A decent carbine...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hatterluke, May 9, 2013.

  1. Hatterluke

    I play mostly LA and i would like to know which TR carbine is good
  2. RomulusX

    Trac5-S with UBGL and NV!
  3. LonelyTerran

    The Jag was nerfed badly recently so stick with the Trac-5 or Lynx.(Pathetic compared to NC/VS carbines)
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  4. Cougarbrit

    Trac 5 has always served me well. I'm thinking of trying out the Trac 5 Burst though, though half the reason is for ***** n giggles because y'know, it's a burst variant.
  5. Hatterluke

    Is the T5AMC any good?
  6. DashRendar

    Jaguar or Lynx. The Jag has a little more versatility at a slight DPS drop from the Lynx, which is more powerful but only in very close combat.
  7. MrIDoK

    It's a great choice for midrange, but it's mostly suited for engineers that usually have to stay a bit farther from the action than medics, HAs and LAs and thus need a weapon more controllable than the default.

    For the LA go either for the default TRAC with the laser sight or the Lynx. Don't get the Jag, it's a TRAC 5 with better hipfire and worse everything else, as it stands now.
  8. BadLlama

    The Trac 5 is really pretty great all on its own. All the factions starting carbines tend to be pretty awesome really.
  9. Cougarbrit

    That's the long range carbine option, so I don't think it'd be quite as good for the LA.
  10. llPendragon

    Before patch:
    Jaguar > everything else

    After patch:
    Jaguar = Lynx = Trac-5

    Now it depends more on how you're going to be using it.
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  11. FIN Faravid

    TRAC 5S with high velocity ammo and you can handle ANY situation. You also get nade/smoke/shotgun launcher for it! Also for CQ you can get soft point ammo for it
  12. Loegi

    TRAC-5 is already quite good, I would say the LC2 is a slight bit better so get that if you want the best of the best available, no idea why anybody would want the AMC or LC3, TRAC-5s if you want a grenade launcher.

    My opinions obviously.
  13. DoubleTake

    The AMC is pretty good at midrange and longer, it got a slight buff in the GU8 that made it more controllable. As for up close... I don't really know, I always use the Barrage (the shotgun with extra range) for LA.
  14. thrikerr

    Currently the T5 AMC and TRAC-5 Burst are the decent, semi-functional TR carbines.
  15. Cinnamon

    Current ones I use are Trac-5 burst which combines decent general purpose use of Trac-5 with higher accuracy, Lynx which is a bullet hose with good ads movement speed and NS-11C which has good mobility and ranged accuracy. For things like towers I use the barrage shotgun although uppercut would probably be better I guess. I dunno, I like how the barrage feels to use right now.
  16. vastaitku

    TRAC-5, Lynx, and Jaguar are all good choices for LA. TRAC-5 because you already got it, and Lynx and Jaguar because of good hipfire accuracy and strafing speed while aiming down sights. If you want to play Inspector Gadget, the S version of TRAC-5 is good too, I guess. I think you can instagib sunderers with a 2xC4 + underbarrel grenade launcher combo.
  17. Benton!

    You guys got the best carbines, any of them would be fine.
  18. Badname3073

    There are none. For carbines, roll NC
  19. Benton!

    Oh really? What carbines do we have? GD-F7 is bad, Guass Compact S is bad, AC-X11 is OK for long range...our best one is our stock one actually.
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  20. Badname3073

    WARNING! NC drones are patrolling this thread
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