and be ready to flick between your gun and Med AP frequently.
  17. Valena

    Revive Grenades are great. They're expensive as hell, but when 20 people die in a tight space such as around a control point, you can pop one out and revive them all. There's no feeling in the game quite as satisfying as seeing a handful of your allies rise up at once.

    On my medic I use the grenade bandolier in combination with revive grenades. It's an expensive investment, totaling over 1,000 certs for the grenades and rank 2 bandolier, but being able to toss those out like candy is extremely beneficial to you and your team. As I've said before, you can revive tons of people at once as long as they're within the grenades considerable detonation radius, but it's good for you because you don't have to risk your neck to save your team mates.
    I know that probably sounds selfish, but the truth is that a dead medic is a useless medic. If you manage to revive one or two of the ten guys who got killed by C4, but you go down before you can heal them up, you haven't really accomplished anything. All you've done is given the other faction a few more certs.

    Heal grenades are my second choice. They're not as expensive as revive grenades (200 certs vs 500) and they're a little redundant, but if you run up to a group of your guys on the front lines, plop a heal grenade down and turn your aura on, you and your allies in range of you become really hard to kill for the duration of your AoEs.
  18. Torch82

    One piece of advice I'd offer is when reviving or healing, do the medic dance. Move back and forth, side to side, and jump around too if you want.I once spent an hour running around the edge of The Crown healing and reviving people and didn't die once because I never stopped moving. I watched all the other medics stop to revive someone and get sniped. I also do the medic dance in close quarters combat. Sometimes it makes the difference between death and getting to my rifle.
  19. GSZenith

    nano r3, gun r4? (100cert rank) aoe heal r4? (50cert rank)
    then start working on final rank of gun/aoe + nano r4.

    oh and don't bother rezing ppl when there are 50 other medics trying to rez him.
  20. AClockworkGrapefruit

    This so much. Infiltrators will eat you for breakfast if you stand still, but WASD spam can let you get a revive even under heavy fire, just make sure the guy you're rezzing makes it out.

    Don't be afraid to use your F. Even if there are no enemies shooting, sometimes activating it after a fight or near a big group can give you some easy XP.
    Also if you don't have your heal gun maxed and there's a group of people in need of a rezzing, you can rez them and move to the next guy, just activate your F to heal them up. (Only do this is the area is relatively safe and you have at least a 4-5 level tool.)
    Use your AOE to heal a guy who is lightly damaged while still firing at your enemies.
    Sometimes activating your AOE can heal that one extra bullet you need to survive a 1 on 1.