Known players on your server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xGreedFuSioN, May 13, 2013.

  1. Zakuak

    Interesting to read over the bits and pieces in here.

    I die equally to all who aim to kill me, it happens a lot so I do not normally have the chance to take names lol.
  2. Zv1deX

    I'd say from a outsider perspective that 82in is a little deeper than VX9 (I realized you're obviously biased), but yeah I agree he's one of the most difficult to play against. When me and friends 'q' him on the field, we definitely make it a point to try to take him down. Yeah, you three are definitely what makes VX9 fun to play. -- also, he is absolutely ridiculous at shooting ESF's out of the sky with tanks, mention that to him.

    When NFD (Glorin, Glasroy, Handiman, Eromeister, etc) ran around they we're pretty dirty. They used to lock down biolabs until the NC hacksaws became what they are.

    I wish VS on this server would form a similar collective. Our talent is kinda spread over the major outfits, with some having no high skills players. I enjoy my outfit cause I think we got some guys that can play, and they are fun to play with. TED's best could hang with any squad, but we're just more inactive then most. Black Plague definitely has some talent, but a lot of their numbers are through vehicles, unlike the players I'm mentioning.

    People on Helios say names like "Terrex" and "FearMyPewPewPew" and I think about how I've never seen them. They just fly around and pick things off, retreat, heal, and repeat.
  3. Cougarbrit

    I'll keep it to enemies as I don't have a Cobalt alt and haven't felt what its like to fight TR on Cobalt, and there's a few forumsiders that I recognise ingame but I'm not in the same battles as them generally (eg Duvenel, Pikachu, Kheebab)

    Anyways, most of the enemies I remember are VS, some of the names might be wrong as I don't fancy looking them up throguh players as there's a few of them.

    Xand - Probably the first name I started to recognise, first for always killing me with his mag, and nowadays for always killing me with either a cloaked smg or a shotgun LA. Both are playstyles I don't have all that much respect for (killing nigh-instantly in CQC, so no opportunity for a proper fight), but they're styles that get the job done I suppose, and he's friendly enough.

    SOLAR15 - Another VS, similar style to Xand, favouring shotguns, again, not the biggest fan of the style, but he's friendly enough also, and he's on the forums too.

    choon2 - A good scythe/lib pilot, I think he's in the same outfit as MattiAce's VS, FOOL, which generally seems to be good fighters.

    c0w - A good scythe/lib pilot as well, don't see him much anymore, I think he usually stays away from the big fights on the VS part of Indar that happen nowadays, which is exactly where I am usually.

    I'll rattle off the other VS that I remember as they don't quite stand out as much as the rest, Orangexxx, RealRayMears, SCHEF (all in the same category as Xand and SOLAR15 in terms of playstyle, which is pretty damn common generally with Cobalt VS, more shotguns than the NC have) and N3croo, a good scythe pilot.

    As for NC, uh, I'll give a shoutout to Rakkun as I know who is but I couldn't really list him with the forumsiders, but apart from that there's just one NC I remember well.

    DiscoStoff - A good Reaver pilot, who enjoys rocketpodding infantry. I remember him because he'd do farming runs on Ti Alloys back when I was a wee new pubbie and air was king.

    There's other NC that seem good but I don't remember their names.
  4. Fned

    There's some guy named Gold-something who flies a lumifiber Reaver on Connery who I'll probably try and avoid for the time being...
  5. Kroova

    TR: Roland0077, Kasatscho, IAmCommanderSheperd, BuzzCutPsyco, Fejj

    NC: IronFistLMS, RichmanTK

    VS: Banu
  6. Skippytjc

    Kroova is legendary on the Waterson server. Sways entire battles with his mere presence...
  7. Teegeeack

  8. Kroova

    But I play on Mattherson....

    Kwon, there I said your name. Go home and die happy!
  9. Skippytjc

    Teegeeak is a model soldier, top tier
  10. Skippytjc

    VSderp, OMG legendary. Ive never seen such carnage
    • Up x 1
  11. Jrv

    Lol, believe me, we hear plenty of it from him. He's basically our AA when we roll tanks, and he boasts about it every time he does it.:D Also, I'd agree that from a talent perspective, 82IN has a few more "elite" players than we do, but our squadwork is unmatched. I don't think there is a squad on Helios that is as cohesive in combat as us.

    on helios it would have to be Zibbywang. whenever you see him (if you even get that luxury) you know you are about to die in one of the cheapest OHK manners available, be it lib spam, rocket pods, UBGL, etc. he abused magriders relentlessly from launch until the nerf. he was the worst pest of genudine, period.
  13. Jrv

    I can relate to this. Every time that guy showed up, we'd make it a mission to remove him from the area as quickly as possible. It usually involved massive burster spam, and even then he'd usually get away. That being said, he's an average infantry player and we enjoyed trash-talking him relentlessly whenever he was stupid enough to put his boots on the ground.
  14. Joseywales

    I play with project the guys a beast.

    this. when he is flying his lib he is pretty much invincible. he has perfected every escape method or retreat pattern. 3 burster maxes can't even get close, maybe 50% of his health at best. if his gunner hasn't zephyr spammed you into oblivion, that it.
  16. Malebranche

    If somebody mentions me its probably along the lines of, "hey remember that loser? Whatsisname who always gets blindsided? Yeah, he is such an easy kill. What a noob." :(
  17. Assist

    Interesting read.
    There's a few from each faction I'll give credit to as people that are fun to fight against.
    NC: Sulphur, Revanmug
    TR: Hans, SashaGrey

    Best two players on the server, IMO, are Sulphur and Revanmug, both on NC. I enjoy fighting against them to most, just because I learn the most from them.
    TR there's a few that I think are solid players. I enjoy fighting against NUC, though it seems they're the only organized outfit at most fights. CDL as well, they play organized just not quite as much as NUC. They both seem to understand there's more to an outfit than "Go to this base". Players though, I give credit to Sinist and XRadiiX for entertainment value. Definitely enjoyed the consistent hackusations from them while ranking up.

    Unfortunately I don't know too many of the new players, just haven't had nearly as much playtime since mid-January. 1-85 in just over a month, took me nearly 5 months to get the last 15 ranks :D But there's definitely a few solid players who came over with Jaeger. All in all, I think individually on Waterson the server really lacks talented players. The level of organization is above the other servers(IMO) from faction to faction, but other than that Waterson is just full of giant zergs who with very little squad/outfit discipline.
  18. Teegeeack

    There's no-one on Miller I can think of, but I've heard rumours in-game of an individual on Waterson. They huddle in corners of empty bases late at night when the fire is burning low and speak his name in hushed tones. They call him "Kwon". A meeting with him is a meeting with certain death, they say. His ability is godlike, they say. I'm sure it's just a story to scare children... but still, I know I won't be going to Waterson any time soon.
  19. Skippytjc

    I was in this fight once, we were rolling both factions, and then Ninjaturtle and Melebranche shows up and changed the tide. Legendary warriors.
  20. ValorousBob

    BewareOfTheLeopard or Justicia.