NS Crossbow

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Backf1re, May 10, 2013.

  1. Point

    It looks like it's magazine fed.
  2. Udnknome

    It's magazine fed, should be fine.

    I can see a purpose,

    I've been Sniping (firing and hitting targets 200+m) using shotgun slugs recently and I've noticed that I'm able to go over walls and just behind cover with a little practice with the bullet drop. If this preformed the same function only quietly, it could possibly be useful.
  3. Liquid23

    oh come on how awesome would it be to see a fellow soldier come running into a room you are in after taking fire with an arrow sticking out of his ***

    it would be even better if we could get arrows with explosives on them that you manually detonate later... this way you could stick one into an enemy then detonate it a few seconds later after he retreats back behind cover near his buddies :D
    • Up x 3
  4. Worph

    WHY did they need to hop on that bandwagon... *sigh*
    Despite the fact that the whole idea is more than flawed, I have to admit it actually looks kind of cool.
    • Up x 1
  5. Torok

    by the look it will probably be a semiautomatic crossbow, maybe with different types of ammunition, i like it!

    it's probably coming this month :O
  6. E-Fuze

    That sounds pretty cool, maybe it can be a certification for the crossbow, and there could be other like emp arrows, weak piercing arrows, etc.
  7. Grotpar

    If we're going to get crossbows, then they should be empire specific.
  8. phreec

    Such an original idea.
  9. Pengalor

    I think it could be a great addition and a possibility for the grappling hook infils have wanted for a while. However, not looking forward to all the incessant whining about it no matter how it turns out. Forums are seriously making me start to hate gamers of today.
  10. Bolticus

    This is going to end up just like pump-actions unless this thing has a great refire rate.
    Sucks as a weapon for the wielder, and annoying as hell OHKs for the victims.
  11. Satanam

    NS... Then now fu** what's your empire, why would we show some proud to it if we have NS, right? ¬¬'
  12. lilleAllan

    Are we just copying BF3?
  13. Liquid23

    yes because BF3 invented the crossbow and was the first videogame to ever have one
  14. JudgeDeath

    No ... Adding crossbows to a game with plasmaguns is just moronic ... how would those arrows penetrate our shields or armor ? Its even worse since most likely its going to be more powerful then a damn sniper rifle.

    There is a reason why bows and arrows aint used in warfare anymore.
  15. Pengalor

  16. Liquid23

    shotguns aren't used as a standard weapon by any military anymore (or ever really) and yet almost every soldier here still has one.. lol
  17. Rhiaci

    I demand my pointy stick in this Sci-Fi FPS! And a flintstone knife and a legbone cudgel while you are at it!
  18. JudgeDeath

  19. Ghosty11

    If it were a Vanu weapon you would probably have charge it up for 30 seconds or plug into a wall outlet to use it.:rolleyes:
  20. lilleAllan

    BF3 didn't invent the x bow. Pls correct your misinformation.