The jump-pad Fetish in base design, now with more jump pads...

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by UberBonisseur, May 11, 2013.

  1. tigerchips

    I never run out of resources. Anyway, there's nothing to stop me using tank mines and C4 combined to blow up a sunderer with mine guard.
  2. UberBonisseur

    It's just not reliable.

    And in the end, it confirms my argument:
    Jump pads restrict the battle to only a tiny zone, instead of a battlefield
  3. Giggily

    Damn... chokepoints... in a video game...
  4. Blackmar

    It's UberBoner, of course he's overreacting...
  5. VSMars

    A good half (if not more) of the jump pads would be made unnecessary if the bases would incorporate this modern new invention called "LADDER" into their design. As opposed to the antigrav lift thingys, LADDERs allow both up and down movement over the same structure! They even allow you to stop or reverse your climbing at any point! And best of all, they take nearly no space and can be put along on nearly any vertical or close to vertical wall.
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  6. Kon

    i like jumppads more than i like teleporters, in biolabs i wish they would just remove all the teleporters from outposts to inside the biolab and just have jumpads up to the dome
  7. UberBonisseur

    Not chokepoints;

    Outdoor teleporters, roughly.
    Without protection on both ends.

    But bypassing walls makes bases more defensible I presume ?

    Glad to see you're contributing
  8. xen3000

    If jump-pads were removed from bases, especially some of the ones you mentioned, the bases would not function and would need drastic changes. I have a hard time believing SOE has the time/resources to do the Indar revamp everyone wants to see, let alone fix the all three continents. Beyond remaking the bases themselves, are there any easy solutions to this issue?

    Jump pads really don't fit the flow of the game, they are too arcadey for my taste. They do provide flow to most of the bases they are used in. I can't think of a simple solution to replace them.
  9. SkepticJerry

    I agree. Jump pads were lazy base design. Whoever designed ALL of these facilities didn't have any tactical sense at all. Even silly crap like spawning a tank and hitting a tree as it launches you out of the vehicle gen....
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  10. UberBonisseur

    Elevators are fine to me.
    You actually have to take ground to reach them.
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  11. Ronin Oni

    Aren't the majority of jump pads limited to defender use only?

    With the notable exception of the BioLab air pad jump pads of course.... which are requisite to even HAVE a biolab fight.
  12. SkepticJerry

    No they are not. Only on some of the major facilities. Many of the other facilities still allow use by anyone. Why would a defender even turn on a damn jump pad that allows an attacker to just jump into the facility. Again, no one with a lick of tactical sense designed any of these bases.
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  13. Kon

    jump pads would be better as it has travel time and allows you to alter your course slightly so you can not land right where everyone is camping them
  14. UberBonisseur

    You can deviate from grav lifts too.
    Most importantly, the defenders are stuck in a crossed fire in my design, whick makes camping the pad more dfficult.

    It's all about picking the lesser evil anyway.
    Biolabs were designed for Galaxy AMS in the first place
  15. Foehunter

    I agree. Jump pads are overused as it is. They need to be done away with, and bases need to be modified, or have complete redesigns. Biolabs (all of them) need to have walls around the primary facility. The "legs" of the Biolabs need to be hollowed out, and have stairwells to them.

    Frankly, this all goes back to the original point. Bases need modifications or redesigns. Bases don't need to be so wide open that an entire tank column can stack up on the point. The objectives in a base should be in a relatively secured location that requires infantry to capture/destroy/hack/etc. If you can stack tanks on an objective to do the job, the base redesign is a failure. Tunnels should get you from the satellite bases to the primary bases, not jump pads. For that matter, I'm not too keen on the teleporter thing, or the rearranged jump pads for the tunnels, either.
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  16. Foehunter

    Jump pads should not allow attackers to circumvent the defenses. Is the hill too hard to climb? The facility was built on that hill because it was defensible. Adding a jump pad erases the natural defensibility of a facility. This is part of the base redesign argument. bases need to be easier for the defender to defend.
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  17. ScrapyardBob

    The other question is "why can't attackers deny defenders the use of the jump pads?".

    There need to be generators or something in each tower base that power those jump pads. They can be destroyed (at which point the outbound pad off of that tower no longer works for anyone until repaired).

    There should also be a way that if the attackers can destroy something inside the base (2-3 buildings in from the outside), they can then hack individual jump pads to work for their faction. So you would need to first infiltrate the facility, destroy the "lock" item, after which you could hack jump pads and turrets.
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  18. EvilNinjadude

    Adding complexity to jump pads? No more hop-on hop-off nonsense at any time of the day and for anyone who asks? Sign me up.

    Make Jump pads tied to either Outposts (for attackers to use once they own it) or dependent on IFF control panel status (destroyed by attacking forces, allows use of Jump pads)
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  19. Whiteagle

    Indeed, though I'm not so much against the jump-pads or gravity lifts as I am poor Base Designs...

    I mean, the new set on J908 Impact Site is just to complete the circuit to that building anyways, there was always a pad up there but never one to get back down.
    In fact, J908 is one of the few bases where Jump Pads are employed correctly; A large base that requires the massive amounts of vertical and horizontal mobility Jump Pads provide, but not in such a way that controlling one end will automatically win you a fight.
    Same goes for Point C at the new Crown as well as the pads at Vanu Archives and Scarred Mesa Skydock.

    Honestly the Satellite Bio Lab pads aren't much of a problem considering they funnel attackers into the same choke point as the lifts, and probably are more useful for RE-SECURING a Satellite then attacking from one.

    Really my only true qualm with Jump Pads were settled when they locked the ones between Wall Towers to a Base's controlling Faction.
    When compared to their immediate alternative, Teleporters, Neutral Jump Pads come across a far fairer option for covering long distances.
    It's only when their placement favors one side over the other that they become a nuisance.

    ...But back to the topic of Bases, every Major Facility needs redesigning, be it the untapped potential of a Bio Lab's Legs or the over all poor defensive layout of Amp Stations and Tech Plants.
  20. Takoita

    I can't upvote OP hard enough. This kind of BS should not have made it into the game proper. Period.