So yesterday I used the recon darts on Test Server...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by OldMaster80, May 12, 2013.

  1. OldMaster80

    I didn't work all the time I've tried, and I'm not sure spotted targets have been killed.
    I received the XP almost immediately after the dart stuck to the wall.

    Maybe it's still not working properly, and maybe it has to be tuned, but this is a very good step in the right direction to make this class more balanced.
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  2. Scan

    This is good news.

    Getting some sort of bonus for helping to spot enemies is long overdue.

    Wether this is balance or easy way of grinding certs: as a combat medic you get atleast 100XP for picking up a teammate.

    In big battles, you can revive one teammate after the next, easily racking up 1000 XP within a minute. (10 revives in 60 seconds is not that hard to achieve)

    It might very well be possible that we get the spot bonus, only when the target gets shot. (like it is now)
    In that case it will mean that to keep up with the combat medic, we'll need to spot 100 people in 60 seconds, and they need to get shot as well.
    I wouldn't rely on this too much, and keep shooting people if you can, taking that small bit of extra XP as a bonus. ;)
  3. Astraka

    This is the way I look at it. I spam my darts around as much as I am able simply because I hate being ambushed, getting a small amount of experience for doing it is just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned.

    One issue I am worried about is the annoying 'exp gained' noise that you hear every time you gain some form of experience like repairing or hacking. I'd hate for that sound to be forever present.
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  4. The King

    Obviously, you're not going to get 29XP per second like some dude indicated in this thread.
    And 29XP isn't a lot.

    And as Hoki asked, have you tried repairing?
    Also, you can drop an ammo pack along side doing that. That's a lot of continous XP. 29 XP is a low amount..
  5. Ztiller

    Repairing, as stated, is something you actively do. Recon dart is fire and forget. It takes no effort whatsoever.

    Also, ammo packs does have a xp-cap. Try dropping an ammo pack. eventually, even if it's still there and giving out ammo, you will stop earning xp. My guess is that the cap is around 100-200.
  6. Aimeryan

    And you know the specifics of how the recon dart exp works? How do you know there isn't a likewise cap?
  7. Hoki

    Repairing is a synchronous activity that requires no effort.

    Recon darts, deployed sunderers, and ammo packs are asynchronous activities that require no effort. Well, recon darts you have to aim and have a good idea of where people are.

    Zero XP or 100 xp I don't think it fkn matters either way. I didn't mind when damaging aircraft didn't reward XP. The only thing I'm worried about is the neverending "BLING YOU GOT XP!!1" sound.
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  8. JohnProut

    I'd trade any amount of xp earned for the darts working 100% of the time.

    I'm tired of getting new stuff before getting things fixed.
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  9. metrotw

    I don't like this change at all. The last thing I want are noob infils firing darts all over the place and flushing me out where they might not have before simply because there is no bonus for using the tool.

    Horrible change.
  10. Mindfire

    I love the constant XP 'pings' - when it gets to slow you know it's time to move on, it's music to me.
    The more inf's using darts the better for the team.
    I am pretty sure implants (silent footsteps) will solve the incoming forum loud noises.
    When playing a CQC inf (after hacking) I am just a squishy recon dart machine - it's nice to get some reward for using inf instead of swapping to heavy for more defense ( = more xp).
  11. Ronin Oni

    That's the amount of XP for a spot....

    so if recon dart spots = spot XP then that sounds right.

    Still, this is test server... they could, and quite likely will, adjust the XP reward value down a bit.

    BTW: I believe the base is 20xp for a spot. I think recon dart spots will likely be reduced to 5-10xp per base
  12. Cirevam

    I've never really noticed the cap for ammo packs. Do you know if the cap resets after earning XP some other way (repairing, killing) or is it over time? It seems like I can get nearly constant resupply XP in biolabs for two or three minutes at a time...

    I also welcome this change for infiltrators. Anything that improves the utility of a class without stepping on anyone's toes is a good thing in my opinion.
  13. iller

    I'd much prefer for the XP to be rewarded all at once when the dart Expires instead of this constant distraction of +1(+10%)XP screen spam all the time. I find that distracting enough as it is when I get vengeance Headshots on "Menace" targets and Betty kills at the same time. ...yeah yeah great, VALIDATION IN TEXT FORM. But seriously, I'm still trying to deal with the rest of the guys rushing our point and I'd like a clear screen so I can focus on that, thanks...
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  14. Highway_Star

    I've been firing darts since the very beginning. They're so useful. I appreciate the xp reward but infiltrators should really be firing then anyway regardless of whether they make XP or not. It's a team game people!
  15. Aimeryan

    A fair while ago (I don't play anymore, well, I tried out some stuff in the VR today - but that don't count!), me and two friends were "testing" ammo pack exp at an empty base. We basically threw an ammo pack down and each moved to someone else's ammo pack before firing off bullets like a mad man. The exp we were getting was pretty ridiculous - especially for essentially doing nothing but hold down a button.

    Anyway, to answer your question; at some point the exp stopped. It did take a while though. We didn't test out when or how to it started back up, but suffice to say it definitely felt exploitable. It was also fairly boring, but then again, if we had targets to shoot at... I am sure it occurs naturally as part of normal gameplay, especially as defenders; but it is essentially free exp for doing nothing more than dropping an ammo pack. Seems pointless to complain about a similar possibility with the sensor dart if you are not going to also complain about the ammo pack.

    Keep in mind though, this was a few updates ago. Things may have changed since.
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