Waterson VS just lost Indar.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, May 13, 2013.

  1. PhilDun

    Well, that didn't take long. But who didn't see this coming a mile away? As a non-TR on Waterson, any progress made capping continents will be lost on Monday morning, when the TR massively outnumbers the other two factions.

    Time: 7:45am on 5/13 (Monday morning)
    World Population:
    - VS = 16%
    - TR = 62%
    - NC = 21%
    Indar Population:
    -VS = 17%
    -TR = 61%
    -NC = 21%

    GG, numbers.
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  2. Texicon

    Well, the good news is that its about time for school...so TR population will drop to about 10% soon.
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  3. PhilDun

    The Euro-kids/Total-Biscuit-followers just got home from school
  4. Xasapis

    That server status looks really bad.

    Indar cap is just a morale boost, in the larger scheme of things it doesn't mean that much beyond that. Is your VS percentage at 17% during prime time though?
  5. PieBringer

    Honestly, this whole deal over who owns/loses/wins Indar is... Sickening. Stop trying to boost your ****** and just PLAY THE DAMN GAME!
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  6. Daibar

    no, we got around 24-27% during prime time for the VS side on waterson.
    NC and TR split the numbers remaining fairly even between them.
  7. Zazen

    Yea, Jaeger got totally screwed up when they merged it with Waterson. Waterson is the only US server with a VERY LARGE European demographic due to TotalBiscuit-itis. I really wish they would have merged it with a server with higher VS pop instead like Helios or something and merged Waterson with the Euro server.

    So, as it sits now, while we sleep and work, TR just roll all three continents un-opposed. Must be boring as hell for them.
  8. PhilDun

    Aren't there European continents? I get that TB played here, but wouldn't they have a better experience IF THEY GOT OFF OUR LAND?
  9. chrisbeebops

    I blame PhilDun for losing Indar. This traitorous cur and many like him have betrayed the sovereignty and are no longer welcomed as honored members!
  10. Naota

    It rises to around 22-26% during prime time. We're always at least 10% lower than the other two factions unless something major is going down (Friday night on patch day while closing in on a continent cap or something). This alone isn't too bad since we have the numbers to fill or near-fill a continent and the other factions have to distribute their excess to different continents. At the very least we can hold a single continent if enough Vanu ignore alerts in other places.

    Non-prime time is a different story. Nobody's population is hitting any sort of cap and we can't even hold a single continent with our numbers (plus TR balloons to four times our size). Because of this they are the only faction able to hold territory overnight on a weekday - anything they want, they can take. Even if NC and VS merged into a single faction the TR Euro's still have 60+% of the server population to their combined 40%.
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  11. PhilDun

    I'm playing NC now and having a blast (haven't played my high-level VS in over a week). But right now, we're just as outnumbered as you!
  12. CaptainYamerica

    Pretty much this. TR can't help it. Honestly. I know quite a few people who are just TR loyalists and have been. So it's not like you can blame a numbers game on them intentionally. It just happened. And even when the NC do have numbers, most of them are dinks, circle-jerkers or CoD kiddies with no idea of what they are doing. At least the VS can be proud of their organization. NC on this server don't have half as good of an organization, and when they (we) try the zerg tactics, it just fails because no one can think to guard places from back cappers, or something similar.

    What you can do is blame SOE for not having a better system in place to keep numbers in check. The biggest issue afaiac is the fourth faction. We should NOT be allowed to roll toons of each faction on the same server. Just my 2 certs.
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  13. Czuuk

    Gives us something to do in the afternoon.
  14. Boomotang

    NC had 40% world pop and continent pop on Esamir to TR's 30% continent pop during an alert yesterday afternoon, on a weekend. But you don't see me posting ridiculously stupid threads about it. Quit your whining. It's Pathetic.
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  15. PhilDun

    It's not whining. The game is legitimately not fun in its current state. I'm letting SoE know that they need to fix it. How would SOE know what bugs current players unless the current players tell them?

    Also, the factset you posted is in a different league from the current thread. TR had 65% WORLD POPULATION. You mentioned 40% v. 30%. Come on. Do really not see the difference? According to another poster, Vanu was warpgated on every single continent. It's simply not fun.
  16. chrisbeebops

    That's nice. VS has worse odds than that every day, including during primetime. And yet the TR complain about pop imbalance every time the NC outpop them by 1%.
  17. Boomotang

    I'm not complaining. The OP is.
  18. Naota

    So in other words, you were at a 33% manpower disadvantage distributed over three continents. I weep for you.

    Try having a 300% manpower disadvantage like us and then dismiss it as meaningless with cries of "stop whining".
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  19. PhilDun

    Yes, I am complaining. Is the complaint not legitimate?

    And you are complaining as well. Only your complaints are completely unproductive, since they're targetted at my complaints. In other words, you're whining / ******** / moaning.
  20. Boomotang

    1. It is whining.
    2. The timeframe I'm referring to isn't primetime, but it's a lot closer then your timeframe. Monday morning.... You can't seriously expect it to be balanced when most people who play on that server are busy not being bums! Developers can't force gamers to play specific factions without greater backlash than what you're selfishly asking for.

    You ask for the impossible.